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Lilisp Programming Language

An overview

By Mhyst


Lilisp is a new Lisp-based programming language writen in Java. The initial reason for a new language was the need of a scripting language for W3S Personal Web Spider that would allow users to create their own crawling algorithms using W3S engine. But as the language evolved, it turned out as a candidate for a general purpose language.

Lilisp parser was going to be simple enough to code it by myself instead of using a parser generator. Also the same was valid for the lexer. I didn't want a complex language. I tried to make it as much uniform as possible. And I think I got it.

Lisp programmers may understand Lilisp more easily at first, but keep in mind that Lilisp is not Lisp. Lilisp is not as complex as Lisp, and many commands are different. From Lisp I borrowed the syntax (those damn parenthesis... lol), lists, macros and other things. As Lisp, Lilisp is autoextensible using macros.


A list is a set of elements. To signal a list you must enclose it with parenthesis and separate the elements using spaces. Elements can be of any type: numbers, strings, objects, etc. You can mix elements of different types in the same list. List examples:

(2 6 1 3)
("hello" "world")
(2 "hello friend" 4 "testing")

The first list has four numeric elements, the second has two string elements and the third has four mixed elements.

Also elements can be a list:

(2 6 (3 0 2) 1 (3 4))

In this list the third and fifth elements are lists.

Lists have two access functions: "head" and "tail". Head retrieves the first element of the list, and tail retrieves a list containing all the elements but the first (head). For instance, if we apply "head" to the list: (2 6 1 3) we'll obtain "2". If we apply "tail" to the same list, we'll obtain the list (6 1 3). These two functions are enough to navigate throughout the list.


In Lilisp, the instructions are lists of arguments. A Lilisp program is a list itself, a list of instructions. The Lilisp interpreter uses the very functions "head" and "tail" to read instructions.

In instructions, the first element of the list must be the action name. An action can be: a function, a macro, or a "bit". Primitives in Lilisp are known as "bits". Each bit has its name and the action that will be taken when the bit is found in the code. If the term bit confuses you, just consider it like what other languages call a primitive. Instruction example:

(print "Hello world!")

Last instruction is a two elements list. The first element is the action name (in this case a bit). The second element is an argument to be passed to the "bit"'s execution code. This instruction will write "Hello world!" in the console.

The first program

Once we have some knowledge of Lilisp program structure, let's take a look to the "Hello world!" program. It looks as follows:

   (print "Hello world!")

Like I said, a Lilisp program is a list of instructions. In this case, our program have just one instruction. You can copy this program to a new file and give it a try. The interpreter will load the entire code and will consider it as a list. It will call the function "head" and "tail" on that list until the return value will be "null". In such case the interpreter will finish. Calling "head" once, will return: "(print "Hello world!")", and calling "tail" it will return an empty list "()". The next call to head will return "null", causing the interpreter to end working.


Variables in Lilisp must be declarated prior to use. The name of the variables must start with "$". The bit you need to create a variable is "set". There are two ways to do it: using a literal, or using a type. Using a literal may not render the correct selection of the type. The safer way to perform it is to use type primitives. Here are examples of both situations:

(set $s "hello")    ;Using a literal
(set $n (numeric))  ;Using the type numeric. Parentesis are mandatory here.

Using type bits, if you don't specify the initial value, Lilisp will try to set one for you (in case of numbers it will be zero; in case of strings, an empty string). You may specify a value manually.

(set $l (numeric 10))

If you are familiar with pointers in C or references in java, this is similar. "(numeric 10) will instantiate a numeric variable and will return a reference of it. This reference will be associated to the variable name specified in the set instruction (in previous case $l). If you use a literal as set second argument, Lilisp will try to determine the most suitable data type and then will undergo a similar process.

Bear in mind that Lilisp takes advantage of a deeply recursive design, so you can place any instruction returning a reference in place for the second set argument and it will work.

Once declarated, variables are ready to be used.

If you want to free resources, you can do it with "unset" primitive:

(unset $l)

This primitive will remove the variable and will set free all the memory assigned to it.

