public PropertyAction(RADProperty<?> aProperty) { super(); property = (RADProperty<Object>) aProperty; String name = (String) aProperty.getValue("actionName"); // NOI18N if (name == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(aProperty.getName()); sb.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(0))); name = sb.toString(); } putValue(Action.NAME, name); }
public String getJavaInitializationString() { double[] values = (double[]) getValue(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("new double[] {"); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (i > 0) s.append(", "); s.append(values[i]); } s.append("}"); return s.toString(); }
private static String decamelizeClassName(String className) { Matcher match = CAPS.matcher(className); StringBuilder deCameled = new StringBuilder(); while (match.find()) { if (deCameled.length() == 0) { deCameled.append(; } else { deCameled.append(" "); deCameled.append(; } } return deCameled.toString(); }
public void paintValue(Graphics g, Rectangle box) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); double[] values = (double[]) getValue(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (values.length > i) s.append(values[i]); if (values.length > i + 1) s.append(", "); } if (values.length > 3) s.append("..."); g2.setPaint(Color.white); g2.fill(box); g2.setPaint(; FontRenderContext context = g2.getFontRenderContext(); Rectangle2D stringBounds = g2.getFont().getStringBounds(s.toString(), context); double w = stringBounds.getWidth(); double x = box.x; if (w < box.width) x += (box.width - w) / 2; double ascent = -stringBounds.getY(); double y = box.y + (box.height - stringBounds.getHeight()) / 2 + ascent; g2.drawString(s.toString(), (float) x, (float) y); }
@Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("class")) { classInfo.put(className, oci); className = null; oci = null; } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("comment") && oci != null) { if (methodName != null) { // do nothing if (isGetter(methodName)) { MethodInfo mi = oci.getMethods.get(methodName); if (mi == null) { mi = new MethodInfo(); oci.getMethods.put(methodName, mi); } mi.comment = comment.toString(); } else if (isSetter(methodName)) { MethodInfo mi = oci.setMethods.get(methodName); if (mi == null) { mi = new MethodInfo(); oci.setMethods.put(methodName, mi); } mi.comment = comment.toString(); } } else if (fieldName != null) { oci.fields.put(fieldName, comment.toString()); } else { oci.comment = comment.toString(); } comment = null; } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("field")) { fieldName = null; } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("method")) { methodName = null; } }
public static String getNextName(String base) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(base); sb.append(nextEntryNumber++); return sb.toString(); }
public String getPublicMethodsForClasses(String classNames[]) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String className = null; result.append("<classDefinitions>"); if (classNames != null && classNames.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { className = classNames[i]; if (className != null) { result.append("<classDefinition>"); try { Class c = Class.forName(className); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<classSimpleName>")) .append(c.getSimpleName()) .append("</classSimpleName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<classFullName>")) .append(c.getName()) .append("</classFullName>") .toString()); Package pack = c.getPackage(); String packStr = ""; if (pack != null) packStr = pack.getName(); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<packageName>")) .append(packStr) .append("</packageName>") .toString()); Method methods[] = c.getMethods(); Method method = null; result.append("<methods>"); if (methods != null) { for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { method = methods[j]; if (method != null && !methodsExclude.contains(method.getName())) { result.append("<method>"); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<methodSignature>")) .append(method.toString()) .append("</methodSignature>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<methodName>")) .append(method.getName()) .append("</methodName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<returnType>")) .append(method.getReturnType().getName()) .append("</returnType>") .toString()); Class paramClasses[] = method.getParameterTypes(); result.append("<params>"); if (paramClasses != null) { for (int l = 0; l < paramClasses.length; l++) if (paramClasses[l] != null) result.append( (new StringBuilder("<param>")) .append(paramClasses[l].getName()) .append("</param>") .toString()); } result.append("</params>"); result.append("</method>"); } } } result.append("</methods>"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { result.append( (new StringBuilder("<classFullName>")) .append(className) .append("</classFullName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<error>Problem retrieving ")) .append(className) .append(" information</error>") .toString()); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } result.append("</classDefinition>"); } } } result.append("</classDefinitions>"); return result.toString(); }
