예제 #1
  public void setup(org.dspace.content.Bitstream bitstream, String expand) throws SQLException {
    List<String> expandFields = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (expand != null) {
      expandFields = Arrays.asList(expand.split(","));

    // A logo bitstream might not have a bundle...
    if (bitstream.getBundles() != null & bitstream.getBundles().length >= 0) {
      if (bitstream.getParentObject().getType() == Constants.ITEM) {
        bundleName = bitstream.getBundles()[0].getName();

    description = bitstream.getDescription();
    format = bitstream.getFormatDescription();
    sizeBytes = bitstream.getSize();
    retrieveLink = "/bitstreams/" + bitstream.getID() + "/retrieve";
    mimeType = bitstream.getFormat().getMIMEType();
    sequenceId = bitstream.getSequenceID();
    CheckSum checkSum = new CheckSum();

    if (expandFields.contains("parent") || expandFields.contains("all")) {
      parentObject = new DSpaceObject(bitstream.getParentObject());
    } else {

    if (!expandFields.contains("all")) {
예제 #2
   * Remove a file from an item
   * @param context current DSpace context
   * @param item Item where file should be removed from
   * @param bitstreamID The id of bitstream representing the file to remove
   * @return Status or error flag which will be processed by UI-related code! (if STATUS_COMPLETE or
   *     0 is returned, no errors occurred!)
  protected int processRemoveFile(Context context, Item item, int bitstreamID)
      throws IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    Bitstream bitstream;

    // Try to find bitstream
    try {
      bitstream = Bitstream.find(context, bitstreamID);
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
      bitstream = null;

    if (bitstream == null) {
      // Invalid or mangled bitstream ID
      // throw an error and return immediately

    // remove bitstream from bundle..
    // delete bundle if it's now empty
    Bundle[] bundles = bitstream.getBundles();


    Bitstream[] bitstreams = bundles[0].getBitstreams();

    // remove bundle if it's now empty
    if (bitstreams.length < 1) {

    // no errors occurred
  public static Document getRssDocument(Bitstream rssUrlBitstream) {
    try {
      return getRssDocument(
    } catch (Exception e) {
      ExceptionLogger.logException(log, e);

    return null;
  * Tests bitstream for membership in specified bundles (ORIGINAL, TEXT, THUMBNAIL)
  * @param bitstream
  * @throws BitstreamFilterException
  * @returns true if bitstream is in specified bundles
 public boolean accept(Bitstream bitstream) throws BitstreamFilterException {
   try {
     Bundle[] bundles = bitstream.getBundles();
     for (Bundle b : bundles) {
       for (String bn : bundlesToEmpty) {
         if (b.getName().equals(bn)) {
           return true;
   } catch (SQLException e) {
     throw new BitstreamFilterException(e);
   return false;
   * Delete bitstream from item
   * @param context
   * @param ItemArchive
   * @param isTest
   * @param suppressUndo
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
   * @throws ParseException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws AuthorizeException
   * @throws SQLException
  public void execute(Context context, ItemArchive itarch, boolean isTest, boolean suppressUndo)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException,
          ParseException {
    File f = new File(itarch.getDirectory(), ItemUpdate.DELETE_CONTENTS_FILE);
    if (!f.exists()) {
          "Warning: Delete_contents file for item " + itarch.getDirectoryName() + " not found.");
    } else {
      List<Integer> list = MetadataUtilities.readDeleteContentsFile(f);
      if (list.isEmpty()) {
        ItemUpdate.pr("Warning: empty delete_contents file for item " + itarch.getDirectoryName());
      } else {
        for (int id : list) {
          try {
            Bitstream bs = Bitstream.find(context, id);
            if (bs == null) {
              ItemUpdate.pr("Bitstream not found by id: " + id);
            } else {
              Bundle[] bundles = bs.getBundles();
              for (Bundle b : bundles) {
                if (isTest) {
                  ItemUpdate.pr("Delete bitstream with id = " + id);
                } else {
                  ItemUpdate.pr("Deleted bitstream with id = " + id);

              if (alterProvenance) {
                DtoMetadata dtom = DtoMetadata.create("dc.description.provenance", "en", "");

