@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.tabs); // Adding the zoom option mapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.MapView); LinearLayout zoomLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.zoom); View zoomView = mapView; zoomLayout.addView( zoomView, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mapView.displayZoomControls(true); mc = mapView.getController(); String coordinates[] = {"32.2217429", " -110.926479"}; double lat = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]); double lng = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[1]); p = new GeoPoint((int) (lat * 1E6), (int) (lng * 1E6)); mc.animateTo(p); mc.setZoom(10); mapView.invalidate(); mapView.setSatellite(false); mapView.setStreetView(false); // bTakePicture = (Button)findViewById(R.id.bTakePicture); // bTakePicture.setOnClickListener(this); }
@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // click zoom key if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S) { map.setSatellite(!map.isSatellite()); return (true); } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Z) { map.displayZoomControls(true); return (true); } return (super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event)); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); mapV = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapView); mapV.displayZoomControls(true); mapV.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); mapV.setSaveEnabled(true); initlocation.setLatitude(0.1); initlocation.setLongitude(0.1); GeoP = new GeoPoint( (int) (initlocation.getLatitude() * 1E6), (int) (initlocation.getLongitude() * 1E6)); posOverlay = new MapOverlay(); List<Overlay> overlays = mapV.getOverlays(); overlays.add(posOverlay); mControl = mapV.getController(); mControl.animateTo(GeoP); mControl.setZoom(5); Bitmap iss = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.iss); Bitmap logo = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.logo); Bitmap logotext = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.logotext); Bitmap tracker = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.isstracker); posOverlay.SetImages(iss, logo, logotext, tracker); posOverlay.setLocation(initlocation); if (CheckNetwork(getApplicationContext())) { startUpdateTimer(); } else { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setMessage( "No data connection found, please check you have a mobile data connection or wifi enabled."); builder.setNegativeButton( "Quit", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); finish(); } }); AlertDialog alert = builder.create(); alert.show(); } }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.map); map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapView); map.displayZoomControls(true); map.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); int selectedTour = getIntent().getIntExtra("tourID", -1) + 1; final Tour t = ParseToursXML.getTour(String.valueOf(selectedTour)); }
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); final MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapView); mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); mapView.getZoomButtonsController().setAutoDismissed(false); mapView.displayZoomControls(true); overlay = new SampleBalloonItemizedOverlay(mapView); mapView.getOverlays().add(overlay); mapView.getController().animateTo(new GeoPoint(42431320, -8642187)); mapView.getController().setZoom(16); mapView.invalidate(); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.d("Test", "I already reach there"); setContentView(R.layout.main); // launchGPSOptions(); mapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.myMap); LinearLayout zoomLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.zoom); View zoomView = mapView.getZoomControls(); mapView.displayZoomControls(true); mapView.setStreetView(true); mapController = mapView.getController(); mapController.setZoom(14); mapView.setOnTouchListener( new OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View arg0, MotionEvent arg1) { return onTouchEvent((MapView) arg0, arg1); } }); listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays(); zoomLayout.addView( zoomView, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); final TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) getBaseContext().getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); final String tmDevice, tmSerial, androidId; tmDevice = "" + tm.getDeviceId(); tmSerial = "" + tm.getSimSerialNumber(); androidId = "" + android.provider.Settings.Secure.getString( getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); UUID deviceUuid = new UUID(androidId.hashCode(), ((long) tmDevice.hashCode() << 32) | tmSerial.hashCode()); uuid = deviceUuid.toString(); logging("UUID " + uuid); preSetting = getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCE_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE); startService(new Intent(AlertService.class.getName())); locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 100, 10f, this); locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 100, 10f, this); displayLocationTask = new DisplayLocationTask(); timer = new Timer("UpdateOtherLocationTimer"); checkLocationAndAction(); }