###Data types

Lilisp data types constitue a simplification of Java data types. Types can be easily extended, but I don't see the need of more types for now. Here is the correspondence between Lilisp and Java types:

  • numeric - int
  • decimal - double
  • logic - boolean
  • character - char
  • string - java.lang.String
  • array - Object[]
  • object - Object

There are some types that aren't defined in Java but on W3S or the language itself (W3S Personal Crawler is included with Lilisp package):

  • list - List (represents a list. Allows list handling (head, tail))
  • file - File (represents a file. Allows file handling)
  • link - Link (represent a web link)
  • links - LinksManager (represents a set of web links)

Using the type "object" you can reference any instance of a Java class. In the future I'll add some more types and primitives to help handling W3S engine, but for now, you can do anything using the primitives for objects handling (create, method, staticmethod, getfield, setfield). This is also applicable to handle link and links variables.


The operators have a C++/Java style. Though not all Java operators are available. By now, offset and bit level operators aren't in the language. The most probable is that these operators will appear in a future version of Lilisp. Operators here can be overloaded. That means that every operator works with one specific type of values. Some work with numbers (numeric and decimal) and some (very few) work with strings. So every type should have its own set of operators.

###numeric, decimal:

These operators return a number (numeric, decimal)

  • /
  • sqrt
  • ++
  • --
  • +=
  • -=
  • *=
  • /=


These operators return a logic value (true or false)

  • ==
  • <
  • =

  • <=
  • !=
  • !
  • &&
  • ||


  • equals
  • equalsignorecase
  • contains
  • replace
  • cat

###strings conversion:

  • tonumericarray
  • tochararray

###character conversion:

  • tochar
  • tonumber

Operators in lilisp act as any other primitive because they are defined in a Bit, exactly the same as with the rest of primitives. To use it set it as the first element of a list. Most operators expect two arguments. But you'll understand better with some examples:

(+ 1 2)     ;The result will be 3
(set $i (numeric))
(++ $i)     ;The variable $i will be incremented by one.
(+= $i 2)   ;The variable $i will be incremented by two.
(< 3 4)     ;true
(> 3 4)     ;false
(! true)    ;false
(! (< 3 4)) ;false

Think of the following instruction as an expression where arguments given to "or" operator are lists. These lists will be evaluated before evaluating the "or" itself, and the return values will be given to the "or" instruction.

(|| (< 3 4) (> 3 4))     ;In this case, 

(|| argument1 argument2) ;The "or" operator requires two or more logic
(|| true false)          ;true

(equals "holA" "hola")  ;false
(equalsignorecase "holA" "hola") ;true
(contains "this is a test" "test") ;true
(replace "hello world" "world" "dolly") ;"hello dolly"
(cat "hello " "world")  ;returns "hello world"

That's enough to know about operators. If you're a Java or C programmer you know all you need about this stuff.


Lilisp can deal with arrays rather well. Apart from the type primitive that creates an array, Lilisp has two primitives to handle them: aref and sref. The "aref" primitive gets an element from the array, while "sref" sets an element on the array. Example:

#Note: sharps and semicolons mark comments.
 sharp marks a multiline comment
 semicolon marks a single line comment#

(set $a (array 4)) ;creating a four elements array
(sref $a 0 "hello")
(sref $a 1 "dolly")
(sref $a 2 "good")
(sref $a 3 "bye")  ;We've created a four strings array

(print (aref $a 2)) ;here we print the $a[2] element

This program should show us "good". Primitives "aref" and "sref" come from Lisp, but note that Lisp primitive for array creation is "make-array". Another difference from Lisp is that Lisp can create multidimensional arrays while Lilisp only can do it indirectly:

(set $a (array 4))
(sref $a 0 (array(2))
(sref $a 1 2)

That code creates a four elements array where the first element is a two elements array. Note that only the first element is an array. Accessing these arrays is quite tricky:

(set $a0 (aref $a 0)) ;$a0 is now an array of two elements.
(sref $a0 0 "foo")
(sref $a0 1 "bar")
(print (aref $a0 1))

That code should print "bar". This feature is one of the worst things of Lilisp. Though, it's possible to improve it with a macro. We'll see how in the macros section.


