Exemplo n.º 1
  * Convenience method to create new sheet set named {@link #EXPERT}.
  * @return a new expert properties sheet set
 public static Sheet.Set createExpertSet() {
   Sheet.Set ps = new Sheet.Set();
   return ps;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public JsFunction mapFunction(Node fnNode) throws JsParserException {
    int nodeType = fnNode.getType();
    assert nodeType == TokenStream.FUNCTION
        : "Expected function node, got: " + TokenStream.tokenToName(nodeType);
    Node fromFnNameNode = fnNode.getFirstChild();
    Node fromParamNode = fnNode.getFirstChild().getNext().getFirstChild();
    Node fromBodyNode = fnNode.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext();
    JsFunction toFn = scopeContext.enterFunction();

    // Decide the function's name, if any.
    String fnNameIdent = fromFnNameNode.getString();
    if (fnNameIdent != null && fnNameIdent.length() > 0) {

    while (fromParamNode != null) {
      String fromParamName = fromParamNode.getString();
      JsName name = scopeContext.localNameFor(fromParamName);
      toFn.getParameters().add(new JsParameter(name));
      fromParamNode = fromParamNode.getNext();

    // Map the function's body.
    JsBlock toBody = mapBlock(fromBodyNode);

    return toFn;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Convenience method to create new sheet set named {@link #PROPERTIES}.
  * @return a new properties sheet set
 public static Sheet.Set createPropertiesSet() {
   Sheet.Set ps = new Sheet.Set();
   return ps;
Exemplo n.º 4
  private JsNode mapRegExp(Node regExpNode) {
    JsRegExp toRegExp = new JsRegExp();

    Node fromPattern = regExpNode.getFirstChild();

    Node fromFlags = fromPattern.getNext();
    if (fromFlags != null) {

    return toRegExp;
Exemplo n.º 5
  private JsTry mapTryStatement(Node tryNode) throws JsParserException {
    JsTry toTry = new JsTry();

    // Map the "try" body.
    Node fromTryBody = tryNode.getFirstChild();

    // Map zero or more catch blocks.
    Node fromCatchNodes = fromTryBody.getNext();
    Node fromCatchNode = fromCatchNodes.getFirstChild();
    while (fromCatchNode != null) {
      assert (fromCatchNode.getType() == TokenStream.CATCH);
      // Map the catch variable.
      Node fromCatchVarName = fromCatchNode.getFirstChild();
      JsCatch catchBlock = scopeContext.enterCatch(fromCatchVarName.getString());

      // Pre-advance to the next catch block, if any.
      // We do this here to decide whether or not this is the last one.
      fromCatchNode = fromCatchNode.getNext();

      // Map the condition, with a little fixup based on whether or not
      // this is the last catch block.
      Node fromCondition = fromCatchVarName.getNext();
      JsExpression toCondition = mapExpression(fromCondition);
      if (fromCatchNode == null) {
        if (toCondition instanceof JsBooleanLiteral) {
          if (((JsBooleanLiteral) toCondition).getValue()) {
            // Actually, this is an unconditional catch block.
            // Indicate that by nulling the condition.

      // Map the catch body.
      Node fromCatchBody = fromCondition.getNext();

      // Attach it.

    Node fromFinallyNode = fromCatchNodes.getNext();
    if (fromFinallyNode != null) {

    return toTry;
Exemplo n.º 6
  private JsNameRef getTargetLabel(@NotNull Node statementWithLabel) {
    int type = statementWithLabel.getType();
    if (type != TokenStream.BREAK && type != TokenStream.CONTINUE) {
      String tokenTypeName = TokenStream.tokenToName(statementWithLabel.getType());
      throw new AssertionError("Unexpected node type with label: " + tokenTypeName);

    Node label = statementWithLabel.getFirstChild();
    if (label == null) return null;

    String identifier = label.getString();
    assert identifier != null : "If label exists identifier should not be null";

