/** * Set up images separately - one image is created in both virtual wikis, the second image is set * up in only the shared virtual wiki. */ private void setupImage(VirtualWiki virtualWiki, Topic topic) throws DataAccessException, IOException, WikiException { if (!topic.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("image:")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot call JAMWikiUtilTest.setupImage for non-image topics"); } TopicVersion topicVersion = new TopicVersion( null, "", null, topic.getTopicContent(), topic.getTopicContent().length()); topic.setTopicType(TopicType.IMAGE); topicVersion.setEditType(TopicVersion.EDIT_UPLOAD); // hard code image details - Image:Test Image.jpg will be created for both the "en" // and "test" virtual wikis, while Image:Test Image2.jpg will be created only for // the "test" virtual wiki. WikiFileVersion wikiFileVersion = new WikiFileVersion(); if (topic.getName().equals("Image:Test Image.jpg") && virtualWiki.getName().equals("en")) { WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, null, null); ImageUtil.writeWikiFile( topic, wikiFileVersion, null, "", "test_image.jpg", "/test_image.jpg", "image/jpeg", 61136, null); } else if (topic.getName().equals("Image:Test Image.jpg") && virtualWiki.getName().equals("test")) { WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, null, null); ImageUtil.writeWikiFile( topic, wikiFileVersion, null, "", "test_image_shared.jpg", "/test_image_shared.jpg", "image/jpeg", 61136, null); } else if (topic.getName().equals("Image:Test Image2.jpg") && virtualWiki.getName().equals("test")) { WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, null, null); ImageUtil.writeWikiFile( topic, wikiFileVersion, null, "", "test_image2_shared.jpg", "/test_image2_shared.jpg", "image/jpeg", 61136, null); } }
protected static void setupSpecialPage( Locale locale, String virtualWiki, String topicName, WikiUser user, boolean adminOnly, Connection conn) throws Exception { logger.info("Setting up special page " + virtualWiki + " / " + topicName); String contents = Utilities.readSpecialPage(locale, topicName); Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.setName(topicName); topic.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); topic.setTopicContent(contents); topic.setAdminOnly(adminOnly); // FIXME - hard coding TopicVersion topicVersion = new TopicVersion( user, user.getLastLoginIpAddress(), "Automatically created by system setup", contents); WikiBase.getDataHandler() .writeTopic( topic, topicVersion, Utilities.parserDocument(topic.getTopicContent(), virtualWiki, topicName), true, conn); }
/** * Retrieve the content of a topic from the cache, or if it is not yet in the cache then add it to * the cache. * * @param context The servlet context for the topic being retrieved. May be <code>null</code> if * the <code>cook</code> parameter is set to <code>false</code>. * @param locale The locale for the topic being retrieved. May be <code>null</code> if the <code> * cook</code> parameter is set to <code>false</code>. * @param virtualWiki The virtual wiki for the topic being retrieved. * @param topicName The name of the topic being retrieved. * @param cook A parameter indicating whether or not the content should be parsed before it is * added to the cache. Stylesheet content (CSS) is not parsed, but most other content is * parsed. * @return The parsed or unparsed (depending on the <code>cook</code> parameter) topic content. */ protected static String cachedContent( String context, Locale locale, String virtualWiki, String topicName, boolean cook) { String content = null; String key = WikiCache.key(virtualWiki, topicName); Element cacheElement = WikiCache.retrieveFromCache(WikiBase.CACHE_PARSED_TOPIC_CONTENT, key); if (cacheElement != null) { content = (String) cacheElement.getObjectValue(); return (content == null) ? null : new String(content); } try { Topic topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null); content = topic.getTopicContent(); if (cook) { ParserInput parserInput = new ParserInput(); parserInput.setContext(context); parserInput.setLocale(locale); parserInput.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); parserInput.setTopicName(topicName); content = Utilities.parse(parserInput, null, content); } WikiCache.addToCache(WikiBase.CACHE_PARSED_TOPIC_CONTENT, key, content); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("error getting cached page " + virtualWiki + " / " + topicName, e); return null; } return content; }
