Exemplo n.º 1
  public commandResult run(Player p, MConfiguration config, TunnelManager tm) {

    try {

      // Todo: implement Permissions!

      // /tunnel close <TARGET>
      if (this.hasArgs(2) && this.getArg(0).equalsIgnoreCase("close")
          || this.getArg(0).equalsIgnoreCase("cl")) {


        List<Tunnel> lt = tm.getTunnelsBySender(p);
        int n = 0;
        int closed = 0;

        for (Tunnel t : lt) {
          MLog.d("Checking target name: " + t.getTargetName() + " :: " + getArg(1));
          if (t.getTargetName().replace("(offline)", "").equalsIgnoreCase(getArg(1))) {
            MResult res;
            if ((res = t.close(p)) == MResult.RES_SUCCESS) n++;
            else if (res == MResult.RES_ALREADY) closed++;
            else MLog.d("Got result in closeCommand: " + String.valueOf(res));

        if (n == 0 && closed > 0) {
          return err(p, "You already closed the " + closed + " tunnel(s) with " + getArg(1));
        } else if (n == 0)
          return err(
              p, "There are " + lt.size() + " tunnel(s) you can't close (No Access or damaged)");

            "Returning: suc ("
                + String.valueOf(p)
                + ", 'Closed "
                + n
                + " tunnel(s) with "
                + getArg(1)
                + " successfully.'");
        return suc(p, "Closed " + n + " tunnel(s) with " + getArg(1) + " successfully.");

      } else return skip();

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      MLog.e("(ClearCmd) " + ex.getMessage());
      return err(p, "Failed to execute command.");