Being able to handle files is an important issue for a programming language. Lilisp has a File type and some primitives:

  • openread - Opens the file in read mode
  • openwrite - Opens the file in write mode
  • openappend - Opens the file in append mode
  • readline - Reads a line of the file
  • read - Reads a single byte of the file
  • writeline - Writes a line to the file
  • write - Writes a single byte into the file
  • skip - Moves the file pointer
  • mark - Saves the position of the file pointer
  • marksupported- To be sure that mark is supported
  • reset - Returns the file pointer to the last saved position
  • close - Closes the file

Lilisp files management uses BufferedReader and BufferedWriter Java classes. These classes are rather fast and have most of operations with files. Have into account that openwrite overwrites the file. If you want to append data to the file, use openappend.

The best way to learn is to study an example program:

    ;File variable declaration
    ;From here $f references the file filename.ext
    (set $f (file "filename.ext"))
    ;Now let's open the file
    ;openread need a file variable
    (openread $f)

    ;Get the first line from the file
    ;readline returns a string that is used by set primitive 
    ;to assign it to the variable $line
    (set $line (readline $f))

    ;Here's very few to tell
    ;$line is a string variable that contains the first
    ;line of the file.
    ;The primitive print makes use of it to show it on the screen
    (print $line))

    ;If you take into account that this language likes recursivity,
    ;the primitive set wouldn't be needed:
    ;(print (readline $f))
    ;This version is also possible
    ;(print (readline (openread (file "filename.ext"))))
    ;But this way we cannot close the file, because no reference
    ;is kept.
    ;(print (readline (set $f (openread (file "filename.ext")))))
    ;Here is it a closeable version (yes, it works)

    ;Closing the file
    (close $f)

Flow control

Lilisp control structures are simple instructions that use control primitives. Each primitive requires a different number of arguments and, with some exceptions, allow one list of instructions as the last argument. Control primitives are: if, for, foreach, while, do...while, try, break, continue and return. There are two more primitives in the Lilisp FlowControl Bit that help to debug your program: debug_on and debug_off. But let's start from the beginning:

###if Is the only conditional structure available in the language. Yet is quite powerfull and, as in most other languages, it allows nesting. The first argument for if must be a "logic" value (or any expression that returns a logic value). Example code:

;simple alternative
(if (< 2 3)
   (print "2 is less that 3"))

Second argument to "if" must be the code. If the code involves more than one instructions it should have a pair of extra parenthesis to be a list of instructions. Example:

;simple alternative
(if (< 2 3)
   ((print "2 is less than 3")
    (print "aditional instruction")))

As you can see, if has still two arguments: two lists. The parenthesis may be placed as the user likes:

(if (< 2 3)  ;if instruction starts

   ((print "testing parenthesis")   ;Don't forget the additional brackets
    (print "testing multiple instructions")
    (print "one more line"))

)  ;if isntruction ends

###if...else The double conditional structure allows three arguments instead of the two of the simple one. Bear in mind that there's no "else" keyword in lilisp. The double conditional structure just uses an extra argument. If simple alternative needs two arguments, double conditional needs three.

;double alternative
(if (== 2 3)
    (print "this will be printed if the if expression is true")
    (print "and this on the contrary"))

If you need more instructions per case, just put it inside of a pair of brackets.

(if (< 3 2)
    ((print "This won't be executed since 3 isn't less than 2")
     (print "This won't be printed either"))
    ((print "Oh, yeah, this will be executed")
     (print "The else part")))

All control structures work that way.

###for Now it's time to see the "for" primitive. The "for" primitive needs four arguments to be passed: initialization, condition, increment and code. Condition has to be a logic expression. The rest are there for you to use the way you like. Initialization is executed in first place. Then the condition is tested. If the condition is true, the code will be executed. After the code is executed, the increment is processed, and again the condition. Remember that initialization is only processed one time.

