public void testInstallAtLocation() throws BundleException, MalformedURLException, IOException {
		// create disconnected test regions
		Region r1 = digraph.createRegion(getName() + ".1");
		Region r2 = digraph.createRegion(getName() + ".2");

		String location = bundleInstaller.getBundleLocation(PP1);
		Bundle b1 = null;
		Bundle b2 = null;
		String l1 = null;
		String l2 = null;
		try {
			URL url = new URL(location);
			b1 = r1.installBundle(location + ".1", url.openStream());
			l1 = b1.getLocation();
			b2 = r2.installBundleAtLocation(location + ".2", url.openStream());
			l2 = b2.getLocation();
		} finally {
			if (b1 != null) {
				try {
				} catch (BundleException e) {
					// ignore
			if (b2 != null) {
				try {
				} catch (BundleException e) {
					// ignore
		assertEquals("Wrong location found.", location + ".1#" + r1.getName(), l1);
		assertEquals("Wrong location found.", location + ".2", l2);
 private Region createRegion(String regionName, String... bundleSymbolicNames)
     throws BundleException {
   Region region = this.digraph.createRegion(regionName);
   for (String bundleSymbolicName : bundleSymbolicNames) {
     Bundle stubBundle = createBundle(bundleSymbolicName);
   this.regions.put(regionName, region);
   return region;
	public void testRemoveRegion() throws BundleException {
		Region pp1Region = digraph.createRegion(PP1);
		assertEquals("Region not associated with bundle id", pp1Region, digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));
		assertNull("Region still associated with bundle id", digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));

		// Adding a bundle to a removed region should not change the digraph and should error
		try {
			fail("Added a bundle to a region which was not part of a digraph");
		} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
			// expected
		assertNull("Region now associated with bundle id", digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));

		Region pp2Region = digraph.createRegion(PP2);

		// removing a bundle from a removed region should not change the digraph and should error
		try {
			fail("Removed a bundle via a region which was not part of a digraph");
		} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
			// Expected
		assertEquals("Wrong region found for the bundle id", pp2Region, digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));
	public void testBundleCollisionConnectedRegions() throws BundleException, InvalidSyntaxException {
		// get the system region
		Region systemRegion = digraph.getRegion(0);
		// create 3 connected test regions and install each bundle into each region
		int numRegions = 4;
		String regionName = "ConnectedRegion_";
		for (int i = 0; i < numRegions; i++) {
			Region region = digraph.createRegion(regionName + i);
			// Import the system bundle from the systemRegion
			digraph.connect(region, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build(), systemRegion);
			// must import Boolean services into systemRegion to test
			digraph.connect(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build(), region);

		Region region0 = digraph.getRegion(regionName + 0);
		Region region1 = digraph.getRegion(regionName + 1);
		Region region2 = digraph.getRegion(regionName + 2);

		// create connections that share the bundles we want
		RegionFilterBuilder filterBuilder = digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder();
		filterBuilder.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(bundle-symbolic-name=" + PP1 + ")");
		filterBuilder.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(bundle-symbolic-name=" + SP1 + ")");
		filterBuilder.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(bundle-symbolic-name=" + CP1 + ")");

		// install a bundle in each region
		bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP1, region0);
		bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP1, region1);
		bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP1, region2);

		// Should not be able to install SP1 into region0 because that would collide with SP1->region1->region0
		assertInstallFail(SP1, region0);
		// Should not be able to install PP1 into region1 because that would collide with region1->region0->PP1
		assertInstallFail(PP1, region1);
		// Should not be able to install PP1 into region2 because that would collide with region2->region1->region0->PP1
		assertInstallFail(PP1, region2);
		// Should not be able to install CP1 into region0 because that would collide with CP1->region2->region1->region0
		assertInstallFail(CP1, region0);
	public void testPersistenceBug343020() throws BundleException, InvalidSyntaxException {
		// get the system region
		Region systemRegion = digraph.getRegion(0);
		// create a test region
		Region testRegion = digraph.createRegion(getName());

		RegionFilterBuilder builder = digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder();
		// Import the system bundle from the systemRegion
		builder.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)");
		// import PP1
		builder.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg1.*)");
		digraph.connect(testRegion,, systemRegion);
		// install CP2
		Bundle cp2 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP2, testRegion);

		bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {cp2});
		assertEquals("Wrong state for pc1.", Bundle.INSTALLED, cp2.getState());


