/** * Flood the subscribers with the message to notify. MessageID is optional and should only used * for QoS 1 and 2 */ void route2Subscribers(IMessagesStore.StoredMessage pubMsg) { final String topic = pubMsg.getTopic(); final AbstractMessage.QOSType publishingQos = pubMsg.getQos(); final ByteBuffer origMessage = pubMsg.getMessage(); LOG.debug( "route2Subscribers republishing to existing subscribers that matches the topic {}", topic); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("content <{}>", DebugUtils.payload2Str(origMessage)); LOG.trace("subscription tree {}", subscriptions.dumpTree()); } // if QoS 1 or 2 store the message String guid = null; if (publishingQos == QOSType.EXACTLY_ONCE || publishingQos == QOSType.LEAST_ONE) { guid = m_messagesStore.storePublishForFuture(pubMsg); } for (final Subscription sub : subscriptions.matches(topic)) { AbstractMessage.QOSType qos = publishingQos; if (qos.byteValue() > sub.getRequestedQos().byteValue()) { qos = sub.getRequestedQos(); } ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(sub.getClientId()); verifyToActivate(sub.getClientId(), targetSession); LOG.debug( "Broker republishing to client <{}> topic <{}> qos <{}>, active {}", sub.getClientId(), sub.getTopicFilter(), qos, targetSession.isActive()); ByteBuffer message = origMessage.duplicate(); if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.MOST_ONE && targetSession.isActive()) { // QoS 0 directSend(targetSession, topic, qos, message, false, null); } else { // QoS 1 or 2 // if the target subscription is not clean session and is not connected => store it if (!targetSession.isCleanSession() && !targetSession.isActive()) { // store the message in targetSession queue to deliver targetSession.enqueueToDeliver(guid); } else { // publish if (targetSession.isActive()) { int messageId = targetSession.nextPacketId(); targetSession.inFlightAckWaiting(guid, messageId); directSend(targetSession, topic, qos, message, false, messageId); } } } } }
private boolean subscribeSingleTopic(final Subscription newSubscription) { subscriptions.add(newSubscription.asClientTopicCouple()); // scans retained messages to be published to the new subscription // TODO this is ugly, it does a linear scan on potential big dataset Collection<IMessagesStore.StoredMessage> messages = m_messagesStore.searchMatching( new IMatchingCondition() { public boolean match(String key) { return SubscriptionsStore.matchTopics(key, newSubscription.getTopicFilter()); } }); ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(newSubscription.getClientId()); verifyToActivate(newSubscription.getClientId(), targetSession); for (IMessagesStore.StoredMessage storedMsg : messages) { // fire the as retained the message LOG.debug("send publish message for topic {}", newSubscription.getTopicFilter()); // forwardPublishQoS0(newSubscription.getClientId(), storedMsg.getTopic(), storedMsg.getQos(), // storedMsg.getPayload(), true); Integer packetID = storedMsg.getQos() == QOSType.MOST_ONE ? null : m_messagesStore.nextPacketID(newSubscription.getClientId()); directSend( targetSession, storedMsg.getTopic(), storedMsg.getQos(), storedMsg.getPayload(), true, packetID); } // notify the Observables m_interceptor.notifyTopicSubscribed(newSubscription); return true; }
/** Republish QoS1 and QoS2 messages stored into the session for the clientID. */ private void republishStoredInSession(ClientSession clientSession) { LOG.trace("republishStoredInSession for client <{}>", clientSession); List<IMessagesStore.StoredMessage> publishedEvents = clientSession.storedMessages(); if (publishedEvents.isEmpty()) { LOG.info("No stored messages for client <{}>", clientSession.clientID); return; } LOG.info("republishing stored messages to client <{}>", clientSession.clientID); for (IMessagesStore.StoredMessage pubEvt : publishedEvents) { // TODO put in flight zone directSend( clientSession, pubEvt.getTopic(), pubEvt.getQos(), pubEvt.getMessage(), false, pubEvt.getMessageID()); clientSession.removeEnqueued(pubEvt.getGuid()); } }