private BigDecimal calculateTotal() { BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal(0); for (Iterator it = invoice.getInvoiceLines().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { InvoiceLineDTO line = (InvoiceLineDTO); total = total.add(line.getAmount()); } return total; }
private String composeLine(InvoiceDTO invoice, InvoiceLineDTO invoiceLine, Integer userId) { StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); ContactBL contact = new ContactBL(); contact.set(userId); // cono line.append("\"" + emptyIfNull(contact.getEntity().getPostalCode()) + "\""); line.append(","); // custno line.append("\"" + userId + "\""); line.append(","); // naddrcode line.append("\"" + "000" + "\""); line.append(","); // lookupnm line.append("\"" + emptyIfNull(contact.getEntity().getOrganizationName()) + "\""); line.append(","); // totallineamt line.append("\"" + invoiceLine.getAmount() + "\""); line.append(","); // period line.append("\"" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM").format(invoice.getCreateDatetime()) + "\""); line.append(","); // name line.append("\"" + emptyIfNull(contact.getEntity().getOrganizationName()) + "\""); line.append(","); // deliveryaddr line.append("\"" + emptyIfNull(contact.getEntity().getAddress1()) + "\""); line.append(","); // city line.append("\"" + emptyIfNull(contact.getEntity().getCity()) + "\""); line.append(","); // state line.append("\"" + emptyIfNull(contact.getEntity().getStateProvince()) + "\""); line.append(","); // zip5 line.append("\"" + emptyIfNull(contact.getEntity().getPostalCode()) + "\""); line.append(","); // totdue - round to two decimals line.append("\"" + new UserBL().getBalance(userId).round(new MathContext(2)) + "\""); line.append(","); // qty line.append("\"" + invoiceLine.getQuantity() + "\""); line.append(","); // description line.append("\"" + invoiceLine.getDescription() + "\""); line.append(","); // invoiceno line.append("\"" + invoice.getNumber() + "\""); line.append(","); // custstatus line.append("\"" + "TRUE" + "\""); LOG.debug("Line to export:" + line); return line.toString(); }
/** * Creates a Suretax request from inputs from the invoice. * * @param invoice Invoice for which tax lines need to be calculated. * @return Returns instance of com.sapienter.jbilling.client.suretax.request.SuretaxRequest * @throws TaskException */ private SuretaxRequest getAssembledRequest(NewInvoiceContext invoice, Integer userId) throws TaskException { // Construct a suretax request to get the tax lines. SuretaxRequest suretaxRequest = new SuretaxRequest(); // Get the pluggable task parameters here. String clientNumber = getParameter(CLIENT_NUMBER, ""); String validationKey = getParameter(VALIDATION_KEY, ""); String responseGroup = getParameter(RESPONSE_GROUP, "03"); String responseType = getParameter(RESPONSE_TYPE, "D"); String numberOfDecimals = getParameter(NUMBER_OF_DECIMAL, "2"); Integer dataYear = null; Integer dataMonth = null; try { dataYear = getParameter(DATA_YEAR, Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)); dataMonth = getParameter(DATA_MONTH, Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); } catch (PluggableTaskException e) { LOG.debug("Exception while retrieving Data Year or Data Month"); } suretaxRequest.setClientNumber(clientNumber); suretaxRequest.setValidationKey(validationKey); String uniqueTrackingCode = System.currentTimeMillis() + ""; suretaxRequest.setClientTracking(uniqueTrackingCode); suretaxRequest.setDataMonth(dataMonth.toString()); suretaxRequest.setDataYear(dataYear.toString()); suretaxRequest.setIndustryExemption(""); suretaxRequest.setBusinessUnit(""); suretaxRequest.setResponseGroup(responseGroup); suretaxRequest.setResponseType(responseType + numberOfDecimals); suretaxRequest.setReturnFileCode("0"); suretaxRequest.setTotalRevenue(getTotalRevenue(invoice).floatValue()); List<LineItem> itemList = new ArrayList<LineItem>(); for (InvoiceLineDTO invoiceLine : (List<InvoiceLineDTO>) invoice.getResultLines()) { if (invoiceLine.getInvoiceLineType().getId() != ServerConstants.INVOICE_LINE_TYPE_TAX.intValue()) { LOG.debug("Populating itemlist for invoice line: %s", invoiceLine); itemList.add( getLineItem(invoiceLine.getItem().getId(), invoiceLine, uniqueTrackingCode, userId)); } } suretaxRequest.setItemList(itemList); return suretaxRequest; }
protected BigDecimal getTotalRevenue(NewInvoiceContext invoice) { // calculate TOTAL to include result lines invoice.calculateTotal(); BigDecimal invoiceAmountSum = invoice.getTotal(); // Remove CARRIED BALANCE from tax calculation to avoid double taxation LOG.debug("Carried balance is %s", invoice.getCarriedBalance()); if (null != invoice.getCarriedBalance()) { invoiceAmountSum = invoiceAmountSum.subtract(invoice.getCarriedBalance()); } // Remove TAX ITEMS from Invoice to avoid calculating tax on tax for (int i = 0; i < invoice.getResultLines().size(); i++) { InvoiceLineDTO invoiceLine = (InvoiceLineDTO) invoice.getResultLines().get(i); if (null != invoiceLine.getInvoiceLineType() && invoiceLine.getInvoiceLineType().getId() == ServerConstants.INVOICE_LINE_TYPE_TAX) { invoiceAmountSum = invoiceAmountSum.subtract(invoiceLine.getAmount()); } } return invoiceAmountSum; }
public InvoiceDTO getDTOEx(Integer languageId, boolean forDisplay) { if (!forDisplay) { return invoice; } InvoiceDTO invoiceDTO = new InvoiceDTO(invoice); // make sure that the lines are properly ordered List<InvoiceLineDTO> orderdLines = new ArrayList<InvoiceLineDTO>(invoiceDTO.getInvoiceLines()); Collections.sort(orderdLines, new InvoiceLineComparator()); invoiceDTO.setInvoiceLines(orderdLines); UserBL userBl = new UserBL(invoice.getBaseUser()); Locale locale = userBl.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("entityNotifications", locale); // now add headres and footers if this invoices has subaccount // lines if (invoiceDTO.hasSubAccounts()) { addHeadersFooters(orderdLines, bundle); } // add a grand total final line InvoiceLineDTO total = new InvoiceLineDTO(); total.setDescription(bundle.getString("")); total.setAmount(invoice.getTotal()); total.setIsPercentage(0); invoiceDTO.getInvoiceLines().add(total); // add some currency info for the human CurrencyBL currency = new CurrencyBL(invoice.getCurrency().getId()); if (languageId != null) { invoiceDTO.setCurrencyName(currency.getEntity().getDescription(languageId)); } invoiceDTO.setCurrencySymbol(currency.getEntity().getSymbol()); return invoiceDTO; }
/** * Converts the instance of SuretaxResponse object into tax lines. * * @param suretaxResponse * @param order * @return */ private List<InvoiceLineDTO> getTaxLines(SuretaxResponse suretaxResponse, OrderDTO order) { List<InvoiceLineDTO> taxLines = new ArrayList<InvoiceLineDTO>(); if (suretaxResponse.successful.equals("Y")) { for (Group group : suretaxResponse.groupList) { for (TaxItem taxItem : group.taxList) { InvoiceLineDTO invoiceLineDTO = new InvoiceLineDTO(); invoiceLineDTO.setAmount(new BigDecimal(taxItem.taxAmount)); invoiceLineDTO.setDescription(taxItem.taxTypeCode + ":" + taxItem.taxTypeDesc); invoiceLineDTO.setInvoiceLineType( new InvoiceLineTypeDTO(ServerConstants.INVOICE_LINE_TYPE_TAX)); invoiceLineDTO.setIsPercentage(null); invoiceLineDTO.setOrder(order); invoiceLineDTO.setPrice(new BigDecimal(taxItem.taxAmount)); invoiceLineDTO.setQuantity(1); taxLines.add(invoiceLineDTO); } } } return taxLines; }