                String append =
                    "Bitstream " + bs.getName() + " deleted on " + DCDate.getCurrent() + "; ";
                Item item = bundles[0].getItems()[0];
                ItemUpdate.pr("Append provenance with: " + append);

                if (!isTest) {
                  MetadataUtilities.appendMetadata(item, dtom, false, append);
          } catch (SQLException e) {
            ItemUpdate.pr("Error finding bitstream from id: " + id + " : " + e.toString());
예제 #6
   If we created a new Bitstream but now realised there is a problem then remove it.
  private void backoutBitstream(SubmissionInfo subInfo, Bitstream b, Item item)
      throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException {
    // remove bitstream from bundle..
    // delete bundle if it's now empty
    Bundle[] bnd = b.getBundles();


    Bitstream[] bitstreams = bnd[0].getBitstreams();

    // remove bundle if it's now empty
    if (bitstreams.length < 1) {

예제 #7
   * Check to see if the given user can perform the given action on the given object. Always returns
   * true if the ignore authorization flat is set in the current context.
   * @param c current context. User is irrelevant; "ignore authorization" flag is relevant
   * @param o object action is being attempted on
   * @param action ID of action being attempted, from <code>org.dspace.core.Constants</code>
   * @param e user attempting action
   * @param useInheritance flag to say if ADMIN action on the current object or parent object can be
   *     used
   * @return <code>true</code> if user is authorized to perform the given action, <code>false</code>
   *     otherwise
   * @throws SQLException if database error
  protected boolean authorize(
      Context c, DSpaceObject o, int action, EPerson e, boolean useInheritance)
      throws SQLException {
    // return FALSE if there is no DSpaceObject
    if (o == null) {
      return false;

    // is authorization disabled for this context?
    if (c.ignoreAuthorization()) {
      return true;

    // is eperson set? if not, userToCheck = null (anonymous)
    EPerson userToCheck = null;
    if (e != null) {
      userToCheck = e;

      // perform isAdmin check to see
      // if user is an Admin on this object
      DSpaceObject adminObject =
              ? serviceFactory.getDSpaceObjectService(o).getAdminObject(c, o, action)
              : null;

      if (isAdmin(c, adminObject)) {
        return true;

    // In case the dso is an bundle or bitstream we must ignore custom
    // policies if it does not belong to at least one installed item (see
    // DS-2614).
    // In case the dso is an item and a corresponding workspace or workflow
    // item exist, we have to ignore custom policies (see DS-2614).
    boolean ignoreCustomPolicies = false;
    if (o instanceof Bitstream) {
      Bitstream b = (Bitstream) o;

      // Ensure that this is not a collection or community logo
      DSpaceObject parent = bitstreamService.getParentObject(c, b);
      if (!(parent instanceof Collection) && !(parent instanceof Community)) {
        ignoreCustomPolicies = !isAnyItemInstalled(c, b.getBundles());
    if (o instanceof Bundle) {
      ignoreCustomPolicies = !isAnyItemInstalled(c, Arrays.asList(((Bundle) o)));
    if (o instanceof Item) {
      if (workspaceItemService.findByItem(c, (Item) o) != null
          || workflowItemService.findByItem(c, (Item) o) != null) {
        ignoreCustomPolicies = true;

    for (ResourcePolicy rp : getPoliciesActionFilter(c, o, action)) {

      if (ignoreCustomPolicies && ResourcePolicy.TYPE_CUSTOM.equals(rp.getRpType())) {

      // check policies for date validity
      if (resourcePolicyService.isDateValid(rp)) {
        if (rp.getEPerson() != null && rp.getEPerson().equals(userToCheck)) {
          return true; // match

        if ((rp.getGroup() != null) && (groupService.isMember(c, rp.getGroup()))) {
          // group was set, and eperson is a member
          // of that group
          return true;

    // default authorization is denial
    return false;