/** * Create a basic Lucene document to add to the index. This document is suitable to be parsed with * the StandardAnalyzer. */ private Document createStandardDocument(Topic topic) { String topicContent = topic.getTopicContent(); if (topicContent == null) { topicContent = ""; } Document doc = new Document(); // store the (not analyzed) topic name to use when deleting records from the index. doc.add( new Field( FIELD_TOPIC_NAME, topic.getName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); // add the topic namespace (not analyzed) topic namespace to allow retrieval by namespace. // this field is used internally in searches. doc.add( new Field( FIELD_TOPIC_NAMESPACE, topic.getNamespace().getId().toString(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); // analyze the topic name so that (for example) a search for "New York" will match "New York // City" Field nameField = new Field(FIELD_TOPIC_NAME_ANALYZED, topic.getName(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED); // make the topic name worth 3x as much as topic content in searches nameField.setBoost(3.0f); doc.add(nameField); // analyze & store the topic content so that it is searchable and also usable for display in // search result summaries doc.add(new Field(FIELD_TOPIC_CONTENT, topicContent, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); return doc; }
@Test public void testImportFromFileWithUnsortedHistory() throws Throwable { String virtualWiki = VIRTUAL_WIKI_EN; List<String> results = this.importTestFile(FILE_ONE_TOPIC_WITH_UNSORTED_HISTORY); Topic topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, TOPIC_NAME3, false, null); // validate that the current topic content is correct assertEquals( "Incorrect topic ordering: " + topic.getTopicId() + " / " + topic.getCurrentVersionId(), "Newest Revision", topic.getTopicContent()); }
private void resolve(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = WikiUtil.getTopicFromRequest(request); String virtualWiki = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); Topic lastTopic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null); String contents1 = lastTopic.getTopicContent(); String contents2 = request.getParameter("contents"); next.addObject("lastTopicVersionId", lastTopic.getCurrentVersionId()); next.addObject("contentsResolve", contents2); this.loadDiff(request, next, pageInfo, contents1, contents2); this.loadEdit(request, next, pageInfo, contents1, virtualWiki, topicName, false); next.addObject("editResolve", "true"); }
@Test public void testImportFromFileWithTwoTopics() throws Throwable { String virtualWiki = VIRTUAL_WIKI_EN; List<String> results = this.importTestFile(FILE_TEST_TWO_TOPICS_WITH_HISTORY); // validate that the first topic parsed assertTrue("Parsed topic '" + TOPIC_NAME1 + "'", results.contains(TOPIC_NAME1)); Topic topic1 = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, TOPIC_NAME1, false, null); // validate that the parsed topic correctly set topic values assertEquals("Topic name '" + TOPIC_NAME1 + "' set correctly", TOPIC_NAME1, topic1.getName()); assertTrue( "Topic content set correctly", topic1.getTopicContent().indexOf("Link to user page: [[User:Test User]]") != -1); // validate that namespaces were converted from Mediawiki to JAMWiki correctly assertTrue( "Topic content namespaces updated correctly", topic1.getTopicContent().indexOf("Link to user talk page: [[User comments: Test User]]") != -1); // validate that the second topic parsed assertTrue("Parsed topic '" + TOPIC_NAME2 + "'", results.contains(TOPIC_NAME2)); Topic topic2 = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, TOPIC_NAME2, false, null); // validate that the parsed topic correctly set topic values assertEquals("Topic name '" + TOPIC_NAME2 + "' set correctly", TOPIC_NAME2, topic2.getName()); }
public static String getCachedContent( HttpServletRequest request, String virtualWiki, String topicName, boolean cook) { String content = (String) cachedContents.get(virtualWiki + "-" + topicName); if (content == null) { try { Topic topic = WikiBase.getHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); content = topic.getTopicContent(); if (cook) { ParserInfo parserInfo = new ParserInfo(request.getContextPath(), request.getLocale()); parserInfo.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); content = Utilities.parse(parserInfo, content, topicName); } cachedContents.put(virtualWiki + "-" + topicName, content); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("error getting cached page " + virtualWiki + " / " + topicName, e); return null; } } return content; }
private void edit(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = WikiUtil.getTopicFromRequest(request); String virtualWiki = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); Topic topic = loadTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); // topic name might be updated by loadTopic topicName = topic.getName(); Integer lastTopicVersionId = retrieveLastTopicVersionId(request, topic); next.addObject("lastTopicVersionId", lastTopicVersionId); String contents = (String) request.getParameter("contents"); if (isPreview(request)) { preview(request, next, pageInfo); } else if (isShowChanges(request)) { showChanges(request, next, pageInfo, virtualWiki, topicName, lastTopicVersionId); } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("topicVersionId"))) { // editing an older version Integer topicVersionId = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("topicVersionId")); TopicVersion