private LineItem getLineItem( Integer itemId, InvoiceLineDTO invoiceLine, String uniqueTrackingCode, Integer userId) throws TaskException { // Get the meta field names String secondaryZipCodeExtensionFieldname = getParameter(SECONDARY_ZIP_CODE_EXTN_FIELDNAME, "Secondary Zip code extension"); String secondaryZipCodeFieldname = getParameter(SECONDARY_ZIP_CODE_FIELDNAME, "Secondary Zip code"); String billingZipCodeFieldname = getParameter(BILLING_ZIP_CODE_FIELDNAME, "Billing Zip code extension"); String regulatoryCodeFieldname = getParameter(REGULATORY_CODE_FIELDNAME, "Regulatory Code"); String salesTypeCodeFieldname = getParameter(SALES_TYPE_CODE_FIELDNAME, "Sales Type Code"); String taxExemptionCodeFieldname = getParameter(TAX_EXEMPTION_CODE_FIELDNAME, "Tax exemption code"); String transactionTypeCodeFieldname = getParameter(TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE_FIELDNAME, "Transaction Type Code"); LineItem lineItem = new LineItem(); lineItem.setBillToNumber(""); // TODO: need to be addressed ? String customerNumber = null; List<NewInvoiceContext.OrderContext> orders = invoice.getOrders(); // We need to get the fresh item from the database because // the item in the invoiceLine doesn't yet contain meta fields. ItemDTO item = new ItemDAS().find(itemId); OrderDTO orderDTO = null; UserDTO invoiceToUser = null; for (NewInvoiceContext.OrderContext orderCtx : orders) { if (orderCtx.order.getId().intValue() == invoiceLine.getOrder().getId()) { orderDTO = orderCtx.order; break; } } if (null == orderDTO) { orderDTO = orders.get(0).order; } invoiceToUser = new UserDAS().find(userId); customerNumber = invoiceToUser.getCustomer().getId() + ""; lineItem.setCustomerNumber(customerNumber); lineItem.setInvoiceNumber("JB" + uniqueTrackingCode); lineItem.setLineNumber(""); // TODO: need to be addressed ? lineItem.setOrigNumber(""); // TODO: need to be addressed ? MetaFieldValue<String> p2PPlus4 = invoiceToUser.getCustomer().getMetaField(secondaryZipCodeExtensionFieldname); if (p2PPlus4 != null) { lineItem.setP2PPlus4(p2PPlus4.getValue()); } else { lineItem.setP2PPlus4(""); } MetaFieldValue<String> p2PZipcode = invoiceToUser.getCustomer().getMetaField(secondaryZipCodeFieldname); if (p2PZipcode != null) { lineItem.setP2PZipcode(p2PZipcode.getValue()); } else { lineItem.setP2PZipcode(""); } MetaFieldValue<String> plus4 = invoiceToUser.getCustomer().getMetaField(billingZipCodeFieldname); if (plus4 != null) { lineItem.setPlus4(plus4.getValue()); } else { lineItem.setPlus4(""); } LOG.debug("Meta fields: p2PPlus4: %s, p2PZipcode: %s, plus4:%s", p2PPlus4, p2PZipcode, plus4); MetaFieldValue<String> regulatoryCode = null; regulatoryCode = item.getMetaField(regulatoryCodeFieldname); if (regulatoryCode == null || regulatoryCode.getValue() == null || regulatoryCode.getValue().isEmpty()) { lineItem.setRegulatoryCode("00"); } else { lineItem.setRegulatoryCode(regulatoryCode.getValue()); } lineItem.setRevenue(invoiceLine.getAmount().floatValue()); MetaFieldValue<String> salesTypeCode = orderDTO.getMetaField(salesTypeCodeFieldname); if (salesTypeCode == null || salesTypeCode.getValue() == null || salesTypeCode.getValue().isEmpty()) { lineItem.setSalesTypeCode("R"); } else { lineItem.setSalesTypeCode(salesTypeCode.getValue()); } lineItem.setSeconds( invoiceLine.getQuantity() != null ? invoiceLine.getQuantity().intValue() : 0); List<String> taxExemptionCodeList = new ArrayList<String>(); // First get the tax exemption code from the customer MetaFieldValue<String> taxExemptionCode = invoiceToUser.getCustomer().getMetaField(taxExemptionCodeFieldname); LOG.debug("Tax exemption code from customer: %s", taxExemptionCode); if (!