Exemplo n.º 1
 public static boolean contains(
     @Nullable KotlinType type, @NotNull Function1<KotlinType, Boolean> isSpecialType) {
   if (type == null) return false;
   if (isSpecialType.invoke(type)) return true;
   Flexibility flexibility = type.getCapability(Flexibility.class);
   if (flexibility != null
       && (contains(flexibility.getLowerBound(), isSpecialType)
           || contains(flexibility.getUpperBound(), isSpecialType))) {
     return true;
   for (TypeProjection projection : type.getArguments()) {
     if (!projection.isStarProjection() && contains(projection.getType(), isSpecialType))
       return true;
   return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public static KotlinType makeNullableAsSpecified(@NotNull KotlinType type, boolean nullable) {
    Flexibility flexibility = type.getCapability(Flexibility.class);
    if (flexibility != null) {
      return flexibility.makeNullableAsSpecified(nullable);

    // Wrapping serves two purposes here
    // 1. It's requires less memory than copying with a changed nullability flag: a copy has many
    // fields, while a wrapper has only one
    // 2. It preserves laziness of types

    // Unwrap to avoid long delegation call chains
    if (type instanceof AbstractTypeWithKnownNullability) {
      return makeNullableAsSpecified(((AbstractTypeWithKnownNullability) type).delegate, nullable);

    // checking to preserve laziness
    if (!(type instanceof LazyType) && type.isMarkedNullable() == nullable) {
      return type;

    return nullable ? new NullableType(type) : new NotNullType(type);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public <T extends TypeCapability> T getCapability(@NotNull Class<T> capabilityClass) {
   return delegate.getCapability(capabilityClass);