(for (set $i 0) (< $i 10) (++ $i)
     (print $i))

###foreach The "foreach" primitive is a different flavor of "for" that can be applies to arrays and lists. This will help a lot, above all, to handle arrays. "foreach" needs three arguments: the second is the array variable, the first is a variable name that will be assigned an element of the array (or list), the third is the code. In the following example we'll create a ten elements array and will initialize it with the numbers from 0 to 9:

;As ever, we have to declare the array
(set $a (array 10))

;The $e variable doesn't not exists previously and is instantiated
;automatically to the next element in the array. 
(foreach $e $a
     (sref $a $ $

Note that the variable $ is also created automatically by "foreach" to keep track of the possition the current element keeps in our array.

;This example prints all the elements of the above array $a
(foreach $e $a
	 (print $e))

Easy, isn't it?

;This example uses foreach on a list
(set $l (list '(10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100)))

;This time we show the possition and the element: 0> 10   1> 20....
(foreach $e $l
	 (print $ "> " $e))

List are very efficient and easy to store static sequential data, while arrays allow random access to their elements for reading and modification.

###while, do... while The control structures "while" and "do" are equivalents to "while" and "do... while" of C/C++/Java. Are while-like instructions where the only difference is when the condition is tested:

;With while, the condition is tested before executing the code
(set $i 10)
(while (> $i 0)
       ((print $i)
	(-- $i)))

;With do, the condition is tested after executing the code.
(set $i 10)
    ((print $i)
     (++ $i))
(< $i 10))       ; Here is the condition

###break, continue The primitives "break" and "continue" can be used to alter the normal behavior of loops:

;This example shows a continuous loop (while true)
;The exit of the loop is marked by break
(set $i 0)
(while true
  ((print $i)
   (++ $i)
   (if (> $i 10) (break))))

;Here is a normal loop where we're skipping the number 2
(set $i -1)
(while (< $i 10)
  ((++ $i)
   (if (== $i 2) (continue))
   (print $i)))

###try, return There are still two control primitives we have to study: try and return. Return is the way a Lilisp function returns a value, so we'll cover it later, in the functions section. The primitive "try" is a way to execute code prone to produce errors. An error in a Lilisp program causes the interpreter to abort it. Using "try", will allow the program to continue. By now, the program doesn't have error control, so your Lilisp programs won't know the nature of the error. Though it's possible to know if try code worked well or resulted in an error. In case of error, the "try" primitive will hold the throwed exceptions, will notify the errors and will return a false logic value. If there weren't errors, then a true logic value will be issued:

;This set creates a invalid link. 
;The url (second parameter to link) isn't a valid URL
(set $l (link "here goes the title" "http:/www"))

;Here the call to the getAllLinksFromPage static method of the class
;AbstractAlgorithm (part of W3S core) will fail because we're
;passing to it the invalid link.
;"try" will avoid program abnormal termination and will return a false
;value that we can test with "if".
(if (try  (staticmethod getAllLinksFromPage $l))
   (print "All was ok")            ;if
   (print "Something was wrong"))  ;else
;So, "Something was wrong" will be showed to the user.

I recommend not using "try" until you've tested your program with some test values. This last example contains the first reference to handling W3S. The primitive "staticmethod" belongs to the objects handler bit, an interface that allows instantiating Java classes, calling its methods and accessing its properties. We'll study it in the apropriate section of this document.

Some primitives need an existing variable to work. The primitive "try" can be used very efficiently to control such cases:

(if (try (++ $i))   ;++ will fail if $i is not an existing variable
    (print "The value of i is " $i)      ;if
    ((set $i 0)                          ;else
     (print "The value of i is " $i)))

In that example, if $i variable was not previously declared, it will declare it, assigning it a zero value and then it will print "The value is 0".

With "try" you can try to execute a block of instructions. In case of error, the block will be terminated. This would be good if you plan to launch a transaction. In that case, if something fails, you don't want the rest of the transaction being executed.

If you feel the need, "try" can be nested. Each nested "try" can be tested on: if, for, while and do instructions. To better control a chain of nested "try's" you can use "raise". The primitive "raise" will cause the automatic cancelation of the current "try". Also it may pass the error to the higher levels of "try's". It can be used alone or with a numeric argument, being that argument the number of nested "try's" to be affected.