private void updateMapView() { int intZoomLevel = 17; MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(0 /*R.id.map*/); mapController = mapView.getController(); mapView.setSatellite(false); mapView.setStreetView(true); mapView.setTraffic(true); geoPoint = new GeoPoint((int) (dLat), (int) (dLng /* * 1E6*/)); // 將剛剛取得的座標置入geoPoint mapView.displayZoomControls(true); mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); mapController.animateTo(geoPoint); // 將map的中心點移到自己所在的位置 mapController.setZoom(intZoomLevel); // 設定地圖級距 // 加入地圖標籤 MyLocationOverlay mapOverlay = new MyLocationOverlay(context, mapView); List listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays(); listOfOverlays.clear(); listOfOverlays.add(mapOverlay); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); String licenseKey = getLicenseKey(); map = new MapView(this, licenseKey); this.setContentView(map); mGeoCoder = new Geocoder(this); // Get the location manager mLocationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); // Define the criteria how to select the locatioin provider -> use // default Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); String provider = mLocationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, false); Location location = mLocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider); session = CommCareApplication._().getCurrentSession(); Vector<Entry> entries = session.getEntriesForCommand(session.getCommand()); prototype = entries.elementAt(0); SessionDatum selectDatum = session.getNeededDatum(); Detail detail = session.getDetail(selectDatum.getShortDetail()); NodeEntityFactory factory = new NodeEntityFactory(detail, this.getEC()); Vector<TreeReference> references = getEC().expandReference(selectDatum.getNodeset()); entities = new Vector<Entity<TreeReference>>(); for(TreeReference ref : references) { entities.add(factory.getEntity(ref)); } Log.d(TAG, "Entities generated"); map.displayZoomControls(true); mMyLocationOverlay = new MyLocationOverlay(this, map); mMyLocationOverlay.runOnFirstFix(new Runnable() { public void run() { map.getController().animateTo(mMyLocationOverlay.getMyLocation()); }}); double[] boundHints = new double[4]; // Initialize the location fields if (location != null) { double lat = location.getLatitude(); double lng = location.getLongitude(); //lLat boundHints[0] = lat -1; //lLng boundHints[1] = lng -1; //uLat boundHints[2] = lat + 1; //rLon boundHints[3] = lng + 1; } else { //no location } Drawable defaultMarker = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.marker); mEntityOverlay = new EntityOverlay(this, defaultMarker, map) { @Override protected void selected(TreeReference ref) { Intent i = new Intent(EntityMapActivity.this.getIntent()); SerializationUtil.serializeToIntent(i, EntityDetailActivity.CONTEXT_REFERENCE, ref); setResult(RESULT_OK, i); EntityMapActivity.this.finish(); } }; Log.d(TAG, "Loading addresses..."); int legit = 0; int bogus = 0; EntityOverlayItemFactory overlayFactory = new EntityOverlayItemFactory(detail, defaultMarker); SqlStorage<GeocodeCacheModel> geoCache = CommCareApplication._().getUserStorage(GeocodeCacheModel.STORAGE_KEY, GeocodeCacheModel.class); for(Entity<TreeReference> e : entities) { for(int i = 0 ; i < detail.getHeaderForms().length; ++i ){ if("address".equals(detail.getTemplateForms()[i])) { String val = e.getFieldString(i).trim(); if(val != null && val != "") { GeoPoint gp = null; try { GeoPointData data = new GeoPointData().cast(new UncastData(val)); if(data != null) { int lat = (int) (data.getValue()[0] * 1E6); int lng = (int) (data.getValue()[1] * 1E6); gp = new GeoPoint(lat, lng); } } catch(Exception ex) { //We might not have a geopoint at all. Don't even trip } boolean cached = false; try { GeocodeCacheModel record = geoCache.getRecordForValue(GeocodeCacheModel.META_LOCATION, val); cached = true; if(record.dataExists()){ gp = record.getGeoPoint(); } } catch(NoSuchElementException nsee) { //no record! } //If we don't have a geopoint, let's try to find our address if(!cached && boundHints != null) { try { List<Address> addresses = mGeoCoder.getFromLocationName(val, 3, boundHints[0], boundHints[1], boundHints[2], boundHints[3]); for(Address a : addresses) { if(a.hasLatitude() && a.hasLongitude()) { int lat = (int) (a.getLatitude() * 1E6); int lng = (int) (a.getLongitude() * 1E6); gp = new GeoPoint(lat, lng); try { geoCache.write(new GeocodeCacheModel(val, lat, lng)); } catch (StorageFullException e1) { //this is the worst exception ever. } legit++; break; } } //We didn't find an address, make a miss record if(gp == null) { try { geoCache.write(GeocodeCacheModel.NoHitRecord(val)); } catch (StorageFullException e1) { //this is the worst exception ever. } } } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); //Yo. What? I guess bad connection? } } //Ok, so now we have an address or not. If we _do_ have one, let's have some fun if(gp != null) { OverlayItem overlayItem = overlayFactory.generateOverlay(gp, e); mEntityOverlay.addOverlay(overlayItem, e.getElement()); } else { bogus++; } } } } } Log.d(TAG, "Loaded. " + legit +" addresses discovered, " + bogus + " could not be located"); if(legit != 0 && mEntityOverlay.getCenter() != null) { map.getController().animateTo(mEntityOverlay.getCenter()); } else if(location != null) { int lat = (int) (location.getLatitude() * 1E6); int lng = (int) (location.getLongitude() * 1E6); GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(lat, lng); map.getController().animateTo(point); } map.getOverlays().add(mMyLocationOverlay); //The overlay crashes out if you try to draw it and it's empty, //so only add it if we found something. if(mEntityOverlay.size() > 0) { map.getOverlays().add(mEntityOverlay); } map.getController().setZoom(18); map.setClickable(true); map.setEnabled(true); Log.d(TAG, "Done loading"); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.map_code); MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapView); LinearLayout zoomLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.zoom); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") View zoomView = mapView.getZoomControls(); zoomLayout.addView( zoomView, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mapView.displayZoomControls(true); mc = mapView.getController(); String coordinates[] = {"26.0607739", "50.5553531"}; double lat = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]); double lng = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[1]); p = new GeoPoint((int) (lat * 1E6), (int) (lng * 1E6)); mc.animateTo(p); mc.setZoom(12); mapView.invalidate(); List<Overlay> mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays(); Drawable drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.bin); MapItemizedOverly itemizedoverlay = new MapItemizedOverly(drawable, this); int lat2 = 26127948; int lng4 = 50588877; p = new GeoPoint((int) (lat2 / 1E6), (int) (lng4 / 1E6)); GeoPoint JwdCentre = new GeoPoint(lat2, lng4); OverlayItem overlayItemJwdCentre = new OverlayItem( JwdCentre, "Jawad , The Centre", "Available Types: Plastic,Paper,Metal,Glass"); int lat1 = 26164950; int lng1 = 50544669; z = new GeoPoint((int) (lat1 / 1E6), (int) (lng1 / 1E6)); GeoPoint BP = new GeoPoint(lat1, lng1); OverlayItem overlayItemBP = new OverlayItem(BP, "Bahrain Polytechnic", "Available Types: Plastic,Paper,Metal"); int lat0 = 26277675; int lng0 = 50662026; t = new GeoPoint((int) (lat0 / 1E6), (int) (lng0 / 1E6)); GeoPoint OsraAmwj = new GeoPoint(lat0, lng0); OverlayItem overlayitemOsraAmwj = new OverlayItem( OsraAmwj, "Al Osra Market ,Amwaj", "Available Types: Plastic,Paper,Metal,Glass"); int lat3 = 26216668; int lng3 = 50479486; Njb = new GeoPoint((int) (lat3 / 1E6), (int) (lng3 / 1E6)); GeoPoint Najibi = new GeoPoint(lat3, lng3); OverlayItem overlayitemNajinbi = new OverlayItem(Najibi, "Najibi Mall", "Available Types: Plastic,Paper,Metal,Glass"); int lat5 = 26221076; int lng5 = 50489421; Fd = new GeoPoint((int) (lat5 / 1E6), (int) (lng5 / 1E6)); GeoPoint FdG = new GeoPoint(lat5, lng5); OverlayItem overlayitemFdG = new OverlayItem(FdG, "Jawad Food Garden", "Available Types: Plastic,Paper,Metal,Glass"); int lat6 = 26221076; int lng6 = 50489421; Mi = new GeoPoint((int) (lat6 / 1E6), (int) (lng6 / 1E6)); GeoPoint MidH = new GeoPoint(lat6, lng6); OverlayItem overlayitemMid = new OverlayItem( MidH, "Midway Market , Hamalah", "Available Types: Plastic,Paper,Metal,Glass"); int lat7 = 26229356; int lng7 = 50542167; BEC = new GeoPoint((int) (lat7 / 1E6), (int) (lng7 / 1E6)); GeoPoint BECI = new GeoPoint(lat7, lng7); OverlayItem overlayitemBEC = new OverlayItem(BECI, "Bahrain Exhibition Centre", "Available Types: Aluminum,Paper,Glass"); int lat8 = 26195681; int lng8 = 50478112; SarC = new GeoPoint((int) (lat8 / 1E6), (int) (lng8 / 1E6)); GeoPoint SC = new GeoPoint(lat8, lng8); OverlayItem overlayitemSC = new OverlayItem(SC, "Sar Cinema", "Available Types: Aluminum,Paper,Glass,Plastic"); int lat9 = 26130232; int lng9 = 50656794; DarI = new GeoPoint((int) (lat9 / 1E6), (int) (lng9 / 1E6)); GeoPoint Dar = new GeoPoint(lat9, lng9); OverlayItem overlayitemDar = new OverlayItem(Dar, "Al Dar Island", "Available Types: Aluminum,Paper,Glass,Plastic"); int lat10 = 26229150; int lng10 = 50537321; GeantG = new GeoPoint((int) (lat10 / 1E6), (int) (lng10 / 1E6)); GeoPoint Geant = new GeoPoint(lat10, lng10); OverlayItem overlayitemGeant = new OverlayItem(Geant, "Geant", "Available Types: Plastic Bags"); int lat11 = 26097468; int lng11 = 50564435; Rv = new GeoPoint((int) (lat11 / 1E6), (int) (lng11 / 1E6)); GeoPoint RiffaViews = new GeoPoint(lat11, lng11); OverlayItem overlayitemRv = new OverlayItem(RiffaViews, "Riffa Views", "Available Types: Aluminum,Paper,Glass,Plastic"); int lat12 = 26205629; int lng12 = 50499065; Stc = new GeoPoint((int) (lat12 / 1E6), (int) (lng12 / 1E6)); GeoPoint StChris = new GeoPoint(lat12, lng12); OverlayItem overlayitemStc = new OverlayItem( StChris, "St. Christophers Junior School", "Available Types: Aluminum,Paper,Glass,Plastic"); int lat13 = 26212435; int lng13 = 50592926; NY = new GeoPoint((int) (lat13 / 1E6), (int) (lng13 / 1E6)); GeoPoint NYIT = new