		// install PP1 there is no region alive

		// start region bundle and confirm we can resolve cp2 now

		bundleInstaller.refreshPackages(new Bundle[] {cp2});
		assertEquals("Wrong state for pc1.", Bundle.RESOLVED, cp2.getState());

		// stop region bundle to test uninstalling bundles while stopped

		testRegion = digraph.getRegion(getName());
		assertNotNull("No test region found.", testRegion);
		Set<Long> testIds = testRegion.getBundleIds();
		assertEquals("Wrong number of test ids.", 0, testIds.size());
	public void testBundleCollisionDisconnectedRegions() throws BundleException, InvalidSyntaxException {
		// get the system region
		Region systemRegion = digraph.getRegion(0);
		Collection<Bundle> bundles = new HashSet<Bundle>();
		// create 4 disconnected test regions and install each bundle into each region
		int numRegions = 4;
		String regionName = "IsolatedRegion_";
		for (int i = 0; i < numRegions; i++) {
			Region region = digraph.createRegion(regionName + i);
			// Import the system bundle from the systemRegion
			digraph.connect(region, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build(), systemRegion);
			// must import Boolean services into systemRegion to test
			digraph.connect(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build(), region);
			for (String location : ALL) {
				Bundle b = bundleInstaller.installBundle(location, region);

		assertEquals("Wrong number of bundles installed", numRegions * ALL.size(), bundles.size());
		assertTrue("Could not resolve bundles.", bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(bundles.toArray(new Bundle[bundles.size()])));

		// test install of duplicates
		for (int i = 0; i < numRegions; i++) {
			Region region = digraph.getRegion(regionName + i);
			for (String name : ALL) {
				String location = bundleInstaller.getBundleLocation(name);
				try {
					Bundle b = region.installBundle(getName() + "_expectToFail", new URL(location).openStream());
					fail("Expected a bundle exception on duplicate bundle installation: " + name);
				} catch (BundleException e) {
					// expected
					assertEquals("Wrong exception type.", BundleException.DUPLICATE_BUNDLE_ERROR, e.getType());
				} catch (IOException e) {
					fail("Failed to open bunldle location: " + e.getMessage());

		// test update to a duplicate
		for (int i = 0; i < numRegions; i++) {
			Region region = digraph.getRegion(regionName + i);

			Bundle regionPP1 = region.getBundle(PP1, new Version(1, 0, 0));

			String locationSP1 = bundleInstaller.getBundleLocation(SP1);
			try {
				regionPP1.update(new URL(locationSP1).openStream());
				fail("Expected a bundle exception on duplicate bundle update: " + region);
			} catch (BundleException e) {
				// expected
				assertEquals("Wrong exception type.", BundleException.DUPLICATE_BUNDLE_ERROR, e.getType());
			} catch (IOException e) {
				fail("Failed to open bunldle location: " + e.getMessage());

			// now uninstall SP1 and try to update PP1 to SP1 again
			Bundle regionSP1 = region.getBundle(SP1, new Version(1, 0, 0));

			try {
				regionPP1.update(new URL(locationSP1).openStream());
			} catch (IOException e) {
				fail("Failed to open bunldle location: " + e.getMessage());
	public void testSingletons() throws BundleException {
		Region region1 = digraph.createRegion(getName() + "_1");
		Region region2 = digraph.createRegion(getName() + "_2");

		// first install into the same region; higher version 2 should resolve
		Bundle singleton1 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(SINGLETON1, region1);
		Bundle singleton2 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(SINGLETON2, region1);
		assertFalse(bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {singleton1, singleton2}));
		assertEquals("singleton1", Bundle.INSTALLED, singleton1.getState());
		assertEquals("singleton2", Bundle.RESOLVED, singleton2.getState());

		// now install into different regions; both 1 and 2 should resolve
		singleton2 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(SINGLETON2, region2);
		assertTrue(bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {singleton1, singleton2}));
		assertEquals("singleton1", Bundle.RESOLVED, singleton1.getState());
		assertEquals("singleton2", Bundle.RESOLVED, singleton2.getState());