topicVersion = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopicVersion(topicVersionId); if (topicVersion == null) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.notopic")); } contents = topicVersion.getVersionContent(); if (!lastTopicVersionId.equals(topicVersionId)) { next.addObject("topicVersionId", topicVersionId); } } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("section"))) { // editing a section of a topic int section = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("section")); String[] sliceResults = ParserUtil.parseSlice( request.getContextPath(), request.getLocale(), virtualWiki, topicName, section); contents = sliceResults[1]; String sectionName = sliceResults[0]; String editComment = "/* " + sectionName + " */ "; next.addObject("editComment", editComment); } else { // editing a full new or existing topic contents = (topic == null) ? "" : topic.getTopicContent(); } this.loadEdit(request, next, pageInfo, contents, virtualWiki, topicName, true); }
@Override public String getRawWikiContent( String namespace, String topicName, Map<String, String> templateParameters) { String result = super.getRawWikiContent(namespace, topicName, templateParameters); if (result != null) { return result; } try { topicName = topicName.replaceAll("_", " "); Topic topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler() .lookupTopic(fParserInput.getVirtualWiki(), namespace + ':' + topicName, false, null); if (topic == null) { return null; } return topic.getTopicContent(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; }
private void edit(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = JAMWikiServlet.getTopicFromRequest(request); String virtualWiki = JAMWikiServlet.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request); Topic topic = loadTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); // topic name might be updated by loadTopic topicName = topic.getName(); int lastTopicVersionId = retrieveLastTopicVersionId(request, virtualWiki, topicName); next.addObject("lastTopicVersionId", new Integer(lastTopicVersionId)); loadEdit(request, next, pageInfo, virtualWiki, topicName, true); String contents = null; if (isPreview(request)) { preview(request, next, pageInfo); return; } pageInfo.setAction(WikiPageInfo.ACTION_EDIT); if (StringUtils.hasText(request.getParameter("topicVersionId"))) { // editing an older version int topicVersionId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("topicVersionId")); TopicVersion topicVersion = WikiBase.getHandler().lookupTopicVersion(topicName, topicVersionId); if (topicVersion == null) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.notopic")); } contents = topicVersion.getVersionContent(); if (lastTopicVersionId != topicVersionId) { next.addObject("topicVersionId", new Integer(topicVersionId)); } } else if (StringUtils.hasText(request.getParameter("section"))) { // editing a section of a topic int section = (new Integer(request.getParameter("section"))).intValue(); ParserDocument parserDocument = Utilities.parseSlice(request, virtualWiki, topicName, section); contents = parserDocument.getContent(); } else { // editing a full new or existing topic contents = (topic == null) ? "" : topic.getTopicContent(); } next.addObject("contents", contents); }
/** * Action used when viewing a topic. * * @param request The servlet request object. * @param next The Spring ModelAndView object. * @param topicName The topic being viewed. This value must be a valid topic that can be loaded as * a org.jamwiki.model.Topic object. */ protected void viewTopic( HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiMessage pageTitle, Topic topic, boolean sectionEdit) throws Exception { // FIXME - what should the default be for topics that don't exist? String contents = ""; if (topic == null) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.notopic")); } String virtualWiki = topic.getVirtualWiki(); String topicName = topic.getName(); String displayName = request.getRemoteAddr(); WikiUser user = Utilities.currentUser(request); ParserInfo parserInfo = new ParserInfo(request.getContextPath(), request.getLocale()); parserInfo.setWikiUser(user); parserInfo.setTopicName(topicName); parserInfo.setUserIpAddress(request.getRemoteAddr()); parserInfo.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); parserInfo.setAllowSectionEdit(sectionEdit); contents = Utilities.parse(parserInfo, topic.getTopicContent(), topicName); if (StringUtils.hasText(request.getParameter("highlight"))) { // search servlet highlights search terms, so add that here contents = AbstractSearchEngine.highlightHTML(contents, request.getParameter("highlight")); } topic.setTopicContent(contents); if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE) { List fileVersions = WikiBase.getHandler().getAllWikiFileVersions(virtualWiki, topicName, true); next.addObject("fileVersions", fileVersions); } this.pageInfo.setSpecial(false); this.pageInfo.setTopicName(topicName); next.addObject(JAMWikiServlet.PARAMETER_TOPIC_OBJECT, topic); this.pageInfo.setPageTitle(pageTitle); }