public String getDestinations(String messageBrokerId) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); MessageBroker broker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(messageBrokerId); result.append("<remotingDestinations>"); if (broker != null) { Service remotingService = broker.getServiceByType(""); if (remotingService != null) { Map destinations = remotingService.getDestinations(); Iterator destinationsIterator = destinations.keySet().iterator(); result.append("<destinations>"); if (destinationsIterator != null) { while (destinationsIterator.hasNext()) { RemotingDestination destination = (RemotingDestination) destinations.get(; if (destination != null) { result.append("<destination>"); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<destinationId>")) .append(destination.getId()) .append("</destinationId>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<adapterName>")) .append(destination.getAdapter().getClass().getName()) .append("</adapterName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<source>")) .append(destination.getSource()) .append("</source>") .toString()); List channelIds = destination.getChannels(); Iterator channelIdsIterator = channelIds.iterator(); result.append("<channels>"); for (; channelIdsIterator.hasNext(); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<channel>")) .append((String) .append("</channel>") .toString())) ; result.append("</channels>"); SecurityConstraint secConstraint = destination.getSecurityConstraint(); result.append("<securityConstraint>"); if (secConstraint != null) { result.append( (new StringBuilder("<securityMethod>")) .append(secConstraint.getMethod()) .append("</securityMethod>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<securityRoles>")) .append(secConstraint.getRoles()) .append("</securityRoles>") .toString()); } result.append("</securityConstraint>"); String className = destination.getSource(); if (className != null) try { Class c = Class.forName("com.adams.dt.util.Abstract"); Field fields[] = c.getFields(); result.append("<fields>"); if (fields != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result.append( (new StringBuilder("<field>")) .append(fields[i].toString()) .append("</field>") .toString()); } result.append("</fields>"); Method methods[] = c.getMethods(); result.append("<methods>"); if (methods != null) { for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) if (methods[i] != null && !methodsExclude.contains(methods[i].getName())) { result.append("<method>"); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<methodSignature>")) .append(methods[i].toString()) .append("</methodSignature>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<methodName>")) .append(methods[i].getName()) .append("</methodName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<returnType>")) .append(methods[i].getReturnType().getName()) .append("</returnType>") .toString()); Class paramClasses[] = methods[i].getParameterTypes(); result.append("<params>"); if (paramClasses != null) { for (int j = 0; j < paramClasses.length; j++) if (paramClasses[j] != null) result.append( (new StringBuilder("<param>")) .append(paramClasses[j].getName()) .append("</param>") .toString()); } result.append("</params>"); result.append("</method>"); } } result.append("</methods>"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } result.append("</destination>"); } } result.append("</destinations>"); } } } result.append("</remotingDestinations>"); return result.toString(); }
public String getPublicPropertiesForClasses(String classNames[]) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String className = null; ArrayList publicFields = new ArrayList(); result.append("<classDefinitions>"); if (classNames != null && classNames.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { className = classNames[i]; if (className != null) { result.append("<classDefinition>"); try { Class c = Class.forName(className); Field fields[] = c.getFields(); Field field = null; if (fields != null) { for (int k = 0; k < fields.length; k++) { field = fields[k]; if (field != null) publicFields.add( (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(field.getName()))) .append(",") .append(field.getType().getName()) .toString()); } } try { BeanInfo b = Introspector.getBeanInfo(c); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<classSimpleName>")) .append(c.getSimpleName()) .append("</classSimpleName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<classFullName>")) .append(c.getName()) .append("</classFullName>") .toString()); Package