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Tabris Build Status

This repository contains the Tabris server parts and additional features that are not contained in the RAP core.


A detailed Developer Guide incl. JavaDoc can be found on the official project documentation site.

Tabris via Maven

Tabris is just a single jar and can be obtained from Maven:


You can also use the Tabris archetype to create Tabris applications:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.eclipsesource.tabris -DarchetypeArtifactId=tabris-application -DgroupId=app -DartifactId=app -DpackageName=app -Dversion=0.1-SNAPSHOT -DinteractiveMode=false

Tabris via p2 Software Sites

The following sites can be used to consume Tabris as an Eclipse Target Platform.

  • release: Contains the latest releases.
  • staging: Can be used as a stable target. We will not purge any version. Contains picked nightly builds.
  • nightly: Contains the last 10 nightly builds. Older builds will be purged.


Demos using the Tabris features are located in the tabris-demos repository.

Build from Source

Tabris uses an Eclipse Tycho based Maven build. Detailed instructions are in the Developer Guide.


The code is published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License, version 1.0.