(taxExemptionCode != null && taxExemptionCode.getValue() != null && !taxExemptionCode.getValue().isEmpty())) { taxExemptionCode = item.getMetaField(taxExemptionCodeFieldname); LOG.debug("Tax exemption code from product: %s", taxExemptionCode); } if (taxExemptionCode == null) { LOG.debug("Setting tax exemption code to be 00"); taxExemptionCodeList.add("00"); } else { taxExemptionCodeList.add(taxExemptionCode.getValue()); } LOG.debug( "Meta fields: regulatoryCode: %s, salesTypeCode: %s, taxExemptionCode: %s", regulatoryCode, salesTypeCode, taxExemptionCode); lineItem.setTaxExemptionCodeList(taxExemptionCodeList); lineItem.setTaxIncludedCode("0"); lineItem.setTermNumber(""); // TODO: Need to check if trans date will be current date or based on data year and data month ? lineItem.setTransDate("07-10-2012"); MetaFieldValue<String> transTypeCode = null; transTypeCode = item.getMetaField(transactionTypeCodeFieldname); if (transTypeCode == null || transTypeCode.getValue() == null || transTypeCode.getValue().isEmpty()) { throw new SessionInternalError( "No valid transaction type code found on the product", new String[] {"ItemDTOEx,transTypeCode,no.valid.transactionTypeCode.on.product"}); } lineItem.setTransTypeCode(transTypeCode.getValue()); lineItem.setUnits(invoiceLine.getQuantity() != null ? invoiceLine.getQuantity().intValue() : 0); lineItem.setUnitType("00"); if (invoiceToUser.getContact().getPostalCode() != null && plus4 != null && plus4.getValue() != null && !plus4.getValue().isEmpty()) { lineItem.setZipcode(invoiceToUser.getContact().getPostalCode()); lineItem.setTaxSitusRule("05"); } else if (invoiceToUser.getContact().getPostalCode() != null && (plus4 == null || plus4.getValue() == null || plus4.getValue().isEmpty())) { lineItem.setZipcode(invoiceToUser.getContact().getPostalCode()); lineItem.setPlus4("0000"); lineItem.setTaxSitusRule("05"); } return lineItem; }
/** * Will add lines with headers and footers to make an invoice with subaccounts more readable. The * lines have to be already sorted. * * @param lines */ private void addHeadersFooters(List<InvoiceLineDTO> lines, ResourceBundle bundle) { Integer nowProcessing = Integer.valueOf(-1); BigDecimal total = null; int totalLines = lines.size(); int subaccountNumber = 0; LOG.debug("adding headers & footers." + totalLines); for (int idx = 0; idx < totalLines; idx++) { InvoiceLineDTO line = (InvoiceLineDTO) lines.get(idx); if (line.getTypeId() == Constants.INVOICE_LINE_TYPE_SUB_ACCOUNT && !line.getSourceUserId().equals(nowProcessing)) { // line break nowProcessing = line.getSourceUserId(); subaccountNumber++; // put the total first if (total != null) { // it could be the first subaccount InvoiceLineDTO totalLine = new InvoiceLineDTO(); totalLine.setDescription(bundle.getString("invoice.line.subAccount.footer")); totalLine.setAmount(total); lines.add(idx, totalLine); idx++; totalLines++; } total = BigDecimal.ZERO; // now the header anouncing a new subaccout InvoiceLineDTO headerLine = new InvoiceLineDTO(); try { ContactBL contact = new ContactBL(); contact.set(nowProcessing); StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); text.append(subaccountNumber + " - "); text.append(bundle.getString("invoice.line.subAccount.header1")); text.append( " " + bundle.getString("invoice.line.subAccount.header2") + " " + nowProcessing); if (contact.getEntity().getFirstName() != null) { text.append(" " + contact.getEntity().getFirstName()); } if (contact.getEntity().getLastName() != null) { text.append(" " + contact.getEntity().getLastName()); } headerLine.setDescription(text.toString()); lines.add(idx, headerLine); idx++; totalLines++; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception", e); return; } } // update the total if (total != null) { // there had been at least one sub-account processed if (line.getTypeId() == Constants.INVOICE_LINE_TYPE_SUB_ACCOUNT) { total = total.add(line.getAmount()); } else { // this is the last total to display, from now on the // lines are not of subaccounts InvoiceLineDTO totalLine = new InvoiceLineDTO(); totalLine.setDescription(bundle.getString("invoice.line.subAccount.footer")); totalLine.setAmount(total); lines.add(idx, totalLine); total = null; // to avoid repeating } } } // if there are no lines after the last subaccount, we need // a total for it if (total != null) { // only if it wasn't added before InvoiceLineDTO totalLine = new InvoiceLineDTO(); totalLine.setDescription(bundle.getString("invoice.line.subAccount.footer")); totalLine.setAmount(total); lines.add(totalLine); } LOG.debug("done " + lines.size()); }
public static InvoiceWS getWS(InvoiceDTO i) { if (i == null) { return null; } InvoiceWS retValue = new InvoiceWS(); retValue.setId(i.getId()); retValue.setCreateDateTime(i.getCreateDatetime()); retValue.setCreateTimeStamp(i.getCreateTimestamp()); retValue.setLastReminder(i.getLastReminder()); retValue.setDueDate(i.getDueDate()); retValue.setTotal(i.getTotal()); retValue.setToProcess(i.getToProcess()); retValue.setStatusId(i.getInvoiceStatus().getId()); retValue.setBalance(i.getBalance()); retValue.setCarriedBalance(i.getCarriedBalance()); retValue.setInProcessPayment(i.getInProcessPayment()); retValue.setDeleted(i.getDeleted()); retValue.setPaymentAttempts(i.getPaymentAttempts()); retValue.setIsReview(i.getIsReview()); retValue.setCurrencyId(i.getCurrency().getId()); retValue.setCustomerNotes(i.getCustomerNotes()); retValue.setNumber(i.getPublicNumber()); retValue.setOverdueStep(i.getOverdueStep()); retValue.setUserId(i.getBaseUser().getId()); Integer delegatedInvoiceId = i.getInvoice() == null ? null : i.getInvoice().getId(); Integer userId = i.getBaseUser().getId(); Integer payments[] = new Integer[i.getPaymentMap().size()]; com.sapienter.jbilling.server.entity.InvoiceLineDTO invoiceLines[] = new com.sapienter.jbilling.server.entity.InvoiceLineDTO[i.getInvoiceLines().size()]; Integer orders[] = new Integer[i.getOrderProcesses().size()]; int f; f = 0; for (PaymentInvoiceMapDTO p : i.getPaymentMap()) { payments[f++] = p.getPayment().getId(); } f = 0; for (OrderProcessDTO orderP : i.getOrderProcesses()) { orders[f++] = orderP.getPurchaseOrder().getId(); } f = 0; for (InvoiceLineDTO line : i.getInvoiceLines()) { invoiceLines[f++] = new com.sapienter.jbilling.server.entity.InvoiceLineDTO( line.getId(), line.getDescription(), line.getAmount(), line.getPrice(), line.getQuantity(), line.getDeleted(), line.getItem() == null ? null : line.getItem().getId(), line.getSourceUserId(), line.getIsPercentage()); } retValue.setDelegatedInvoiceId(delegatedInvoiceId); retValue.setUserId(userId); retValue.setPayments(payments); retValue.setInvoiceLines(invoiceLines); retValue.setOrders(orders); retValue.setMetaFields(MetaFieldBL.convertMetaFieldsToWS(new UserBL().getEntityId(userId), i)); return retValue; }
