Exemplo n.º 1
  public void testParseSymmetricNet() {
    final PeriodicGraph H =
                + "NET # primitive cubic\n"
                + "  Group P432\n"
                + "  Node 1 0,0,0\n"
                + "  Edge 1 1 x+1,y,z\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(1, H.numberOfNodes());
    assertEquals(3, H.numberOfEdges());
    final INode v = (INode) H.nodes().next();
    assertNotNull(H.getEdge(v, v, new Vector(1, 0, 0)));
    assertNotNull(H.getEdge(v, v, new Vector(0, 1, 0)));
    assertNotNull(H.getEdge(v, v, new Vector(0, 0, 1)));

    final PeriodicGraph D =
                + "NET # the diamond net\n"
                + "  Group Fd-3m\n"
                + "  Node 1 3/8,3/8,3/8\n"
                + "  Edge 1 1 1-x,1-y,1-z\n"
                + "END\n");

    assertEquals(dia, D);

    final PeriodicGraph sq =
                + "NET # square lattice on the plane\n"
                + "  Group p4mm\n"
                + "  Node 1 0,0\n"
                + "  Edge 1 1 x+1,y\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(1, sq.numberOfNodes());
    assertEquals(2, sq.numberOfEdges());
    final INode w = (INode) sq.nodes().next();
    assertNotNull(sq.getEdge(w, w, new Vector(1, 0)));
    assertNotNull(sq.getEdge(w, w, new Vector(0, 1)));

    final PeriodicGraph hex1 =
                + "NET # planar honeycombs\n"
                + "  Group p6mm\n"
                + "  Node 1 2/3,1/3\n"
                + "  Edge 1 1 y,y-x\n"
                + "END\n");
    final PeriodicGraph hex2 =
                + "PERIODIC_GRAPH # planar honeycombs\n"
                + "  1 2  0 0\n"
                + "  1 2  1 0\n"
                + "  1 2  0 1\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(hex2, hex1);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void setUp() throws Exception {
   pcu =
               + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
               + "  1 1  1 0 0\n"
               + "  1 1  0 1 0\n"
               + "  1 1  0 0 1\n"
               + "END\n");
   dia = new PeriodicGraph(3);
   final INode v1 = dia.newNode();
   final INode v2 = dia.newNode();
   dia.newEdge(v1, v2, new int[] {0, 0, 0});
   dia.newEdge(v1, v2, new int[] {1, 0, 0});
   dia.newEdge(v1, v2, new int[] {0, 1, 0});
   dia.newEdge(v1, v2, new int[] {0, 0, 1});
   srs =
               + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
               + "  1 2  0 0 0\n"
               + "  1 3  0 0 0\n"
               + "  1 4  0 0 0\n"
               + "  2 3  1 0 0\n"
               + "  2 4  0 1 0\n"
               + "  3 4  0 0 1\n"
               + "END\n");
   ths =
               + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
               + "  1 2  0 0 0\n"
               + "  1 3  0 0 0\n"
               + "  2 4  0 0 0\n"
               + "  1 3  1 0 0\n"
               + "  2 4  0 1 0\n"
               + "  3 4  0 0 1\n"
               + "END\n");
   tfa =
               + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
               + "  1 2  0 0 0\n"
               + "  1 3  0 0 0\n"
               + "  1 3  1 0 0\n"
               + "  2 3  0 1 0\n"
               + "  2 3  0 0 1\n"
               + "END\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void testParsePeriodicGraph() {
   final PeriodicGraph G =
               + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
               + " # the diamond net, of course\n"
               + " 1 2 0 0 0\n"
               + " 1 2 1 0 0\n"
               + " 1 2 0 1 0\n"
               + " 1 2 0 0 1\n"
               + "END\n");
   assertEquals("(1,2,[0,0,0])(1,2,[1,0,0])(1,2,[0,1,0])(1,2,[0,0,1])", G.toString());
Exemplo n.º 4
  public void testParseCrystal() {
    final PeriodicGraph _dia =
                + "CRYSTAL # diamond again\n"
                + "  Group Fd-3m\n"
                + "  Cell  2.3094 2.3094 2.3094  90.0 90.0 90.0\n"
                + "  Node  1 4 5/8 5/8 5/8\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(dia, _dia);

    final PeriodicGraph _srs =
                + "CRYSTAL\n"
                + "NAME srs\n"
                + "GROUP I4132\n"
                + "CELL 2.8284 2.8284 2.8284 90.0 90.0 90.0\n"
                + "VERTICES\n"
                + "  1 3 0.125 0.125 0.125\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(srs, _srs);

    final PeriodicGraph _pcu =
                + "CRYSTAL\n"
                + "  Name pcu\n"
                + "  Group P1\n"
                + "  Cell 2.3 2.3 2.9 90.0 90.0 90.0\n"
                + "  Node 1 6 0.345 0.128 0.743\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(pcu, _pcu);