GeoPoint(lat13, lng13); OverlayItem overlayitemNY = new OverlayItem( NYIT, "New York Institute Of Technology", "Available Types: Aluminum,Paper,Glass,Plastic"); int lat14 = 26179689; int lng14 = 50536672; AK = new GeoPoint((int) (lat14 / 1E6), (int) (lng14 / 1E6)); GeoPoint Kano = new GeoPoint(lat14, lng14); OverlayItem overlayitemKano = new OverlayItem( Kano, "Abdulrahman Kanoo School", "Available Types: Aluminum,Paper,Glass,Plastic"); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemKano); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemNY); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemStc); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemRv); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemGeant); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemDar); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemSC); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayItemJwdCentre); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayItemBP); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemOsraAmwj); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemNajinbi); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemFdG); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemMid); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); itemizedoverlay.addOverlay(overlayitemBEC); mapOverlays.add(itemizedoverlay); MapController mapController = mapView.getController(); mapController.animateTo(BP); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(OsraAmwj); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(JwdCentre); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(Najibi); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(FdG); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(MidH); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(BECI); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(SC); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(Dar); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(Geant); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(RiffaViews); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(StChris); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(NYIT); mapController.setZoom(12); mapController.animateTo(Kano); mapController.setZoom(12); }
/** * Called when the activity is first created. Setups google mapView, the map overlays and the * listeners */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.d(this.getClass().getName(), "creating activity"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // get extras Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); String id = extras.getString("missionID"); mission = Mission.get(id); mission.setStatus(Globals.STATUS_RUNNING); setContentView(R.layout.main); // Setup Google MapView myMapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapview); myMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(false); myMapView.displayZoomControls(false); String mapKind = mission.xmlMissionNode.attributeValue("mapkind"); if (mapKind == null || mapKind.equals("map")) myMapView.setSatellite(false); else myMapView.setSatellite(true); myMapCtrl = myMapView.getController(); myMapCtrl.setZoom(18); String zoomLevel = mission.xmlMissionNode.attributeValue("zoomlevel"); if (zoomLevel != null) { int zoomLevelInt = Integer.parseInt(zoomLevel); if (zoomLevelInt > 0 && zoomLevelInt < 24) myMapCtrl.setZoom(zoomLevelInt); } // Setup Zoom Controls: Button zoomIn = (Button) findViewById(R.id.zoom_in); zoomIn.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { myMapCtrl.zoomIn(); } }); Button zoomOut = (Button) findViewById(R.id.zoom_out); zoomOut.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { myMapCtrl.zoomOut(); } }); // Initialize location stuff: locationListener = new GeoQuestLocationListener(this) { public void onRelevantLocationChanged(Location location) { super.onRelevantLocationChanged(location); GeoPoint point = location2GP(location); myMapCtrl.animateTo(point); // calculate distance to hotspots for (Iterator<HotspotOld> i = hotspots.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { HotspotOld hotspot = i.next(); // TODO: throws a // ConcurrentModificationException // sometimes (hm) hotspot.inRange(location); } } }; try { long timeStepMockMode = Long.parseLong(getText(R.string.map_mockGPSTimeInterval).toString()); locationSource = new LocationSource(getApplicationContext(), locationListener, handler, timeStepMockMode); locationSource.setMode(LocationSource.REAL_MODE); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // startMissionsList startMissionPanel = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.startMissionPanel); // Players Location Overlay myLocationOverlay = new MyLocationOverlay(this, myMapView); myLocationOverlay.enableCompass(); // doesn't work in the emulator? myLocationOverlay.enableMyLocation(); myMapView.getOverlays().add(myLocationOverlay); GeoQuestApp.getInstance().setGoogleMap(myMapView); // Show loading screen to Parse the Game XML File // indirectly calls onCreateDialog() and initializes hotspots showDialog(READXML_DIALOG); mission.applyOnStartRules(); }