Exemplo n.º 1
   * Finds the differences among three <code>IRangeComparator</code>s. In contrast to <code>
   * findDifferences</code>, the result contains <code>RangeDifference</code> elements for
   * non-differing ranges too. If the ancestor range comparator is <code>null</code>, a two-way
   * comparison is performed.
   * @param pm if not <code>null</code> used to report progress
   * @param ancestor the ancestor range comparator or <code>null</code>
   * @param left the left range comparator
   * @param right the right range comparator
   * @return an array of range differences
   * @since 2.0
  public static RangeDifference[] findRanges(
      IProgressMonitor pm,
      LCSSettings settings,
      IRangeComparator ancestor,
      IRangeComparator left,
      IRangeComparator right) {

    if (ancestor == null) return findRanges(pm, settings, left, right);

    RangeDifference[] in = findDifferences(pm, settings, ancestor, left, right);
    List out = new ArrayList();

    RangeDifference rd;

    int mstart = 0;
    int ystart = 0;
    int astart = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) {
      RangeDifference es = in[i];

      rd =
          new RangeDifference(
              es.rightStart() - mstart,
              es.leftStart() - ystart,
              es.ancestorStart() - astart);
      if (rd.maxLength() > 0) out.add(rd);


      mstart = es.rightEnd();
      ystart = es.leftEnd();
      astart = es.ancestorEnd();
    rd =
        new RangeDifference(
            right.getRangeCount() - mstart,
            left.getRangeCount() - ystart,
            ancestor.getRangeCount() - astart);
    if (rd.maxLength() > 0) out.add(rd);

    return (RangeDifference[]) out.toArray(EMPTY_RESULT);
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Creates a <code>RangeDifference3</code> given the state of two
   * DifferenceIterators.
  private static RangeDifference createRangeDifference3(
      DifferencesIterator myIter,
      DifferencesIterator yourIter,
      List diff3,
      IRangeComparator right,
      IRangeComparator left,
      int changeRangeStart,
      int changeRangeEnd) {

    int rightStart, rightEnd;
    int leftStart, leftEnd;
    int kind = RangeDifference.ERROR;
    RangeDifference last = (RangeDifference) diff3.get(diff3.size() - 1);

    Assert.isTrue((myIter.getCount() != 0 || yourIter.getCount() != 0)); // At
    // least
    // one
    // range
    // array
    // must
    // be
    // non-empty
    // find corresponding lines to fChangeRangeStart/End in right and left
    if (myIter.getCount() == 0) { // only left changed
      rightStart = changeRangeStart - last.ancestorEnd() + last.rightEnd();
      rightEnd = changeRangeEnd - last.ancestorEnd() + last.rightEnd();
      kind = RangeDifference.LEFT;
    } else {
      RangeDifference f = (RangeDifference) myIter.fRange.get(0);
      RangeDifference l = (RangeDifference) myIter.fRange.get(myIter.fRange.size() - 1);
      rightStart = changeRangeStart - f.fLeftStart + f.fRightStart;
      rightEnd = changeRangeEnd - l.leftEnd() + l.rightEnd();

    if (yourIter.getCount() == 0) { // only right changed
      leftStart = changeRangeStart - last.ancestorEnd() + last.leftEnd();
      leftEnd = changeRangeEnd - last.ancestorEnd() + last.leftEnd();
      kind = RangeDifference.RIGHT;
    } else {
      RangeDifference f = (RangeDifference) yourIter.fRange.get(0);
      RangeDifference l = (RangeDifference) yourIter.fRange.get(yourIter.fRange.size() - 1);
      leftStart = changeRangeStart - f.fLeftStart + f.fRightStart;
      leftEnd = changeRangeEnd - l.leftEnd() + l.rightEnd();

    if (kind == RangeDifference.ERROR) { // overlapping change (conflict)
      // -> compare the changed ranges
      if (rangeSpansEqual(
          right, rightStart, rightEnd - rightStart, left, leftStart, leftEnd - leftStart))
        kind = RangeDifference.ANCESTOR;
      else kind = RangeDifference.CONFLICT;
    return new RangeDifference(
        rightEnd - rightStart,
        leftEnd - leftStart,
        changeRangeEnd - changeRangeStart);