    JsName labelName = scopeContext.labelFor(identifier);
    assert labelName != null : "Unknown label name: " + identifier;

    return labelName.makeRef();
Exemplo n.º 7
  private JsVars mapVar(Node varNode) throws JsParserException {
    JsVars toVars = new JsVars();
    Node fromVar = varNode.getFirstChild();
    while (fromVar != null) {
      // Use a conservative name allocation strategy that allocates all names
      // from the function's scope, even the names of properties in field
      // literals.
      String fromName = fromVar.getString();
      JsName toName = scopeContext.localNameFor(fromName);
      JsVars.JsVar toVar = new JsVars.JsVar(toName);

      Node fromInit = fromVar.getFirstChild();
      if (fromInit != null) {
        JsExpression toInit = mapExpression(fromInit);

      fromVar = fromVar.getNext();

    return toVars;
Exemplo n.º 8
  public static ProcessedText fromString(String str) {
    Matcher matcher;

    ArrayList<Node> nodeList = new ArrayList<STextProcessor.Node>();
    ArrayList<Node> nodeBuffer = new ArrayList<STextProcessor.Node>();

    nodeList.add(new RawNode(str)); // put all string initially

    // Handle BB codes and regexes
    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < patterns.size(); i++) {
      j = 0;
      while (j < nodeList.size()) {
        Node current = nodeList.get(j);
        if (current instanceof RawNode) {
          Triplet<Pattern, PatternType, Class<?>> triplet = patterns.get(i);
          matcher = triplet.getFirst().matcher(current.getString());

          boolean matched = false;
          int lastMatchEnd = -1;
          while (matcher.find()) {
            matched = true;
            int start = matcher.start();
            int end = matcher.end();
            if (start != 0) {
              if (lastMatchEnd > -1) {
                    new RawNode(current.getString().substring(lastMatchEnd, start))
              } else
                    new RawNode(current.getString().substring(0, start))

            if (triplet.getSecond() == PatternType.Node) {
              nodeBuffer.add(createNode(triplet.getThird(), matcher));
            } else {
              NodeAttribute attr = getAttribute(triplet.getThird(), matcher);
              String match = attr.getData();
              nodeBuffer.add(new RawNode(match).addAttributes(attr));

            lastMatchEnd = end;
          if (lastMatchEnd > -1) {
            if (lastMatchEnd < current.getString().length()) {
                  new RawNode(
                          current.getString().substring(lastMatchEnd, current.getString().length()))
          if (!matched) {
        } else {

      nodeList = nodeBuffer;
      nodeBuffer = new ArrayList<STextProcessor.Node>();
    return new ProcessedText(nodeList);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public String getString() {
   Node left = jjtGetChild(0);
   Node right = jjtGetChild(1);
   return left.getString() + "<=" + right.getString();
Exemplo n.º 10
  private JsStatement mapForStatement(Node forNode) throws JsParserException {
    Node fromInit = forNode.getFirstChild();
    Node fromTest = fromInit.getNext();
    Node fromIncr = fromTest.getNext();
    Node fromBody = fromIncr.getNext();

    if (fromBody == null) {
      // This could be a "for...in" structure.
      // We could based on the different child layout.
      Node fromIter = forNode.getFirstChild();
      Node fromObjExpr = fromIter.getNext();
      fromBody = fromObjExpr.getNext();

      JsForIn toForIn;
      if (fromIter.getType() == TokenStream.VAR) {
        // A named iterator var.
        Node fromIterVarName = fromIter.getFirstChild();
        String fromName = fromIterVarName.getString();
        JsName toName = scopeContext.localNameFor(fromName);
        toForIn = new JsForIn(toName);
        Node fromIterInit = fromIterVarName.getFirstChild();
        if (fromIterInit != null) {
          // That has an initializer expression (useful only for side effects).
      } else {
        // An unnamed iterator var.
        toForIn = new JsForIn();

      // The body stmt.
      JsStatement bodyStmt = mapStatement(fromBody);
      if (bodyStmt != null) {
      } else {

      return toForIn;
    } else {
      // Regular ol' for loop.
      JsFor toFor;

      // The first item is either an expression or a JsVars.
      JsNode init = map(fromInit);
      JsExpression condition = mapOptionalExpression(fromTest);
      JsExpression increment = mapOptionalExpression(fromIncr);
      assert (init != null);
      if (init instanceof JsVars) {
        toFor = new JsFor((JsVars) init, condition, increment);
      } else {
        assert (init instanceof JsExpression);
        toFor = new JsFor((JsExpression) init, condition, increment);

