Exemplo n.º 1
   * Execute query.
   * @param sql the sql
   * @param async the asynch
   * @param queryName the query name
   * @return the string
      value = "query execute",
      help = "Execute query <query-string>. " + ASYNC_DOC + " " + QUERY_NAME_DOC)
  public String executeQuery(
              key = {"", "query"},
              mandatory = true,
              help = "<query-string>")
          String sql,
              key = {"async"},
              mandatory = false,
              unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false",
              specifiedDefaultValue = "true",
              help = "<async>")
          boolean async,
              key = {"name"},
              mandatory = false,
              help = "<query-name>")
          String queryName) {

    PrettyPrintable cliOutput;

    try {
      if (async) {
        QueryHandle queryHandle = getClient().executeQueryAsynch(sql, queryName).getData();
        return queryHandle.getHandleIdString();
      } else {
        return formatResultSet(getClient().getResults(sql, queryName));
    } catch (final LensAPIException e) {

      BriefError briefError = new BriefError(e.getLensAPIErrorCode(), e.getLensAPIErrorMessage());
      cliOutput =
          new IdBriefErrorTemplate(
              IdBriefErrorTemplateKey.REQUEST_ID, e.getLensAPIRequestId(), briefError);

    } catch (final LensBriefErrorException e) {
      cliOutput = e.getIdBriefErrorTemplate();

    return cliOutput.toPrettyString();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Execute prepared query.
  * @param phandle the phandle
  * @param async the asynch
  * @param queryName the query name
  * @return the string
     value = "prepQuery execute",
     help =
         "Execute prepared query with handle <prepare_handle>."
             + " If <async> is supplied and is true, query is run in async manner and query handle is returned immediately."
             + " Optionally, <query-name> can be provided, though not required.")
 public String executePreparedQuery(
             key = {"", "prepare_handle"},
             mandatory = true,
             help = "Prepare handle to execute")
         String phandle,
             key = {"async"},
             mandatory = false,
             unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false",
             specifiedDefaultValue = "true",
             help = "<async>")
         boolean async,
             key = {"name"},
             mandatory = false,
             help = "<query-name>")
         String queryName) {
   if (async) {
     QueryHandle handle =
         getClient().executePrepared(QueryPrepareHandle.fromString(phandle), queryName);
     return handle.getHandleId().toString();
   } else {
     try {
       LensClient.LensClientResultSetWithStats result =
           getClient().getResultsFromPrepared(QueryPrepareHandle.fromString(phandle), queryName);
       return formatResultSet(result);
     } catch (Throwable t) {
       return t.getMessage();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Gets the status.
  * @param qh the qh
  * @return the status
     value = "query status",
     help =
         "Fetch status of executed query having query handle <query_handle>. "
 public String getStatus(
             key = {"", "query_handle"},
             mandatory = false,
             help = "<query_handle>")
         String qh) {
   qh = getOrDefaultQueryHandleString(qh);
   QueryHandle handle = QueryHandle.fromString(qh);
   QueryStatus status = getClient().getQueryStatus(handle);
   if (status == null) {
     return "Unable to find status for " + handle;
   return "Query Handle: " + qh + "\n" + status.toString();