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Mulgara Semantic Store (Mulgara) Installation Guide

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
    i. Directory Layout
    ii. Release Notes
II. Installing Java
III. Building Mulgara
    i. Building Mulgara in Eclipse
IV. Running a Mulgara Server
V. Mulgara Server Options
VI. License

I. Introduction

Mulgara Semantic Store is a directed graph daatabase designed to store metadata in
a highly scalable, transaction safe environment.

i. Directory Layout

bin      Executables
conf     Build configuration templates (read only)
data     Test data (read only)
dist     Distributable product
doc      Documentation, both sources and generated
lib      Components external to this project (read only)
obj      Generated files
rules    Documentation for using rules, and RDFS rule data
scripts  Scripts used by the build process
src      Source code
test     Test results (auto generated)

ii. Release Notes

New Features:
* New Transaction framework fixing several Concurrent Modification bugs, and
  ensuring ACID compliance.
* A RelationalResolver that provides access to sql databases via a D2RQ mapping.
* A DistributedResolver allowing selections from multiple servers in one query,
  and also permitting insert/select queries between multiple servers.
* TQL now supports triple patterns with Predicate-Object lists and Object lists,
  similarly to SPARQL..
* Removal of debug code, resulting in significant speedup and lower memory usage.
* Improved documentation.
* Added datatypes to XML results.
* Added support for inserting explicit URIs/Literals in an insert/select query.
* Found and fixed several resource leaks.
* Fixed Non-Union-Compatible OR queries (Disjunctions).
* Fixed bug where on disk data can be momentarily inconsistent, destroying data
  if the operating system crashes at the wrong moment.
* Fixed inconsistent RMI access for streaming results over the network.
* Fixed class loading bug when a non-system class loader has been loaded.
* Fixed certain types of queries (like MINUS) failing when intermediate results
  are empty.
* Fixed imports of blank nodes in N3 documents.
* Improved dependencies in build process.
* Build now has meaningful build IDs.
* Cleanup of a lot of redundant code.

Known Bugs:
* Not all bugs yet brought forward from Kowari. MGR-3
* Models are currently tied to server names. MGR-58
* AVLNodes may be released more than once.  Currently being hidden. MGR-63
* Blank nodes from different servers need server IDs incorporated into them.
* Cannot access WebUI while server is being queried and inserts and deletes
  are being performed. MGR-11
* Large temporary files being created with certain usage patterns. MGR-8
* Unimplemented security layer being bypassed. This will be an issue when
  Security is implemented for Mulgara. MGR-31
* Transactions need to be properly cleaned up during exception failures, so
  logging will be more useful. MGR-52
* Intermittent OOM errors while running full test suite on OS X for PPC
  architectures. MGR-67
* Intermittent OOM errors in FileSystemResolver unit test. MGR-53
* Poor performance due to non-optimal ordering after disjunctions.

The list of bugs may be browsed (and updated) at:

II. Installing Java

1. Download a J2SE 1.5.X for your platform from,
and install it. Installation instructions for Windows and Linux are
available. You should then check that the installation added the java
commands to your path by typing:

$ java -version

You should get something like the following:

java version "1.5.0_07"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-164)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_07-87, mixed mode, sharing)

If your shell reports that it cannot find the command, add <JAVA_HOME>/bin
(where JAVA_HOME is the location where you installed J2SE to) to your path
in the appropriate way for your shell.

Note. You must use a Java in the J2SE 1.5.x series for compiling and running
Mulgara.  Java 1.6.0 and above is not yet supported.

III. Building Mulgara

If you have downloaded the binary distribution of Mulgara please skip this
section and go on to "Running a Mulgara Server".

To build Mulgara, you must either use (for Unix opeating systems) or
build.bat (for Windows).  You must have you JAVA_HOME enviroment variable
set in order for the script to work or modify the script to point to your
current installation of Java.

To build the distribution in Unix:
$ ./ dist

To build the distribution in Windows:
C:\Mulgara\> build dist

ii. Building Mulgara in Eclipse

The Mulgara sources include the .project and .classpath files required for
Eclipse.  However for an error free environment Eclipse also requires access
to files which are only generated during a build.  To overcome this there is
an extra ANT target which builds a library containing the required classes
for the Eclipse IDE.

To build this library from a Unix command line:
$ ./ ideSupport

To build the library in Windows:
C:\Mulgara\> build ideSupport

After building the library, do a Refresh (F5) in Eclipse to make the library
available to the project.

IV. Running a Mulgara Server

The Mulgara server is currently run from a shell script under Linux or a batch
file under Windows. To start the server using this script, you'll need to do
the following:

Note. This assumes PATH has been set to the
C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.5.0\bin directory.

1. Change to the Mulgara directory:
$ cd <mulgarahome>

Note. If the directory does not exist create one and copy the mulgara-1.1.0.jar
and itql-1.1.0.jar into it.

2. Start the executable JAR :

$ cd <mulgarahome>
$ java -jar mulgara-1.1.0.jar

Once you see the following line appear in the console the server is ready to be used.

11:01:47.763 EVENT Started SocketListener on

However, if the following message appears then the HTTP port is already occupied by
another process. Please refer to Mulgara Server options to change this

2004-04-23 11:20:23,823 ERROR EmbeddedMulgaraServer - Address already in use

To verify your installation is working correctly open your browser and enter the following URL


Your HTTP port may be different if you have supplied a -p option.

Follow the links to the user documentation to learn more about using Mulgara.

V. Mulgara Server Options

You can change the basic Mulgara server options by suppling them as arguments
to the startup command. To view the basic options supply the --help option.

$ java -jar mulgara-1.1.0.jar --help

This will return the following options :

-h, --help          display this help screen
-n, --normi         disable automatic starting of the RMI registry
-x, --shutdown      shutdown the local running server
-l, --logconfig     use an external logging configuration file
-c, --serverconfig  use an external server configuration file
-k, --serverhost    the hostname to bind the server to
-o, --httphost      the hostname for HTTP requests
-p, --port          the port for HTTP requests
-r, --rmiport       the RMI registry port
-s, --servername    the (RMI) name of the server
-a, --path          the path server data will persist to, specifying
                    '.' or 'temp' will use the current working directory
                    or the system temporary directory respectively
-m, --smtp          the SMTP server for email notifications

Since Mulgara has an embedded HTTP server you may have a conflict with an
existing HTTP running on port 8080. For example, to change the HTTP port of
the Mulgara server to 8081

$java -jar mulgara-1.1.0.jar -p 8081

By default the database files are stored in the current directory under a
server1 directory. To change the location of the database files supply the
-a followed by a path. For example :

$java -jar mulgara-1.1.0.jar -a file:///usr/local/mulgara
Under Windows :

$java -jar mulgara-1.1.0.jar -a c:\mulgara-data

VI. License

The Mulgara Semantic Store is licensed under the Open Software License
version 1.1 which is included with the distribution in a file called

Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Tucana Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2005 Kowari Project. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Mulgara Project. Some rights reserved.

Last updated on 16 July 2007


Mulgara is a scalable RDF database written entirely in Java.







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