      JsStatement bodyStmt = mapStatement(fromBody);
      if (bodyStmt != null) {
      } else {
      return toFor;
Exemplo n.º 11
  private JsNode map(Node node) throws JsParserException {
    switch (node.getType()) {
      case TokenStream.SCRIPT:
          JsBlock block = new JsBlock();
          mapStatements(block.getStatements(), node);
          return block;

      case TokenStream.DEBUGGER:
        return mapDebuggerStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.VOID:
        // VOID = nothing was parsed for this node
        return null;

      case TokenStream.EXPRSTMT:
        return mapExpressionStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.REGEXP:
        return mapRegExp(node);

      case TokenStream.ADD:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.ADD, node);

      case TokenStream.SUB:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.SUB, node);

      case TokenStream.MUL:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.MUL, node);

      case TokenStream.DIV:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.DIV, node);

      case TokenStream.MOD:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.MOD, node);

      case TokenStream.AND:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.AND, node);

      case TokenStream.OR:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.OR, node);

      case TokenStream.BITAND:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.BIT_AND, node);

      case TokenStream.BITOR:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.BIT_OR, node);

      case TokenStream.BITXOR:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.BIT_XOR, node);

      case TokenStream.ASSIGN:
        return mapAssignmentVariant(node);

      case TokenStream.RELOP:
        return mapRelationalVariant(node);

      case TokenStream.EQOP:
        return mapEqualityVariant(node);

      case TokenStream.SHOP:
        return mapShiftVariant(node);

      case TokenStream.UNARYOP:
        return mapUnaryVariant(node);

      case TokenStream.INC:
        return mapIncDecFixity(JsUnaryOperator.INC, node);

      case TokenStream.DEC:
        return mapIncDecFixity(JsUnaryOperator.DEC, node);

      case TokenStream.HOOK:
        return mapConditional(node);

      case TokenStream.STRING:
        return program.getStringLiteral(node.getString());

      case TokenStream.NUMBER_INT:
        return mapIntNumber(node);

      case TokenStream.NUMBER:
        return mapDoubleNumber(node);

      case TokenStream.CALL:
        return mapCall(node);

      case TokenStream.GETPROP:
        return mapGetProp(node);

      case TokenStream.SETPROP:
        return mapSetProp(node);

      case TokenStream.DELPROP:
        return mapDeleteProp(node);

      case TokenStream.IF:
        return mapIfStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.WHILE:
        return mapDoOrWhileStatement(true, node);

      case TokenStream.DO:
        return mapDoOrWhileStatement(false, node);

      case TokenStream.FOR:
        return mapForStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.WITH:
        return mapWithStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.GETELEM:
        return mapGetElem(node);

      case TokenStream.SETELEM:
        return mapSetElem(node);

      case TokenStream.FUNCTION:
        return mapFunction(node);

      case TokenStream.BLOCK:
        return mapBlock(node);

      case TokenStream.SETNAME:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.ASG, node);

      case TokenStream.NAME:
      case TokenStream.BINDNAME:
        return scopeContext.globalNameFor(node.getString()).makeRef();

      case TokenStream.RETURN:
        return mapReturn(node);

      case TokenStream.BREAK:
        return mapBreak(node);

      case TokenStream.CONTINUE:
        return mapContinue(node);

      case TokenStream.OBJLIT:
        return mapObjectLit(node);

      case TokenStream.ARRAYLIT:
        return mapArrayLit(node);

      case TokenStream.VAR:
        return mapVar(node);

      case TokenStream.PRIMARY:
        return mapPrimary(node);

      case TokenStream.COMMA:
        return mapBinaryOperation(JsBinaryOperator.COMMA, node);

      case TokenStream.NEW:
        return mapNew(node);

      case TokenStream.THROW:
        return mapThrowStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.TRY:
        return mapTryStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.SWITCH:
        return mapSwitchStatement(node);

      case TokenStream.LABEL:
        return mapLabel(node);

