Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returned Lexemes shouldn't be modified to avoid changing recognition of other words!
  * Not cloned due to performance and memory usage concerns.
 public ArrayList<Lexeme> getEndingLexemes(String celms) {
   return paradigm.getLexemesByStem().get(stemID - 1).get(celms);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void setLemmaEnding(int lemmaEndingNr) {
   if (lemmaEndingNr == id) lemmaEnding = this;
   // vajag, jo šai gadījumā pati pamatformas galotne vēl nav vārdgrupā, un vārdgrupa.galotnePēcNr
   // būs null.
   else lemmaEnding = paradigm.endingByNr(lemmaEndingNr);