public void createLines(NewInvoiceDTO newInvoice) { Collection invoiceLines = invoice.getInvoiceLines(); // Now create all the invoice lines, from the lines in the DTO // put there by the invoice composition pluggable tasks InvoiceLineDAS invoiceLineDas = new InvoiceLineDAS(); // get the result DTO lines Iterator dueInvoiceLines = newInvoice.getResultLines().iterator(); // go over the DTO lines, creating one invoice line for each // #2196 - GET Invoice Rounding Preference for entity entityId PreferenceBL pref = new PreferenceBL(); Integer entityId = newInvoice.getEntityId(); if (null == entityId) { entityId = newInvoice.getBaseUser().getEntity().getId(); } int decimals = Constants.BIGDECIMAL_SCALE; try { pref.set(entityId, Constants.PREFERENCE_INVOICE_DECIMALS); decimals = pref.getInt(); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // ignore } // #2196 while (dueInvoiceLines.hasNext()) { InvoiceLineDTO lineToAdd = (InvoiceLineDTO); // define if the line is a percentage or not lineToAdd.setIsPercentage(0); if (lineToAdd.getItem() != null) { try { ItemBL item = new ItemBL(lineToAdd.getItem()); if (item.getEntity().getPercentage() != null) { lineToAdd.setIsPercentage(1); } } catch (SessionInternalError e) { LOG.error("Could not find item to create invoice line " + lineToAdd.getItem().getId()); } } // #2196 - Use Invoice Rounding Preference to round Invoice Lines if (null != lineToAdd.getAmount()) { lineToAdd.setAmount(lineToAdd.getAmount().setScale(decimals, Constants.BIGDECIMAL_ROUND)); } // #2196 // create the database row InvoiceLineDTO newLine = invoiceLineDas.create( lineToAdd.getDescription(), lineToAdd.getAmount(), lineToAdd.getQuantity(), lineToAdd.getPrice(), lineToAdd.getTypeId(), lineToAdd.getItem(), lineToAdd.getSourceUserId(), lineToAdd.getIsPercentage()); // update the invoice-lines relationship newLine.setInvoice(invoice); invoiceLines.add(newLine); } getHome().save(invoice); EventManager.process(new NewInvoiceEvent(invoice)); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int compare(InvoiceLineDTO perA, InvoiceLineDTO perB) { int retValue; // the line type should tell first if (perA.getOrderPosition() == perB.getOrderPosition()) { try { if (perA.getTypeId() == Constants.INVOICE_LINE_TYPE_SUB_ACCOUNT && perB.getTypeId() == Constants.INVOICE_LINE_TYPE_SUB_ACCOUNT) { // invoice lines have to be grouped by user // find out both users retValue = perA.getSourceUserId().compareTo(perB.getSourceUserId()); /* Logger.getLogger(InvoiceLineComparator.class).debug( "Testing two sub account lines. a.userid " + perA.getSourceUserId() + " b.userid " + perB.getSourceUserId() + " result " + retValue); */ if (retValue != 0) { // these are lines for two different users, so // they are different enough now return retValue; } } // use the number if (perA.getItem() != null && perB.getItem() != null) { ItemBL itemA = new ItemBL(perA.getItem()); ItemBL itemB = new ItemBL(perB.getItem()); if (itemA.getEntity().getNumber() == null && itemB.getEntity().getNumber() == null) { retValue = new Integer(perA.getItem().getId()).compareTo(new Integer(perB.getItem().getId())); } else if (itemA.getEntity().getNumber() == null) { retValue = 1; } else if (itemB.getEntity().getNumber() == null) { retValue = -1; } else { // none are null retValue = itemA.getEntity().getNumber().compareTo(itemB.getEntity().getNumber()); } } else { retValue = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger(InvoiceLineComparator.class) .error("Comparing invoice lines " + perA + " " + perB, e); retValue = 0; } } else { retValue = new Integer(perA.getOrderPosition()).compareTo(perB.getOrderPosition()); } /* Logger.getLogger(InvoiceLineComparator.class).debug( "Comparing " + perA.getId() + " " + perB.getId() + " result " + retValue); */ return retValue; }