public void translate(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen) { final ConstantPoolGen cpg = classGen.getConstantPool(); final InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList(); // Don't generate code for unreferenced variables if (_refs.isEmpty()) { _ignore = true; } // Make sure that a variable instance is only compiled once if (_ignore) return; _ignore = true; final String name = getEscapedName(); if (isLocal()) { // Compile variable value computation translateValue(classGen, methodGen); // Add a new local variable and store value boolean createLocal = _local == null; if (createLocal) { mapRegister(methodGen); } InstructionHandle storeInst = il.append(_type.STORE(_local.getIndex())); // If the local is just being created, mark the store as the start // of its live range. Note that it might have been created by // initializeVariables already, which would have set the start of // the live range already. if (createLocal) { _local.setStart(storeInst); } } else { String signature = _type.toSignature(); // Global variables are store in class fields if (classGen.containsField(name) == null) { classGen.addField( new Field( ACC_PUBLIC, cpg.addUtf8(name), cpg.addUtf8(signature), null, cpg.getConstantPool())); // Push a reference to "this" for putfield il.append(classGen.loadTranslet()); // Compile variable value computation translateValue(classGen, methodGen); // Store the variable in the allocated field il.append(new PUTFIELD(cpg.addFieldref(classGen.getClassName(), name, signature))); } } }
/** * Create a new "Filter" class implementing <code>CurrentNodeListFilter</code>. Allocate registers * for local variables and local parameters passed in the closure to test(). Notice that local * variables need to be "unboxed". */ private void compileFilter(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen) { TestGenerator testGen; LocalVariableGen local; FilterGenerator filterGen; _className = getXSLTC().getHelperClassName(); filterGen = new FilterGenerator( _className, "java.lang.Object", toString(), ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_SUPER, new String[] {CURRENT_NODE_LIST_FILTER}, classGen.getStylesheet()); final ConstantPoolGen cpg = filterGen.getConstantPool(); final int length = (_closureVars == null) ? 0 : _closureVars.size(); // Add a new instance variable for each var in closure for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { VariableBase var = ((VariableRefBase) _closureVars.get(i)).getVariable(); filterGen.addField( new Field( ACC_PUBLIC, cpg.addUtf8(var.getEscapedName()), cpg.addUtf8(var.getType().toSignature()), null, cpg.getConstantPool())); } final InstructionList il = new InstructionList(); testGen = new TestGenerator( ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL, org.apache.bcel.generic.Type.BOOLEAN, new org.apache.bcel.generic.Type[] { org.apache.bcel.generic.Type.INT, org.apache.bcel.generic.Type.INT, org.apache.bcel.generic.Type.INT, org.apache.bcel.generic.Type.INT, Util.getJCRefType(TRANSLET_SIG), Util.getJCRefType(NODE_ITERATOR_SIG) }, new String[] {"node", "position", "last", "current", "translet", "iterator"}, "test", _className, il, cpg); // Store the dom in a local variable local = testGen.addLocalVariable("document", Util.getJCRefType(DOM_INTF_SIG), null, null); final String className = classGen.getClassName(); il.append(filterGen.loadTranslet()); il.append(new CHECKCAST(cpg.addClass(className))); il.append(new GETFIELD(cpg.addFieldref(className, DOM_FIELD, DOM_INTF_SIG))); local.setStart(il.append(new ASTORE(local.getIndex()))); // Store the dom index in the test generator testGen.setDomIndex(local.getIndex()); _exp.translate(filterGen, testGen); il.append(IRETURN); filterGen.addEmptyConstructor(ACC_PUBLIC); filterGen.addMethod(testGen); getXSLTC().dumpClass(filterGen.getJavaClass()); }