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Enhance Java code with Lombok

Plugin page:

Allows bytecode manipulation at compile time using Project Lombok. Think of Lombok as AST transformations for Java sources.

Supports Javac and Eclipse JDT. Works with Intellij IDEA, Eclipse and NetBeans.


The Lombok plugin supports the following transformations

  • @ThreadingAware - injects the griffon.core.ThreadingHandler interface
  • @ResourcesAware - injects the griffon.core.ResourceHandler interface
  • @EventPublisher - injects the griffon.core.EventPublisher interface
  • @Bindable - injects the griffon.core.Observable interface
  • @Vetoable - injects the griffon.core.Vetoable interface
  • @MVCAware - injects the griffon.core.MVCHandler interface
  • @MessageSourceAware - injects the griffon.core.i18n.MessageSource interface
  • @ResourceResolverAware - injects the griffon.core.resources.ResourceResolver interface

In the case of @Bindable and @Vetoable there are a couple of limitations at the moment that don't make it work exactly as its Groovy counterpart:

  • Java has no concept of properties like Groovy does, @Bindable expects all private fields to be properties.

Additional transformations provided by lombok-pg are also available by installing this plugin.

Tool Support


Support for this compiler is provided out-of-the-box by the command line tools. There's no additional configuration required.


Follow these steps to setup Lombok in Eclipse

  1. Make sure the project has the required files to be opened as an Eclipse Project. Simply call the following command

     griffon integrate-with --eclipse
  2. Install the eclipse-support plugin and update the .classpath file

     griffon install-plugin eclipse-support
     griffon eclipse-update
  3. Open the project in Eclipse

  4. Locate the lombok-x.y.z.jar in the project libraries. Right click on it, run it as a Java application. Select lombok.core.Main as the class to launch. Follow the on-screen instructions. Make a not of the install path as you'll need it in the next step. Shutdown Eclipse.

  5. Go to the path where the lombok.jar was copied. This path is either found inside the Eclipse installation directory or in your local settings. Copy the following files from the project's working directory

     $ cp $USER_HOME/.griffon/<version>/projects/<project>/plugins/lombok-<version>/dist/griffon-lombok-compile-<version>.jar .
     $ cp $USER_HOME/.ivy2/cache/com.github.peichhorn/lombok-pg/jars/lombok-pg-<version>.jar .
  6. Edit the launch script for Eclipse and tweak the boothclasspath entry so that includes the file you just copied

  7. Launch Eclipse once more.


Follow the instructions found in Annotation Processors Support in the NetBeans IDE, Part I: Using Project Lombok. You may need to specify lombok.core.AnnotationProcessor in the list of Annotation Processors.

Intellij IDEA

Follow these steps to setup Lombok in Intellij IDEA

  1. Download the latest stable release of lombok-intellij-plugin as a zip file.

  2. Open up the Preferences dialog in IntelliJ IDEA

  3. Go to the Plugins page. Click on the "Install plugin from disk..." button. Select the zip file you just downloaded.

  4. Shutdown IntelliJ IDEA; locate the directory where the lombok plugin was installed. This directory is usually found somewhere inside your personal settings. In OSX for example it would be located in $USER_HOME/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea11/lombok-plugin.

  5. Copy griffon-lombok-compile-<version>.jar to the lib directory

     $ pwd
       $USER_HOME/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea11/lombok-plugin
     $ cp $USER_HOME/.griffon/<version>/projects/<project>/plugins/lombok-<version>/dist/griffon-lombok-compile-<version>.jar lib
  6. Launch IntelliJ IDEA once more.


This project requires all of its dependencies be available from maven compatible repositories. Some of these dependencies have not been pushed to the Maven Central Repository, however you can obtain them from lombok-dev-deps.

Follow the instructions found there to install the required dependencies into your local Maven repository before attempting to build this plugin.