pack = c.getPackage(); String packStr = ""; if (pack != null) packStr = pack.getName(); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<packageName>")) .append(packStr) .append("</packageName>") .toString()); PropertyDescriptor pds[] = b.getPropertyDescriptors(); if (pds != null) { for (int propCount = 0; propCount < pds.length; propCount++) { PropertyDescriptor pd = pds[propCount]; String propertyName = pd.getName(); Method readMethod = pd.getReadMethod(); Method writeMethod = pd.getWriteMethod(); if (readMethod != null && isPublicAccessor(readMethod.getModifiers()) && writeMethod != null && isPublicAccessor(writeMethod.getModifiers())) publicFields.add( (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(propertyName))) .append(",") .append(pd.getPropertyType().getName()) .toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (publicFields != null && publicFields.size() > 0) { String temp = null; result.append("<publicFields>"); for (int counter = 0; counter < publicFields.size(); counter++) { temp = (String) publicFields.get(counter); if (temp != null) { String pubTemp[] = temp.split(","); if (pubTemp.length == 2) { result.append("<publicField>"); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<publicFieldName>")) .append(pubTemp[0]) .append("</publicFieldName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<publicFieldType>")) .append(pubTemp[1]) .append("</publicFieldType>") .toString()); result.append("</publicField>"); } } } result.append("</publicFields>"); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { result.append( (new StringBuilder("<classFullName>")) .append(className) .append("</classFullName>") .toString()); result.append( (new StringBuilder("<error>Problem retrieving ")) .append(className) .append(" information</error>") .toString()); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } result.append("</classDefinition>"); } } } result.append("</classDefinitions>"); return result.toString(); }
private void createNewEpubDoc(Node section) throws AuthorOperationException { docNumber = docNumber + 1; StringBuilder xmlTemplate = new StringBuilder(); xmlTemplate.append("<html"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : splitHandler.getHtmlAttributes().entrySet()) { xmlTemplate.append(" " + entry.getKey() + "='" + entry.getValue() + "'"); } xmlTemplate.append(">"); xmlTemplate.append("<head>"); xmlTemplate.append("<meta charset='UTF-8'/>"); if (packageHandler.getTitle() != null) { xmlTemplate.append("<title>" + packageHandler.getTitle() + "</title>"); } else { xmlTemplate.append("<title>" + splitHandler.getTitle() + "</title>"); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : splitHandler.getMetaNodes().entrySet()) { xmlTemplate.append( "<meta content='" + entry.getValue() + "' name='" + entry.getKey() + "'/>"); } for (String cssLink : splitHandler.getCssLinks()) { xmlTemplate.append("<link href='" + cssLink + "' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>"); } xmlTemplate.append("</head>"); xmlTemplate.append("<body/>"); xmlTemplate.append("</html>"); Document template = Utils.deserializeDocument(xmlTemplate.toString(), null); Node templateBody = template.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0); // Read Section Node // Section Classname String className = getAttributeFromNode(section, "class"); if (!className.equals("")) { // Add class to body Attr attrClass = template.createAttribute("class"); attrClass.setValue(className); NamedNodeMap bodyAttrs = templateBody.getAttributes(); bodyAttrs.setNamedItem(attrClass); } // Section Id String id = getAttributeFromNode(section, "id"); if (!id.equals("")) { // Add id to body Attr attrID = template.createAttribute("id"); attrID.setValue(id); NamedNodeMap bodyAttrs = templateBody.getAttributes(); bodyAttrs.setNamedItem(attrID); } // Section epub:type String epubType = getAttributeFromNode(section, "epub:type"); // Add epub:type to body Attr attrEpubType = template.createAttributeNS("", "epub:type"); attrEpubType.setValue(epubType); NamedNodeMap bodyAttrs = templateBody.getAttributes(); bodyAttrs.setNamedItemNS(attrEpubType); // epub:type might be divided by spaces - only 1 value will be used String epubMainType = getEpubMainType(epubType); if (epubMainType.equals("")) { epubMainType = "unknown"; } // Add Nodes to body NodeList sectionNodes = section.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < sectionNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node sectionNode = sectionNodes.item(i); // Import the node Node importedNode = template.importNode(sectionNode, true); templateBody.appendChild(importedNode); } // Create FileName String strNum = "00" + Integer.toString(docNumber); strNum = strNum.substring(strNum.length() - 3); String newFileName = idPrefix + "-" + strNum + "-" + epubMainType + ".xhtml"; docList.put(newFileName, template); stop = false; collectIds(newFileName, templateBody); }