        int tokenType = node.getType();
        throw createParserException("Unexpected top-level token type: " + tokenType, node);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /*  47:    */
 /*  48:    */ private void transformCompilationUnit_r(
     ScriptNode tree, Node parent, Scope scope, boolean createScopeObjects, boolean inStrictMode)
       /*  49:    */ {
   /*  50:104 */ Node node = null;
   /*  51:    */ for (; ; )
   /*  52:    */ {
     /*  53:107 */ Node previous = null;
     /*  54:108 */ if (node == null)
     /*  55:    */ {
       /*  56:109 */ node = parent.getFirstChild();
       /*  57:    */ }
     /*  58:    */ else
     /*  59:    */ {
       /*  60:111 */ previous = node;
       /*  61:112 */ node = node.getNext();
       /*  62:    */ }
     /*  63:114 */ if (node == null) {
       /*  64:    */ break;
       /*  65:    */ }
     /*  66:118 */ int type = node.getType();
     /*  67:119 */ if ((createScopeObjects)
         && ((type == 129) || (type == 132) || (type == 157))
         && ((node instanceof Scope)))
     /*  68:    */ {
       /*  69:124 */ Scope newScope = (Scope) node;
       /*  70:125 */ if (newScope.getSymbolTable() != null)
       /*  71:    */ {
         /*  72:128 */ Node let = new Node(type == 157 ? 158 : 153);
         /*  73:    */
         /*  74:130 */ Node innerLet = new Node(153);
         /*  75:131 */ let.addChildToBack(innerLet);
         /*  76:132 */ for (String name : newScope.getSymbolTable().keySet()) {
           /*  77:133 */ innerLet.addChildToBack(Node.newString(39, name));
           /*  78:    */ }
         /*  79:135 */ newScope.setSymbolTable(null);
         /*  80:136 */ Node oldNode = node;
         /*  81:137 */ node = replaceCurrent(parent, previous, node, let);
         /*  82:138 */ type = node.getType();
         /*  83:139 */ let.addChildToBack(oldNode);
         /*  84:    */ }
       /*  85:    */ }
     /*  86:143 */ switch (type)
     /*  87:    */ {
         /*  88:    */ case 114:
         /*  89:    */ case 130:
         /*  90:    */ case 132:
         /*  91:148 */ this.loops.push(node);
         /*  92:149 */ this.loopEnds.push(((Jump) node).target);
         /*  93:150 */ break;
         /*  94:    */ case 123:
         /*  95:154 */ this.loops.push(node);
         /*  96:155 */ Node leave = node.getNext();
         /*  97:156 */ if (leave.getType() != 3) {
           /*  98:157 */ Kit.codeBug();
           /*  99:    */ }
         /* 100:159 */ this.loopEnds.push(leave);
         /* 101:160 */ break;
         /* 102:    */ case 81:
         /* 103:165 */ Jump jump = (Jump) node;
         /* 104:166 */ Node finallytarget = jump.getFinally();
         /* 105:167 */ if (finallytarget != null)
         /* 106:    */ {
           /* 107:168 */ this.hasFinally = true;
           /* 108:169 */ this.loops.push(node);
           /* 109:170 */ this.loopEnds.push(finallytarget);
           /* 110:    */ }
         /* 111:    */ break;
         /* 112:    */ case 3:
         /* 113:    */ case 131:
         /* 114:177 */ if ((!this.loopEnds.isEmpty()) && (this.loopEnds.peek() == node))
         /* 115:    */ {
           /* 116:178 */ this.loopEnds.pop();
           /* 117:179 */ this.loops.pop();
           /* 118:    */ }
         /* 119:    */ break;
         /* 120:    */ case 72:
         /* 121:184 */ ((FunctionNode) tree).addResumptionPoint(node);
         /* 122:185 */ break;
         /* 123:    */ case 4:
         /* 124:189 */ boolean isGenerator =
             (tree.getType() == 109) && (((FunctionNode) tree).isGenerator());
         /* 125:191 */ if (isGenerator) {
           /* 126:192 */ node.putIntProp(20, 1);
           /* 127:    */ }
         /* 128:201 */ if (this.hasFinally)
         /* 129:    */ {
           /* 130:203 */ Node unwindBlock = null;
           /* 131:204 */ for (int i = this.loops.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