    final PeriodicGraph _ths =
                + "CRYSTAL\n"
                + "NAME ths\n"
                + "GROUP I41/amd\n"
                + "CELL 1.8856 1.8856 5.3344 90.0 90.0 90.0\n"
                + "VERTICES\n"
                + "  1 3 0.0 0.25 0.9687\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(ths, _ths);

    final PeriodicGraph _tfa =
                + "CRYSTAL\n"
                + "NAME tfa\n"
                + "GROUP I-4m2\n"
                + "CELL 1.8016 1.8016 3.737 90.0 90.0 90.0\n"
                + "VERTICES\n"
                + "  1 3 0.0 0.5 0.3838\n"
                + "  2 4 0.0 0.0 0.0\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(tfa, _tfa);

    final PeriodicGraph tri1 =
                + "CRYSTAL # regular triangle tiling\n"
                + "GROUP p1\n"
                + "CELL 1.0 1.0 60.0\n"
                + "NODE 1 6 0 0\n"
                + "END\n");
    final PeriodicGraph tri2 =
                + "PERIODIC_GRAPH # regular triangle tiling\n"
                + "  1 1  1 0\n"
                + "  1 1  0 1\n"
                + "  1 1  1 1\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(tri2, tri1);

    final PeriodicGraph bathroom1 =
                + "CRYSTAL\n"
                + "GROUP p4mm\n"
                + "CELL 2.4142 2.4142 90.0\n"
                + "NODE 1 3 0.2929 0.0\n"
                + "END\n");

    final PeriodicGraph bathroom2 =
                + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
                + "  1 2  0 0\n"
                + "  2 3  0 0\n"
                + "  3 4  0 0\n"
                + "  4 1  0 0\n"
                + "  1 3  1 0\n"
                + "  2 4  0 1\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(bathroom2, bathroom1);

    final PeriodicGraph hex1 =
                + "CRYSTAL # planar honeycombs\n"
                + "GROUP p6mm\n"
                + "CELL 1.732 1.732 120.0\n"
                + "VERTEX 1 3 2/3 1/3\n"
                + "END\n");
    final PeriodicGraph hex2 =
                + "PERIODIC_GRAPH # planar honeycombs\n"
                + "  1 2  0 0\n"
                + "  1 2  1 0\n"
                + "  1 2  0 1\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(hex2, hex1);

    final PeriodicGraph cds1 =
                + "CRYSTAL\n"
                + "GROUP Pmn21\n"
                + "CELL  6.558 4.698 4.719 90.0 90.0 90.0\n"
                + "ATOM  1 4  0.0000  0.6657  0.7306\n"
                + "EDGE  1 2\n"
                + "EDGE  1    0.0000  0.1416  0.2500\n"
                + "EDGE  0.0000  0.6657  0.7306    0.0000  1.1416  1.2500\n"
                + "     1   -0.5000  0.8584  0.7500\n"
                + "ATOM  2 4  0.5000  0.8584  0.7500\n"
                + "EDGE  2    0.0000  0.6657  0.7306\n"
                + "      2    1.0000  0.6657  0.7306\n"
                + "      2    0.5000  1.3343  0.2306\n"
                + "      2    0.5000  0.3343  1.2306\n"
                + "END\n");
    final PeriodicGraph cds2 =
                + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
                + "1 3 -1 0 0\n"
                + "1 3 0 0 0\n"
                + "1 4 0 0 0\n"
                + "1 4 0 1 1\n"
                + "2 3 0 -1 0\n"
                + "2 3 0 0 -1\n"
                + "2 4 0 0 0\n"
                + "2 4 1 0 0\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(cds2.canonical().toString(), cds1.canonical().toString());

    final PeriodicGraph lon1 =
                + "PERIODIC_GRAPH\n"
                + "1 2 0 0 0\n"
                + "1 2 0 1 0\n"
                + "1 2 1 0 0\n"
                + "1 3 0 0 0\n"
                + "2 4 0 0 0\n"
                + "3 4 0 0 1\n"
                + "3 4 0 1 1\n"
                + "3 4 1 0 1\n"
                + "END\n");
    final PeriodicGraph lon2 =
                + "CRYSTAL\n"
                + "NAME lon\n"
                + "GROUP P63/mmc\n"
                + "CELL 1.6331 1.6331 2.6667 90.0 90.0 120.0\n"
                + "VERTICES\n"
                + "  \"V1\" 4 0.3333 0.6667 0.0625\n"
                + "COORDINATION_SEQUENCES\n"
                + "  4 12 25 44 67 96 130 170 214 264\n"
                + "VERTEX_SYMBOLS\n"
                + "  6(2).6(2).6(2).6(2).6(2).6(2)\n"
                + "EDGE_CENTERS\n"
                + "  \"E1\" 2 0.3333 0.6667 0.25\n"
                + "  \"E2\" 2 0.5 0.0 0.0\n"
                + "END\n");
    assertEquals(lon1, lon2);