Exemplo n.º 1
 /** Gets {@link SlaveTemplate} that has the matching {@link Label}. */
 public SlaveTemplate getTemplate(Label label) {
   for (SlaveTemplate t : templates) {
     if (t.getMode() == Node.Mode.NORMAL) {
       if (label == null || label.matches(t.getLabelSet())) {
         return t;
     } else if (t.getMode() == Node.Mode.EXCLUSIVE) {
       if (label != null && label.matches(t.getLabelSet())) {
         return t;
   return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** Returns slave template associated with the label */
 public AzureSlaveTemplate getAzureSlaveTemplate(Label label) {
   for (AzureSlaveTemplate slaveTemplate : instTemplates) {
     if (slaveTemplate.getUseSlaveAlwaysIfAvail() == Node.Mode.NORMAL) {
       if (label == null || label.matches(slaveTemplate.getLabelDataSet())) {
         return slaveTemplate;
     } else if (slaveTemplate.getUseSlaveAlwaysIfAvail() == Node.Mode.EXCLUSIVE) {
       if (label != null && label.matches(slaveTemplate.getLabelDataSet())) {
         return slaveTemplate;
   return null;
  public MesosSlaveInfo getMesosSlaveInfoForLabel(Label label) {
    if (!matchesLabel(label)) {
      return null;

    if (label == null) {
      if (getLabelString() == null) {
        return this;
      } else {
        return null;

    if (label.matches(Label.parse(getLabelString()))) {
      return this;

    if (!containerInfo.getDockerImageCustomizable()) {
      return null;

    String customImage = getCustomImage(label);
    if (customImage == null) {
      return null;

    return copyWithDockerImage(label.toString(), customImage);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private ECSTaskTemplate getTemplate(Label label) {
   for (ECSTaskTemplate t : templates) {
     if (label == null || label.matches(t.getLabelSet())) {
       return t;
   return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
   * Determines whether the AMI of the given instance matches the AMI of template and has the
   * required label (if requiredLabel is non-null)
  private boolean checkInstance(
      PrintStream logger,
      Instance existingInstance,
      Label requiredLabel,
      EC2AbstractSlave[] returnNode) {
    logProvision(logger, "checkInstance: " + existingInstance);
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getIamInstanceProfile())) {
      if (existingInstance.getIamInstanceProfile() != null) {
        if (!existingInstance.getIamInstanceProfile().getArn().equals(getIamInstanceProfile())) {
          logProvision(logger, " false - IAM Instance profile does not match");
          return false;
        // Match, fall through
      } else {
        logProvision(logger, " false - Null IAM Instance profile");
        return false;

    if (existingInstance
        || existingInstance
            .equalsIgnoreCase(InstanceStateName.ShuttingDown.toString())) {
      logProvision(logger, " false - Instance is terminated or shutting down");
      return false;
    // See if we know about this and it has capacity
    for (EC2AbstractSlave node : NodeIterator.nodes(EC2AbstractSlave.class)) {
      if (node.getInstanceId().equals(existingInstance.getInstanceId())) {
        logProvision(logger, "Found existing corresponding Jenkins slave: " + node.getInstanceId());
        if (!node.toComputer().isPartiallyIdle()) {
          logProvision(logger, " false - Node is not partially idle");
          return false;
        // REMOVEME - this was added to force provision to work, but might not allow
        // stopped instances to be found - need to investigate further
        else if (false && node.toComputer().isOffline()) {
          logProvision(logger, " false - Node is offline");
          return false;
        } else if (requiredLabel != null && !requiredLabel.matches(node.getAssignedLabels())) {
          logProvision(logger, " false - we need a Node having label " + requiredLabel);
          return false;
        } else {
          logProvision(logger, " true - Node has capacity - can use it");
          returnNode[0] = node;
          return true;
    logProvision(logger, " true - Instance has no node, but can be used");
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public EcsTaskTemplate getTemplate(Label label) {
   if (label == null && templates.size() > 0) {
     return templates.get(0);
   for (EcsTaskTemplate t : templates) {
     if (label.matches(t.getLabelSet())) {
       return t;
   return null;
   * Check if the label in the slave matches the provided label, either both are null or are the
   * same.
   * @param label
   * @return Whether the slave label matches.
  public boolean matchesLabel(@CheckForNull Label label) {

    if (label == null || getLabelString() == null) {
      return label == null && getLabelString() == null;

    if (label.matches(Label.parse(getLabelString()))) {
      return true;

    if (containerInfo == null || !containerInfo.getDockerImageCustomizable()) {
      return false;

    String customImage = getCustomImage(label);
    return customImage != null
        && getLabelWithoutCustomImage(label, customImage).matches(Label.parse(getLabelString()));
Exemplo n.º 8
  public Collection<PlannedNode> provision(Label label, int excessWorkload) {
    try {
      // Count number of pending executors from spot requests
      for (EC2SpotSlave n : NodeIterator.nodes(EC2SpotSlave.class)) {
        // If the slave is online then it is already counted by Jenkins
        // We only want to count potential additional Spot instance
        // slaves
        if (n.getComputer().isOffline() && label.matches(n.getAssignedLabels())) {
          DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest dsir =
              new DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest()

          for (SpotInstanceRequest sir :
              connect().describeSpotInstanceRequests(dsir).getSpotInstanceRequests()) {
            // Count Spot requests that are open and still have a
            // chance to be active
            // A request can be active and not yet registered as a
            // slave. We check above
            // to ensure only unregistered slaves get counted
            if (sir.getState().equals("open") || sir.getState().equals("active")) {
              excessWorkload -= n.getNumExecutors();
      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Excess workload after pending Spot instances: " + excessWorkload);

      List<PlannedNode> r = new ArrayList<PlannedNode>();

      final SlaveTemplate t = getTemplate(label);
      int amiCap = t.getInstanceCap();

      while (excessWorkload > 0) {

        if (!addProvisionedSlave(t.ami, amiCap, t.description)) {

            new PlannedNode(
                    new Callable<Node>() {
                      public Node call() throws Exception {
                        // TODO: record the output somewhere
                        try {
                          EC2AbstractSlave s = t.provision(StreamTaskListener.fromStdout());
                          // EC2 instances may have a long init script. If we
                          // declare
                          // the provisioning complete by returning without
                          // the connect
                          // operation, NodeProvisioner may decide that it
                          // still wants
                          // one more instance, because it sees that (1) all
                          // the slaves
                          // are offline (because it's still being launched)
                          // and
                          // (2) there's no capacity provisioned yet.
                          // deferring the completion of provisioning until
                          // the launch
                          // goes successful prevents this problem.
                          return s;
                        } finally {

        excessWorkload -= t.getNumExecutors();
      return r;
    } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to count the # of live instances on EC2", e);
      return Collections.emptyList();