           /* 132:    */ {
             /* 133:205 */ Node n = (Node) this.loops.get(i);
             /* 134:206 */ int elemtype = n.getType();
             /* 135:207 */ if ((elemtype == 81) || (elemtype == 123))
             /* 136:    */ {
               /* 137:    */ Node unwind;
               /* 138:    */ Node unwind;
               /* 139:209 */ if (elemtype == 81)
               /* 140:    */ {
                 /* 141:210 */ Jump jsrnode = new Jump(135);
                 /* 142:211 */ Node jsrtarget = ((Jump) n).getFinally();
                 /* 143:212 */ jsrnode.target = jsrtarget;
                 /* 144:213 */ unwind = jsrnode;
                 /* 145:    */ }
               /* 146:    */ else
               /* 147:    */ {
                 /* 148:215 */ unwind = new Node(3);
                 /* 149:    */ }
               /* 150:217 */ if (unwindBlock == null) {
                 /* 151:218 */ unwindBlock = new Node(129, node.getLineno());
                 /* 152:    */ }
               /* 153:221 */ unwindBlock.addChildToBack(unwind);
               /* 154:    */ }
             /* 155:    */ }
           /* 156:224 */ if (unwindBlock != null)
           /* 157:    */ {
             /* 158:225 */ Node returnNode = node;
             /* 159:226 */ Node returnExpr = returnNode.getFirstChild();
             /* 160:227 */ node = replaceCurrent(parent, previous, node, unwindBlock);
             /* 161:228 */ if ((returnExpr == null) || (isGenerator))
             /* 162:    */ {
               /* 163:229 */ unwindBlock.addChildToBack(returnNode);
               /* 164:    */ }
             /* 165:231 */ Node store = new Node(134, returnExpr);
             /* 166:232 */ unwindBlock.addChildToFront(store);
             /* 167:233 */ returnNode = new Node(64);
             /* 168:234 */ unwindBlock.addChildToBack(returnNode);
             /* 169:    */
             /* 170:236 */ transformCompilationUnit_r(
                 tree, store, scope, createScopeObjects, inStrictMode);
             /* 171:    */ }
           /* 172:    */ }
         /* 173:241 */ break;
         /* 174:    */ case 120:
         /* 175:    */ case 121:
         /* 176:249 */ Jump jump = (Jump) node;
         /* 177:250 */ Jump jumpStatement = jump.getJumpStatement();
         /* 178:251 */ if (jumpStatement == null) {
           /* 179:251 */ Kit.codeBug();
           /* 180:    */ }
         /* 181:253 */ int i = this.loops.size();
         /* 182:    */ for (; ; )
         /* 183:    */ {
           /* 184:254 */ if (i == 0) {
             /* 185:258 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
             /* 186:    */ }
           /* 187:260 */ i--;
           /* 188:261 */ Node n = (Node) this.loops.get(i);
           /* 189:262 */ if (n == jumpStatement) {
             /* 190:    */ break;
             /* 191:    */ }
           /* 192:266 */ int elemtype = n.getType();
           /* 193:267 */ if (elemtype == 123)
           /* 194:    */ {
             /* 195:268 */ Node leave = new Node(3);
             /* 196:269 */ previous = addBeforeCurrent(parent, previous, node, leave);
             /* 197:    */ }
           /* 198:271 */ else if (elemtype == 81)
           /* 199:    */ {
             /* 200:272 */ Jump tryNode = (Jump) n;
             /* 201:273 */ Jump jsrFinally = new Jump(135);
             /* 202:274 */ jsrFinally.target = tryNode.getFinally();
             /* 203:275 */ previous = addBeforeCurrent(parent, previous, node, jsrFinally);
             /* 204:    */ }
           /* 205:    */ }
         /* 206:280 */ if (type == 120) {
           /* 207:281 */ jump.target = jumpStatement.target;
           /* 208:    */ } else {
           /* 209:283 */ jump.target = jumpStatement.getContinue();
           /* 210:    */ }
         /* 211:285 */ jump.setType(5);
         /* 212:    */
         /* 213:287 */ break;
         /* 214:    */ case 38:
         /* 215:291 */ visitCall(node, tree);
         /* 216:292 */ break;
         /* 217:    */ case 30:
         /* 218:295 */ visitNew(node, tree);
         /* 219:296 */ break;
         /* 220:    */ case 153:
         /* 221:    */ case 158:
         /* 222:300 */ Node child = node.getFirstChild();
         /* 223:301 */ if (child.getType() == 153)
         /* 224:    */ {
           /* 225:304 */ boolean createWith =
               (tree.getType() != 109) || (((FunctionNode) tree).requiresActivation());
           /* 226:    */
           /* 227:306 */ node = visitLet(createWith, parent, previous, node);
           /* 228:    */ }
         /* 229:307 */ break;
         /* 230:    */ case 122:
         /* 231:    */ case 154:
         /* 232:316 */ Node result = new Node(129);
         /* 233:317 */ for (Node cursor = node.getFirstChild(); cursor != null; )
         /* 234:    */ {
           /* 235:320 */ Node n = cursor;
           /* 236:321 */ cursor = cursor.getNext();
           /* 237:322 */ if (n.getType() == 39)
           /* 238:    */ {
             /* 239:323 */ if (!n.hasChildren()) {
               /* 240:    */ continue;
               /* 241:    */ }
             /* 242:325 */ Node init = n.getFirstChild();
             /* 243:326 */ n.removeChild(init);
             /* 244:327 */ n.setType(49);
             /* 245:328 */ n = new Node(type == 154 ? 155 : 8, n, init);
             /* 246:    */ }
           /* 247:335 */ else if (n.getType() != 158)
           /* 248:    */ {
             /* 249:336 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
             /* 250:    */ }
           /* 251:338 */ Node pop = new Node(133, n, node.getLineno());
           /* 252:339 */ result.addChildToBack(pop);
           /* 253:    */ }
         /* 254:341 */ node = replaceCurrent(parent, previous, node, result);
         /* 255:342 */ break;
         /* 256:    */ case 137:
         /* 257:346 */ Scope defining = scope.getDefiningScope(node.getString());
         /* 258:347 */ if (defining != null) {
           /* 259:348 */ node.setScope(defining);
           /* 260:    */ }
         /* 261:351 */ break;
         /* 262:    */ case 7:
         /* 263:    */ case 32:
         /* 264:359 */ Node child = node.getFirstChild();
         /* 265:360 */ if (type == 7)
         /* 266:    */ {
           /* 267:361 */ while (child.getType() == 26) {
             /* 268:362 */ child = child.getFirstChild();
             /* 269:    */ }
           /* 270:364 */ if ((child.getType() == 12) || (child.getType() == 13))
           /* 271:    */ {
             /* 272:367 */ Node first = child.getFirstChild();
             /* 273:368 */ Node last = child.getLastChild();
             /* 274:369 */ if ((first.getType() == 39)
                 && (first.getString().equals("undefined"))) {
               /* 275:371 */ child = last;
               /* 276:372 */ } else if ((last.getType() == 39)
                 && (last.getString().equals("undefined"))) {
               /* 277:374 */ child = first;
               /* 278:    */ }
             /* 279:    */ }
           /* 280:    */ }
         /* 281:377 */ if (child.getType() == 33) {
           /* 282:378 */ child.setType(34);
           /* 283:    */ }
         /* 284:    */ break;
         /* 285:    */ case 8:
         /* 286:383 */ if (inStrictMode) {
           /* 287:384 */ node.setType(73);
           /* 288:    */ }
         /* 289:    */ case 31:
         /* 290:    */ case 39:
         /* 291:    */ case 155:
         /* 292:392 */ if (!createScopeObjects)
         /* 293:    */ {
           /* 294:    */ Node nameSource;
           /* 295:    */ Node nameSource;
           /* 296:396 */ if (type == 39)
           /* 297:    */ {
             /* 298:397 */ nameSource = node;
             /* 299:    */ }
           /* 300:    */ else
           /* 301:    */ {
             /* 302:399 */ nameSource = node.getFirstChild();