(try                  ;level 1
     (try             ;level 2 
	(try          ;level 3
		(raise) ;only current try block will be affected

In that example "raise" would only affect to the level three "try". No more instructions on that block will be executed after the "raise".

(try                  ;level 1
     (try             ;level 2 
	(try          ;level 3
		(raise 1)

In the previous example "raise 1" will affect the levels 3 and 2. If it were "raise 2", level 1 would be also affected.

The intelliget use of "try" can be a powerful ally, but if you don't manage it well, it can turn into your worst nightmare, so be cautious and use it wisely.

Include system

The include system allows the programmer to write parts of the same program in separated files. These separated files can later be added to the main source file with the "include" primitive. That's pretty similar as C include system. The main difference is that C has a preprocessor that reads files and prepares the definitive source file to be compiled. In Lilisp, if the interpreter reads the "include" primitive, it immediatly will load and execute that file. You can place includes everywhere in your source files. If an included file doesn't exists it will cause the program to terminate. Though, you can control it with try.

;In this example we try to include (execute) the file "first.lsp"
;We're using "try" to control the possible error.
(if (try (include "first.lsp"))
    (print "All was ok, the file exists and was included")
    (print "The file ifile.lsp couldn't be included"))

Remember that "include" is a normal primitive. There's no such a thing as a preprocessor in Lilisp.


In Lilisp you can create functions to do part of your program tasks. Functions are helpful because you define it once but you can call it many times, so it saves you time and effort.

Each function have a new field for new variables. These variables are called local variables and you still can access program variables called global variables. This isn't very different of what you'd espect. Functions can receive arguments or not, at your choice, and can return a value by means of "return" primitive. In Lilisp, you don't have to define the arguments type nor the return type, but be careful, if your function works with numbers and you use non numeric values, it will result in errors. You can test the actual argument types using the $.type construction from inside the function.

To declare a function, you have to use the "defun" primitive. That primitive acts as any other one, but when finished you'll have a new callable function. The "defun" primitive accepts tree arguments: function name, function arguments, and function code. Function arguments and function code have to be lists containing the arguments and the code, respectively. But we have enough blavering for now, let's see some example functions:

;our first function declaration
(defun multiply ($n1 $n2) (return (* $n1 $n2)))

;Now we'll call it
(multiply 2 3)

;the function will return 6, but there's no container to receive the
;value, the next example will print the result:

(print "2 X 3 = " (multiply 2 3)) ;2 x 3 = 6

The "multiply" primitive doesn't exitst until we execute the "defun multiply..." instruction. But after it, it acts exactly as other primitives.

Though functions can access global variables, it is not recommended to write programs that way. Side effects can be dangerous and hard to get rid of.

Lilisp functions arguments are passed by value. That means that you cannot modify the variables involved in the calling arguments. That's good because it provides isolation, reducing the possibility of side effects.

Functions may be recursive. Recursivity is a constant in Lilisp. An stack overflow error can occur if you don't plan recursive functions carefully. But that's also an issue on most languages.

(defun fac ($n)
       (if (== $n 0)
       	   (return 1)                     ;if
	   (return (* $n (fac (- $n 1)))) ;else


Lilisp macros idea came from Lisp, though Lilisp macros aren't that complex. Macros definition is exactly equal to functions'. What is different is that macros work as code replacement tools. Macros aren't called, when a macro is detected, the macro code is placed instead of the macro's instruction. To help understand macros, we are going to create two macros that will serve for multi-dimensional arrays:

;Look this program
;Read arrays section again if you have any doubt
    ;macros in shape are like functions
    ;we have to use "defmacro" primitive to declare a macro

    ;here we have two macros
    ;Variables case doesn't matter, that's just my preference
    (defmacro d2aref ($A $I0 $I1) (aref (aref $A $I0) $I1))
    (defmacro d2sref ($A $I0 $I1 $VAL) (sref (aref $A $I0) $I1 $VAL))