/** Crate a test topic. Cannot be used for images. */ protected void setupTopic(Topic topic) throws DataAccessException, WikiException { TopicVersion topicVersion = new TopicVersion( null, "", null, topic.getTopicContent(), topic.getTopicContent().length()); WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, null, null); }
@Test public void testImportFromFileNamespaceTest() throws Throwable { String virtualWiki = VIRTUAL_WIKI_EN; List<String> results = this.importTestFile(FILE_NAMESPACE_TEST); Topic topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, TOPIC_NAME5, false, null); assertNotNull("Namespace test topic imported correctly", topic); // verify that Mediawiki namespaces were correctly converted to JAMWiki namespaces assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Talk:Test - [[Comments:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("User:Test - [[User:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("User talk:Test - [[User comments:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Wikipedia:Test - [[Project:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Wikipedia talk:Test - [[Project comments:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("File:Test - [[Image:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("File talk:Test - [[Image comments:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Template:Test - [[Template:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Template talk:Test - [[Template comments:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Category:Test - [[Category:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Category talk:Test - [[Category comments:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Custom:Test - [[Custom:Test]]") != -1)); assertTrue( "Namespace converted", (topic.getTopicContent().indexOf("Custom talk:Test - [[Custom talk:Test]]") != -1)); }
/** Functionality to handle the "Save" button being clicked. */ private void save(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = WikiUtil.getTopicFromRequest(request); String virtualWiki = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); Topic topic = loadTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); Topic lastTopic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null); if (lastTopic != null && !lastTopic.getCurrentVersionId().equals(retrieveLastTopicVersionId(request, topic))) { // someone else has edited the topic more recently resolve(request, next, pageInfo); return; } String contents = request.getParameter("contents"); String sectionName = ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("section"))) { // load section of topic int section = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("section")); ParserOutput parserOutput = new ParserOutput(); String[] spliceResult = ParserUtil.parseSplice( parserOutput, request.getContextPath(), request.getLocale(), virtualWiki, topicName, section, contents); contents = spliceResult[1]; sectionName = parserOutput.getSectionName(); } if (contents == null) { logger.warning("The topic " + topicName + " has no content"); throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("edit.exception.nocontent", topicName)); } // strip line feeds contents = StringUtils.remove(contents, '\r'); String lastTopicContent = (lastTopic != null) ? StringUtils.remove(lastTopic.getTopicContent(), '\r') : ""; if (lastTopic != null && StringUtils.equals(lastTopicContent, contents)) { // topic hasn't changed. redirect to prevent user from refreshing and re-submitting ServletUtil.redirect(next, virtualWiki, topic.getName()); return; } String editComment = request.getParameter("editComment"); if (handleSpam(request, next, topicName, contents, editComment)) { this.loadEdit(request, next, pageInfo, contents, virtualWiki, topicName, false); return; } // parse for signatures and other syntax that should not be saved in raw form WikiUser user = ServletUtil.currentWikiUser(); ParserInput parserInput = new ParserInput(); parserInput.setContext(request.getContextPath()); parserInput.setLocale(request.getLocale()); parserInput.setWikiUser(user); parserInput.setTopicName(topicName); parserInput.setUserDisplay(ServletUtil.getIpAddress(request)); parserInput.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); ParserOutput parserOutput = ParserUtil.parseMetadata(parserInput, contents); // parse signatures and other values that need to be updated prior to saving contents = ParserUtil.parseMinimal(parserInput, contents); topic.setTopicContent(contents); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(parserOutput.getRedirect())) { // set up a redirect topic.setRedirectTo(parserOutput.getRedirect()); topic.setTopicType(TopicType.REDIRECT); } else if (topic.getTopicType() == TopicType.REDIRECT) { // no longer a redirect topic.setRedirectTo(null); topic.setTopicType(TopicType.ARTICLE); } int charactersChanged = StringUtils.length(contents) - StringUtils.length(lastTopicContent); TopicVersion topicVersion = new TopicVersion( user, ServletUtil.getIpAddress(request), editComment, contents, charactersChanged); if (request.getParameter("minorEdit") != null) { topicVersion.setEditType(TopicVersion.EDIT_MINOR); } WikiBase.getDataHandler() .writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, parserOutput.getCategories(), parserOutput.getLinks()); // update watchlist WikiUserDetailsImpl userDetails = ServletUtil.currentUserDetails(); if (!userDetails.hasRole(Role.ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) { Watchlist watchlist = ServletUtil.currentWatchlist(request, virtualWiki); boolean watchTopic = (request.getParameter("watchTopic") != null); if (watchlist.containsTopic(topicName) != watchTopic) { WikiBase.getDataHandler() .writeWatchlistEntry(watchlist, virtualWiki, topicName, user.getUserId()); } } // redirect to prevent user from refreshing and re-submitting String target = topic.getName(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sectionName)) { target += "#" + sectionName; } ServletUtil.redirect(next, virtualWiki, target); }
/** * Utility method used when viewing a topic. * * @param request The current servlet request object. * @param next The current Spring ModelAndView object. * @param pageInfo The current WikiPageInfo object, which contains information needed for * rendering the final JSP page. * @param pageTitle The title of the page being rendered. * @param topic The Topic object for the topic being displayed. * @param sectionEdit Set to <code>true</code> if edit links should be displayed for each section * of the topic. * @throws Exception Thrown if any error occurs during processing. */ protected static void viewTopic( HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo, WikiMessage pageTitle, Topic topic, boolean sectionEdit) throws Exception { // FIXME - what should the default be for topics that don't exist? if (topic == null) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.notopic")); } WikiUtil.validateTopicName(topic.getName()); if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_REDIRECT && (request.getParameter("redirect") == null || !request.getParameter("redirect").equalsIgnoreCase("no"))) { Topic child = Utilities.findRedirectedTopic(topic, 0); if (!child.getName().equals(topic.getName())) { pageInfo.setRedirectName(topic.getName()); pageTitle = new WikiMessage("topic.title", child.getName()); topic = child; } } String virtualWiki = topic.getVirtualWiki(); String topicName = topic.getName(); WikiUser user = Utilities.currentUser(); if (sectionEdit && !ServletUtil.isEditable(virtualWiki, topicName, user)) { sectionEdit = false; } ParserInput parserInput = new ParserInput(); parserInput.setContext(request.getContextPath()); parserInput.setLocale(request.getLocale()); parserInput.setWikiUser(user); parserInput.setTopicName(topicName); parserInput.setUserIpAddress(request.getRemoteAddr()); parserInput.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); parserInput.setAllowSectionEdit(sectionEdit); ParserDocument parserDocument = new ParserDocument(); String content = Utilities.parse(parserInput, parserDocument, topic.getTopicContent()); // FIXME - the null check should be unnecessary if (parserDocument != null && parserDocument.getCategories().size() > 0) { LinkedHashMap categories = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Iterator iterator = parserDocument.getCategories().keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String) iterator.next(); String value = key.substring( NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_CATEGORY.length() + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length()); categories.put(key, value); } next.addObject("categories", categories); } topic.setTopicContent(content); if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_CATEGORY) { loadCategoryContent(next, virtualWiki, topic.getName()); } if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE || topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_FILE) { Collection fileVersions = WikiBase.getDataHandler().getAllWikiFileVersions(virtualWiki, topicName, true); for (Iterator iterator = fileVersions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { // update version urls to include web root path WikiFileVersion fileVersion = (WikiFileVersion) iterator.next(); String url = FilenameUtils.normalize( Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_FILE_DIR_RELATIVE_PATH) + "/" + fileVersion.getUrl()); url = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(url); fileVersion.setUrl(url); } next.addObject("fileVersions", fileVersions); if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE) { next.addObject("topicImage", new Boolean(true)); } else { next.addObject("topicFile", new Boolean(true)); } } pageInfo.setSpecial(false); pageInfo.setTopicName(topicName); next.addObject(ServletUtil.PARAMETER_TOPIC_OBJECT, topic); if (pageTitle != null) { pageInfo.setPageTitle(pageTitle); } }