             /* 303:400 */ if (nameSource.getType() != 49)
             /* 304:    */ {
               /* 305:401 */ if (type == 31) {
                 /* 306:    */ break label1734;
                 /* 307:    */ }
               /* 308:404 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
               /* 309:    */ }
             /* 310:    */ }
           /* 311:407 */ if (nameSource.getScope() == null)
           /* 312:    */ {
             /* 313:410 */ String name = nameSource.getString();
             /* 314:411 */ Scope defining = scope.getDefiningScope(name);
             /* 315:412 */ if (defining != null)
             /* 316:    */ {
               /* 317:413 */ nameSource.setScope(defining);
               /* 318:414 */ if (type == 39)
               /* 319:    */ {
                 /* 320:415 */ node.setType(55);
                 /* 321:    */ }
               /* 322:416 */ else if ((type == 8) || (type == 73))
               /* 323:    */ {
                 /* 324:418 */ node.setType(56);
                 /* 325:419 */ nameSource.setType(41);
                 /* 326:    */ }
               /* 327:420 */ else if (type == 155)
               /* 328:    */ {
                 /* 329:421 */ node.setType(156);
                 /* 330:422 */ nameSource.setType(41);
                 /* 331:    */ }
               /* 332:423 */ else if (type == 31)
               /* 333:    */ {
                 /* 334:425 */ Node n = new Node(44);
                 /* 335:426 */ node = replaceCurrent(parent, previous, node, n);
                 /* 336:    */ }
               /* 337:    */ else
               /* 338:    */ {
                 /* 339:428 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
                 /* 340:    */ }
               /* 341:    */ }
             /* 342:    */ }
           /* 343:    */ }
         /* 344:    */ default:
         /* 345:    */ label1734:
         /* 346:435 */ transformCompilationUnit_r(
             (node instanceof Scope) ? (Scope) node : scope,
         /* 347:    */ }
     /* 348:    */ }
   /* 349:    */ }
Exemplo n.º 13
 /* 354:    */
 /* 355:    */ protected Node visitLet(
     boolean createWith, Node parent, Node previous, Node scopeNode)
       /* 356:    */ {
   /* 357:450 */ Node vars = scopeNode.getFirstChild();
   /* 358:451 */ Node body = vars.getNext();
   /* 359:452 */ scopeNode.removeChild(vars);
   /* 360:453 */ scopeNode.removeChild(body);
   /* 361:454 */ boolean isExpression = scopeNode.getType() == 158;
   /* 362:    */ Node result;
   /* 363:457 */ if (createWith)
   /* 364:    */ {
     /* 365:458 */ Node result = new Node(isExpression ? 159 : 129);
     /* 366:459 */ result = replaceCurrent(parent, previous, scopeNode, result);
     /* 367:460 */ ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList();
     /* 368:461 */ Node objectLiteral = new Node(66);
     /* 369:462 */ for (Node v = vars.getFirstChild(); v != null; v = v.getNext())
     /* 370:    */ {
       /* 371:463 */ Node current = v;
       /* 372:464 */ if (current.getType() == 158)
       /* 373:    */ {
         /* 374:466 */ List<?> destructuringNames = (List) current.getProp(22);
         /* 375:    */
         /* 376:468 */ Node c = current.getFirstChild();
         /* 377:469 */ if (c.getType() != 153) {
           /* 378:469 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
           /* 379:    */ }
         /* 380:471 */ if (isExpression) {
           /* 381:472 */ body = new Node(89, c.getNext(), body);
           /* 382:    */ } else {
           /* 383:474 */ body = new Node(129, new Node(133, c.getNext()), body);
           /* 384:    */ }
         /* 385:480 */ if (destructuringNames != null)
         /* 386:    */ {
           /* 387:481 */ list.addAll(destructuringNames);
           /* 388:482 */ for (int i = 0; i < destructuringNames.size(); i++) {
