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Welcome to the world of Qi4j
   - Composite Oriented Programming on the Java platform.

This Qi4j SDK contains everything you need to create Qi4j applications.

Qi4j started in 2007, and is still in heavy development. We would like
developers around the world to participate in the advancement of this
cool, new and challenging technology. We are especially interested in
people willing to help improve the SDK, samples, tutorials, documentation
and other supporting material.

This initial SDK is very limited in terms of documentation.

Please see for more information.

All Qi4j code is licensed under an Apache License.

Third-Party Dependencies may be licensed under other terms. The only
required dependencies are CGLib which is also under the Apache License.

Dependencies not included
To save download space, some optional dependencies are not included,
which are only used under not too common circumstances, and if used
it is likely that the user have already downloaded these separately.

These are the Script language support in the 4 libraries

  - qi4j-lib-groovy
  - qi4j-lib-beanshell
  - qi4j-lib-javascript
  - qi4j-lib-jruby

of their respective scripting languages

  - org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all
  - org.beanshell:bsh-core
  - rhino:rhino
  - org.jruby:jruby

Likewise, if you want to use the Spring Support Library or the Struts
Support Library, these must be downloaded separately from SpringFramework
and Apache Struts projects respectively.

Finally, Qi4j TestSupport depends on JUnit 4.x and its dependencies, which
is also not included in the SDK itself, as it is present among most Java

Thank you for trying out Qi4j and Composite Oriented Programming.

-- Qi4j Core Dev Team