Exemplo n.º 1
  public WebProgram createWebProgram(List asps, JavaProgram jp) throws Exception {
    WebProgram wp = new WebProgram(asps, jp);

    for (Iterator itr = asps.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
      ASP asp = (ASP) itr.next();

    // do the WebForm initialisation code
    List javaWebForms = wp.getWebForms();
    Library library = jp.getLibrary();
    for (Iterator itr = javaWebForms.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
      JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) itr.next();
      WebTranslator.addJavaComponentInitialisation(jc, library);

    // do event hookups
    List hookups = jp.getEventHookupClasses();
    for (Iterator itr = hookups.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
      EventSupport es = (EventSupport) itr.next();
      // System.out.println(es.getVBSender());
      for (Iterator itrr = asps.iterator(); itrr.hasNext(); ) {
        ASP asp = (ASP) itrr.next();
        DNVariable v = asp.getComponent(es.getVBSender().getName());
        if (v != null) {
          asp.addActionListenerFor(v, es.getName());

    return wp;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public int compileJavaProgram(JavaProgram jp, String writeDirectory, String classpath)
      throws Exception {
    if (!jp.isTypeResolved()) {
          "Compilation will not take place since there were type resolution errors.");
      return -1;

    String fileList = jp.getFilesAsString();
    String command = "javac -d " + writeDirectory + " -classpath " + classpath + " " + fileList;
    // System.out.println(command);

    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
    // need to squirt the output into the
    InputStream is = p.getErrorStream();

    Util.read(is, "compiler"); // blocks here
    int exitValue = p.exitValue();
    return exitValue;
Exemplo n.º 3
  public JavaProgram createJavaProgram(
      List sourceFiles,
      String libraryPath,
      String mainClassname,
      String projectType,
      String policyType)
      throws Exception {
    // Debug.setOn(true);
    long l = Debug.getTime();
    LibraryData libraryData = new LibraryData(new File(libraryPath), projectType, language, false);
    Library library = new Library(libraryData);
    Parser parser =
        Parser.createParser(this.language, sourceFiles, library, new TranslationPolicy(policyType));

    long lll = Debug.getTime();
    System.out.println("Library Loaded in " + (lll - l) + "ms");

    ParseTree tree = parser.parse();
    TranslationReport report = tree.getTranslationReport();

    long ll = Debug.getTime();
    System.out.println("Code parsed in " + (ll - lll) + "ms");

    Translator tt = new Translator(this.language);
    JavaProgram jp = tt.createJavaProgram(tree, mainClassname, projectType);

    if (report.hasTypeResolveErrors() || report.hasTranslationWarnings()) {
      List errors = new ArrayList();
      report.doReport(errors, report.getTranslationWarnings());

    l = Debug.getTime();
    System.out.println("Translated in " + (l - ll) + "ms");

    jp.setTypeResolved(!report.hasTypeResolveErrors()); // resolved if no errors

    return jp;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public int writeJavaProgram(JavaProgram jp, String writeDirectory) throws Exception {
   System.out.println("Java written to " + writeDirectory);
   return 0;