/** * Test sample project with a virtual folder that points to configure scripts. Tests Bug 434275 - * Autotools configuration in subfolder not found * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testAutotoolsVirtualFolder() throws Exception { Path p = new Path("zip/project2.zip"); IWorkspaceRoot root = ProjectTools.getWorkspaceRoot(); IPath rootPath = root.getLocation(); IPath configPath = rootPath.append("config"); File configDir = configPath.toFile(); configDir.deleteOnExit(); assertTrue(configDir.mkdir()); ProjectTools.createLinkedFolder( testProject, "src", URIUtil.append(root.getLocationURI(), "config")); ProjectTools.addSourceContainerWithImport(testProject, "src", p); assertTrue(testProject.hasNature(AutotoolsNewProjectNature.AUTOTOOLS_NATURE_ID)); assertTrue(exists("src/ChangeLog")); ProjectTools.setConfigDir(testProject, "src"); ProjectTools.markExecutable(testProject, "src/autogen.sh"); assertFalse(exists("src/configure")); assertFalse(exists("src/Makefile.in")); assertFalse(exists("src/sample/Makefile.in")); assertFalse(exists("src/aclocal.m4")); assertTrue(ProjectTools.build()); assertTrue(exists("src/configure")); assertTrue(exists("src/Makefile.in")); assertTrue(exists("src/sample/Makefile.in")); assertTrue(exists("src/aclocal.m4")); assertTrue(exists("config.status")); assertTrue(exists("Makefile")); String extension = Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_WIN32) ? ".exe" : ""; assertTrue(exists("sample/a.out" + extension)); assertTrue(exists("sample/Makefile")); }
/** * Returns paths constructed by rewriting pathInfo using rules from the hosted site's mappings. * Paths are ordered from most to least specific match. * * @param site The hosted site. * @param pathInfo Path to be rewritten. * @param queryString * @return The rewritten path. May be either: * <ul> * <li>A path to a file in the Orion workspace, eg. <code>/ProjectA/foo/bar.txt</code> * <li>An absolute URL pointing to another site, eg. <code>http://foo.com/bar.txt</code> * </ul> * * @return The rewritten paths. * @throws URISyntaxException */ private URI[] getMapped(IHostedSite site, IPath pathInfo, String queryString) throws URISyntaxException { final Map<String, List<String>> map = site.getMappings(); final IPath originalPath = pathInfo; IPath path = originalPath.removeTrailingSeparator(); List<URI> uris = new ArrayList<URI>(); String rest = null; final int count = path.segmentCount(); for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) { List<String> base = map.get(path.toString()); if (base != null) { rest = originalPath.removeFirstSegments(count - i).toString(); for (int j = 0; j < base.size(); j++) { URI uri = rest.equals("") ? new URI(base.get(j)) : URIUtil.append(new URI(base.get(j)), rest); uris.add( new URI( uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), queryString, uri.getFragment())); } } path = path.removeLastSegments(1); } if (uris.size() == 0) // No mapping for / return null; else return uris.toArray(new URI[uris.size()]); }
private boolean handlePost( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, IFileStore dir) throws JSONException, CoreException, ServletException, IOException { // setup and precondition checks JSONObject requestObject = OrionServlet.readJSONRequest(request); String name = computeName(request, requestObject); if (name.length() == 0) return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "File name not specified.", null)); int options = getCreateOptions(request); IFileStore toCreate = dir.getChild(name); boolean destinationExists = toCreate.fetchInfo().exists(); if (!validateOptions(request, response, toCreate, destinationExists, options)) return true; // perform the operation if (performPost(request, response, requestObject, toCreate, options)) { // write the response URI location = URIUtil.append(getURI(request), name); JSONObject result = ServletFileStoreHandler.toJSON(toCreate, toCreate.fetchInfo(), location); OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse(request, response, result); response.setHeader(ProtocolConstants.HEADER_LOCATION, location.toString()); // response code should indicate if a new resource was actually created or not response.setStatus( destinationExists ? HttpServletResponse.SC_OK : HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED); } return true; }
/** Find out the name of the directory that fits better to this UUID. */ public URI folderFor(byte[] uuid) { byte hash = hashUUIDbytes(uuid); hash &= mask; // limit the range of the directory return URIUtil.append( store, Integer.toHexString(hash + (128 & mask)) + '/'); // +(128 & mask) makes sure 00h is the lower value }
public void addProfile(String id, Map properties) { IProfile profile = registry.getProfile(id); if (profile != null || properties == null) return; String location = new File(URIUtil.append(dataLocation, id)).toString(); String environment = "osgi.os=" + properties.get("osgi.os"); environment += ",osgi.ws=" + properties.get("osgi.ws"); environment += ",osgi.arch=" + properties.get("osgi.arch"); Map props = new HashMap(); props.put(IProfile.PROP_INSTALL_FOLDER, location); props.put(IProfile.PROP_CACHE, location); props.put(IProfile.PROP_ENVIRONMENTS, environment); try { profile = registry.addProfile(id, props); } catch (ProvisionException e) { LogUtility.logError("Error adding profile: " + id, e); } }
private boolean hasBaseChanged(URI installArea, File outputFolder) { String rememberedTimestamp; try { rememberedTimestamp = (String) loadProperties( new File( outputFolder, SimpleConfiguratorImpl.BASE_TIMESTAMP_FILE_BUNDLESINFO)) .get(SimpleConfiguratorImpl.KEY_BUNDLESINFO_TIMESTAMP); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } if (rememberedTimestamp == null) return false; File sharedBundlesInfo = new File(URIUtil.append(installArea, SHARED_BUNDLES_INFO)); if (!sharedBundlesInfo.exists()) return true; return !String.valueOf(sharedBundlesInfo.lastModified()).equals(rememberedTimestamp); }
private void encodeChildren(IFileStore dir, URI location, JSONObject result, int depth) throws CoreException { if (depth <= 0) return; JSONArray children = new JSONArray(); IFileStore[] childStores = dir.childStores(EFS.NONE, null); for (IFileStore childStore : childStores) { IFileInfo childInfo = childStore.fetchInfo(); String name = childInfo.getName(); if (childInfo.isDirectory()) name += "/"; // $NON-NLS-1$ URI childLocation = URIUtil.append(location, name); JSONObject childResult = ServletFileStoreHandler.toJSON(childStore, childInfo, childLocation); if (childInfo.isDirectory()) encodeChildren(childStore, childLocation, childResult, depth - 1); children.put(childResult); } try { result.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CHILDREN, children); } catch (JSONException e) { // cannot happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private void rememberSharedBundlesInfoTimestamp(URI installArea, File outputFolder) { if (installArea == null) return; File sharedBundlesInfo = new File(URIUtil.append(installArea, SHARED_BUNDLES_INFO)); if (!sharedBundlesInfo.exists()) return; Properties timestampToPersist = new Properties(); timestampToPersist.put( SimpleConfiguratorImpl.KEY_BUNDLESINFO_TIMESTAMP, Long.toString(sharedBundlesInfo.lastModified())); OutputStream os = null; try { try { File outputFile = new File(outputFolder, SimpleConfiguratorImpl.BASE_TIMESTAMP_FILE_BUNDLESINFO); os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile)); timestampToPersist.store(os, "Written by " + this.getClass()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } finally { if (os != null) os.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { return; } }
public URI fileFor(byte[] uuid) { return URIUtil.append(folderFor(uuid), bytesToHexString(uuid)); }