             /* 389:483 */ objectLiteral.addChildToBack(new Node(126, Node.newNumber(0.0D)));
             /* 390:    */ }
           /* 391:    */ }
         /* 392:487 */ current = c.getFirstChild();
         /* 393:    */ }
       /* 394:489 */ if (current.getType() != 39) {
         /* 395:489 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
         /* 396:    */ }
       /* 397:490 */ list.add(ScriptRuntime.getIndexObject(current.getString()));
       /* 398:491 */ Node init = current.getFirstChild();
       /* 399:492 */ if (init == null) {
         /* 400:493 */ init = new Node(126, Node.newNumber(0.0D));
         /* 401:    */ }
       /* 402:495 */ objectLiteral.addChildToBack(init);
       /* 403:    */ }
     /* 404:497 */ objectLiteral.putProp(12, list.toArray());
     /* 405:498 */ Node newVars = new Node(2, objectLiteral);
     /* 406:499 */ result.addChildToBack(newVars);
     /* 407:500 */ result.addChildToBack(new Node(123, body));
     /* 408:501 */ result.addChildToBack(new Node(3));
     /* 409:    */ }
   /* 410:    */ else
   /* 411:    */ {
     /* 412:503 */ result = new Node(isExpression ? 89 : 129);
     /* 413:504 */ result = replaceCurrent(parent, previous, scopeNode, result);
     /* 414:505 */ Node newVars = new Node(89);
     /* 415:506 */ for (Node v = vars.getFirstChild(); v != null; v = v.getNext())
     /* 416:    */ {
       /* 417:507 */ Node current = v;
       /* 418:508 */ if (current.getType() == 158)
       /* 419:    */ {
         /* 420:510 */ Node c = current.getFirstChild();
         /* 421:511 */ if (c.getType() != 153) {
           /* 422:511 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
           /* 423:    */ }
         /* 424:513 */ if (isExpression) {
           /* 425:514 */ body = new Node(89, c.getNext(), body);
           /* 426:    */ } else {
           /* 427:516 */ body = new Node(129, new Node(133, c.getNext()), body);
           /* 428:    */ }
         /* 429:521 */ Scope.joinScopes((Scope) current, (Scope) scopeNode);
         /* 430:    */
         /* 431:523 */ current = c.getFirstChild();
         /* 432:    */ }
       /* 433:525 */ if (current.getType() != 39) {
         /* 434:525 */ throw Kit.codeBug();
         /* 435:    */ }
       /* 436:526 */ Node stringNode = Node.newString(current.getString());
       /* 437:527 */ stringNode.setScope((Scope) scopeNode);
       /* 438:528 */ Node init = current.getFirstChild();
       /* 439:529 */ if (init == null) {
         /* 440:530 */ init = new Node(126, Node.newNumber(0.0D));
         /* 441:    */ }
       /* 442:532 */ newVars.addChildToBack(new Node(56, stringNode, init));
       /* 443:    */ }
     /* 444:534 */ if (isExpression)
     /* 445:    */ {
       /* 446:535 */ result.addChildToBack(newVars);
       /* 447:536 */ scopeNode.setType(89);
       /* 448:537 */ result.addChildToBack(scopeNode);
       /* 449:538 */ scopeNode.addChildToBack(body);
       /* 450:539 */ if ((body instanceof Scope))
       /* 451:    */ {
         /* 452:540 */ Scope scopeParent = ((Scope) body).getParentScope();
         /* 453:541 */ ((Scope) body).setParentScope((Scope) scopeNode);
         /* 454:542 */ ((Scope) scopeNode).setParentScope(scopeParent);
         /* 455:    */ }
       /* 456:    */ }
     /* 457:    */ else
     /* 458:    */ {
       /* 459:545 */ result.addChildToBack(new Node(133, newVars));
       /* 460:546 */ scopeNode.setType(129);
       /* 461:547 */ result.addChildToBack(scopeNode);
       /* 462:548 */ scopeNode.addChildrenToBack(body);
       /* 463:549 */ if ((body instanceof Scope))
       /* 464:    */ {
         /* 465:550 */ Scope scopeParent = ((Scope) body).getParentScope();
         /* 466:551 */ ((Scope) body).setParentScope((Scope) scopeNode);
         /* 467:552 */ ((Scope) scopeNode).setParentScope(scopeParent);
         /* 468:    */ }
       /* 469:    */ }
     /* 470:    */ }
   /* 471:556 */ return result;
   /* 472:    */ }