    ;May be $a a two elements array
    (set $a (array 2))

    ;each element of $a is another two elements array
    (sref $a 0 (array 2))
    (sref $a 1 (array 2))

    ;Our macros make the handling of bi-dimensional arrays rather easy
    ;macro  array row col value
    (d2sref  $a    0   0    1)
    (d2sref  $a    0   1    2)
    (d2sref  $a    1   0    3)
    (d2sref  $a    1   1    4)

    ;Every d2ref line is replaced with the macro code this way
    ;This is the result of the last d2sref instruction:
    ;(sref (aref $a 1) 1  4)
    ;Notice as argument values are placed according 
    ;macro's definition arguments

    (print (d2aref $a 0 0))   ;1
    (print (d2aref $a 0 1))   ;2
    (print (d2aref $a 1 0))   ;3
    (print (d2aref $a 1 1))   ;4

Macros can be simple or as complex as you fancy.

Java objects handling

Every new language needs time to grow. I didn't want to have Lilisp limited because its youth. To solve it, I designed an interface against Java classes. That interface is called Objects Handler Bit (OHB) and helps you to instantiate Java objects, calling its methods and accesing its properties. The primary use of this bit was to deal with W3S crawling engine. Some W3S objects are addressed by Lilisp primitives. For instance: link and links data types, both referencing and In the near future the rest of W3S objects will count with its own primitives, but for now, we can use the Objects Handler Bit. Again, there's a lot of things uncovered by Lilisp that you can do via OHB.

    ;Class instantiation
    (set $vect (create java.util.Vector))

    ;method calling
    (method $vect addElement (numeric 3))
    (method $vect trimToSize)
    (println "The vector size is " (method $vect size))
    ;Creating a new link
    ;The constructor may need some arguments
    (set $lnk (create "title" "" (nil)))
    ;Getting link's depth
    (println "The link's depth is " (method $lnk getDepth))

    ;You may need to call a static method
    ;This may take some time because it will visit a web page and will
    ;extract all the links
    (set $lnks (staticmethod getAllLinksFromPage $lnk))
    ;The past instruction returns a links object that can be covered
    ;This loop will show every found link
    (while (isnotnull (set $l (method $lnks next)))
      (println (method $l getLink))

    ;Object fields access
    (println "The minimun allowed priority for links is " (getfield $lnks MINPRIORITY))
    ;Modifying object fields
    ;We need a class with public fields. Reference has two: address and value
    (set $ref (create

    ;Let's try with value
    (setfield $ref value 141)
    ;Now we retrieve it
    (println "$ref.value = " (getfield $ref value))

Until now, the unique limitation I've observed is that you need an instance before access a static field. Another implicit limitation is that you need to know some bits of Java before using OHB. For Java programmers will be very easy though.

How to get user input in Lilisp

Sometimes in your programs you might need the user input. There are two primitives to do that: input and inputw.

###input Uses the console to interact with the user. It needs two arguments: type and message. It will show the message, get the input and return a value of the specified type. If the value doesn't fit the type, it will make the user know and will request the data again.

;getting a string
(input string "Tell me your name: ")

You can retrieve the return value with "set" or use the as argument for another primitive call:

;retrieving a name
(set $name (input "Tell me your name: "))

;retrieving a number
(println "The circunference is " (* 2 (* 3.1416 (input decimal "Radius: "))))

;retrieving a list. For instance enter: '(1 2 3 4)
(set $l (input list "Enter a number list: "))
(foreach $e $l
  (println $e))

###inputw If you're executing your Lilisp program from the W3S environment you're not going to interact with the user via the console, you'd like to do that with an input window. That's exactly the way inputw works. Notwithstanding, you can use inputw also from a Lilisp console program. Using "inputw" is a bit more difficult than using "input". The "inputw" requires five arguments: the windows title, the input message, the button caption, the textfield width and the desired type.

(inputw "Testing" "Tell me your name: " "Accept" 20 string)

As for the rest, "inputw" acts exactly the same as "input".

(println "Your name is: " (inputw "Testing" "Name: " "Accept" 20


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