		ServiceRegistration<ResolverHookFactory> disableHook = disableAllResolves();
		try {
			// now refresh to get us to an unresolved state again
			bundleInstaller.refreshPackages(new Bundle[] {singleton1, singleton2});
			// connect region2 -> region1
			region2.connectRegion(region1, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allowAll(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE).build());
			// enable resolving again
			disableHook = null;

			assertFalse(bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {singleton1, singleton2}));
			assertTrue("One and only singleton bundle should be resolved", (singleton1.getState() == Bundle.RESOLVED) ^ (singleton2.getState() == Bundle.RESOLVED));

			disableHook = disableAllResolves();
			// now refresh to get us to an unresolved state again
			bundleInstaller.refreshPackages(new Bundle[] {singleton1, singleton2});
			// enable resolving again
			disableHook = null;

			// make sure singleton1 is resolved first
			assertTrue(bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {singleton1}));
			assertEquals("singleton1", Bundle.RESOLVED, singleton1.getState());
			singleton2 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(SINGLETON2, region2);
			assertFalse(bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {singleton2}));
			assertEquals("singleton2", Bundle.INSTALLED, singleton2.getState());

			disableHook = disableAllResolves();
			// now refresh to get us to an unresolved state again
			bundleInstaller.refreshPackages(new Bundle[] {singleton1, singleton2});
			// enable resolving again
			disableHook = null;

			// make sure singleton2 is resolved first
			assertTrue(bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {singleton2}));
			assertEquals("singleton2", Bundle.RESOLVED, singleton2.getState());
			singleton1 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(SINGLETON1, region1);
			assertFalse(bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(new Bundle[] {singleton1}));
			assertEquals("singleton1", Bundle.INSTALLED, singleton1.getState());
		} finally {
			if (disableHook != null)
	private void doCyclicRegions(int numLevels) throws BundleException, InvalidSyntaxException, InterruptedException {
		String regionName1 = getName() + "_1";
		String regionName2 = getName() + "_2";
		// get the system region
		Region systemRegion = digraph.getRegion(0);
		// create two regions to hold the bundles
		Region testRegion1 = digraph.createRegion(regionName1);
		Region testRegion2 = digraph.createRegion(regionName2);
		// connect to the system bundle
		testRegion1.connectRegion(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build());
		testRegion2.connectRegion(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build());
		// must import Boolean services into systemRegion to test
		systemRegion.connectRegion(testRegion1, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build());
		systemRegion.connectRegion(testRegion2, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build());

		Map<String, Bundle> bundles = new HashMap<String, Bundle>();
		// add bundles to region1
		bundles.put(PP1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP1, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(SP2, bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP2, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(CP2, bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP2, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(PC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(PC1, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(BC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(BC1, testRegion1));

		// add bundles to region2
		bundles.put(SP1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP1, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(CP1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP1, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(PP2, bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP2, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(SC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(SC1, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(CC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(CC1, testRegion2));

		RegionFilterBuilder testRegionFilter1 = digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder();
		// SP2 -> PP2
		testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg2.*)");
		// CP2 -> SP1
		testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=pkg1.*)");
		// PC1 -> PP2
		// this is not needed because we already import pkg2.* above
		//testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg2.*)");
		// BC1 -> PP2
		testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE + "=" + PP2 + ")");

		RegionFilterBuilder testRegionFilter2 = digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder();
		//SP1 -> PP1
		testRegionFilter2.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg1.*)");
		//SC1 -> SP2
		testRegionFilter2.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=pkg2.*)");
		//CC1 -> CP2
		testRegionFilter2.allow(CP2, "(name=" + CP2 + ")");

		Region r1, r2 = null;
		for (int i = 0; i <= numLevels; i++) {
			r1 = (i > 0) ? r2 : testRegion1;
			r2 = (i < numLevels) ? digraph.createRegion(getName() + "_level_" + i) : testRegion2;

		bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(bundles.values().toArray(new Bundle[bundles.size()]));
		for (Bundle bundle : bundles.values()) {
			assertEquals("Bundle did not resolve: " + bundle.getSymbolicName(), Bundle.RESOLVED, bundle.getState());
		BundleContext context = getContext();
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> cp2Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(" + bundles.get(CP2).getBundleId() + "))"), null);
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> sc1Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(" + bundles.get(SC1).getBundleId() + "))"), null);;;

		assertNotNull("The cp2 bundle never found the service.", cp2Tracker.waitForService(2000));
		assertNotNull("The sc1 bundle never found the service.", sc1Tracker.waitForService(2000));