/** @param network */ private void mockDAOs(final NetworkVO network, final NetworkOfferingVO offering) { when(_networkDao.acquireInLockTable( network.getId(), NetworkOrchestrationService.NetworkLockTimeout.value())) .thenReturn(network); when(_networksDao.acquireInLockTable( network.getId(), NetworkOrchestrationService.NetworkLockTimeout.value())) .thenReturn(network); when(_physicalProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(0L, "VirtualRouter")) .thenReturn(new PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO()); when(_vrProviderDao.findByNspIdAndType(0L, Type.VirtualRouter)) .thenReturn(new VirtualRouterProviderVO()); when(_networkOfferingDao.findById(0L)).thenReturn(offering); // watchit: (in this test) there can be only one when(_routerDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id")).thenReturn(0L); final ServiceOfferingVO svcoff = new ServiceOfferingVO( "name", /* cpu */ 1, /* ramsize */ 1024 * 1024, /* (clock?)speed */ 1024 * 1024 * 1024, /* rateMbps */ 1, /* multicastRateMbps */ 0, /* offerHA */ false, "displayText", ProvisioningType.THIN, /* useLocalStorage */ false, /* recreatable */ false, "tags", /* systemUse */ false, VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter, /* defaultUse */ false); when(_serviceOfferingDao.findById(0L)).thenReturn(svcoff); final DomainRouterVO router = new DomainRouterVO( /* id */ 1L, /* serviceOfferingId */ 1L, /* elementId */ 0L, "name", /* templateId */ 0L, HypervisorType.XenServer, /* guestOSId */ 0L, /* domainId */ 0L, /* accountId */ 1L, /* userId */ 1L, /* isRedundantRouter */ false, RedundantState.UNKNOWN, /* haEnabled */ false, /* stopPending */ false, /* vpcId */ null); when(_routerDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id")).thenReturn(1L); when(_templateDao.findRoutingTemplate( HypervisorType.XenServer, "SystemVM Template (XenServer)")) .thenReturn(new VMTemplateVO()); when(_routerDao.persist(any(DomainRouterVO.class))).thenReturn(router); when(_routerDao.findById(router.getId())).thenReturn(router); }
@Override public void reallocateRouterNetworks( final RouterDeploymentDefinition routerDeploymentDefinition, final VirtualRouter router, final VMTemplateVO template, final HypervisorType hType) throws ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException { final ServiceOfferingVO routerOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(routerDeploymentDefinition.getServiceOfferingId()); final LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>> networks = configureDefaultNics(routerDeploymentDefinition); _itMgr.allocate( router.getInstanceName(), template, routerOffering, networks, routerDeploymentDefinition.getPlan(), hType); }
private long getVMSnapshotAllocatedCapacity(StoragePoolVO pool) { List<VolumeVO> volumes = _volumeDao.findByPoolId(pool.getId()); long totalSize = 0; for (VolumeVO volume : volumes) { if (volume.getInstanceId() == null) continue; Long vmId = volume.getInstanceId(); UserVm vm = _userVMDao.findById(vmId); if (vm == null) continue; ServiceOffering offering = _offeringsDao.findById(vm.getServiceOfferingId()); List<VMSnapshotVO> vmSnapshots = _vmSnapshotDao.findByVm(vmId); long pathCount = 0; long memorySnapshotSize = 0; for (VMSnapshotVO vmSnapshotVO : vmSnapshots) { if (_vmSnapshotDao.listByParent(vmSnapshotVO.getId()).size() == 0) pathCount++; if (vmSnapshotVO.getType() == VMSnapshot.Type.DiskAndMemory) memorySnapshotSize += (offering.getRamSize() * 1024 * 1024); } if (pathCount <= 1) totalSize = totalSize + memorySnapshotSize; else totalSize = totalSize + volume.getSize() * (pathCount - 1) + memorySnapshotSize; } return totalSize; }
@DB @Override public void allocateVmCapacity(VirtualMachine vm, boolean fromLastHost) { long hostId = vm.getHostId(); HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId); long clusterId = host.getClusterId(); float cpuOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat(_clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(clusterId, "cpuOvercommitRatio").getValue()); float memoryOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat( _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(clusterId, "memoryOvercommitRatio").getValue()); ServiceOfferingVO svo = _offeringsDao.findById(vm.getServiceOfferingId()); CapacityVO capacityCpu = _capacityDao.findByHostIdType(hostId, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU); CapacityVO capacityMem = _capacityDao.findByHostIdType(hostId, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY); if (capacityCpu == null || capacityMem == null || svo == null) { return; } int cpu = (int) (svo.getCpu() * svo.getSpeed()); long ram = (long) (svo.getRamSize() * 1024L * 1024L); Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); try { txn.start(); capacityCpu = _capacityDao.lockRow(capacityCpu.getId(), true); capacityMem = _capacityDao.lockRow(capacityMem.getId(), true); long usedCpu = capacityCpu.getUsedCapacity(); long usedMem = capacityMem.getUsedCapacity(); long reservedCpu = capacityCpu.getReservedCapacity(); long reservedMem = capacityMem.getReservedCapacity(); long actualTotalCpu = capacityCpu.getTotalCapacity(); long actualTotalMem = capacityMem.getTotalCapacity(); long totalCpu = (long) (actualTotalCpu * cpuOvercommitRatio); long totalMem = (long) (actualTotalMem * memoryOvercommitRatio); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug( "Hosts's actual total CPU: " + actualTotalCpu + " and CPU after applying overprovisioning: " + totalCpu); } long freeCpu = totalCpu - (reservedCpu + usedCpu); long freeMem = totalMem - (reservedMem + usedMem); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("We are allocating VM, increasing the used capacity of this host:" + hostId); s_logger.debug( "Current Used CPU: " + usedCpu + " , Free CPU:" + freeCpu + " ,Requested CPU: " + cpu); s_logger.debug( "Current Used RAM: " + usedMem + " , Free RAM:" + freeMem + " ,Requested RAM: " + ram); } capacityCpu.setUsedCapacity(usedCpu + cpu); capacityMem.setUsedCapacity(usedMem + ram); if (fromLastHost) { /* alloc from reserved */ if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug( "We are allocating VM to the last host again, so adjusting the reserved capacity if it is not less than required"); s_logger.debug("Reserved CPU: " + reservedCpu + " , Requested CPU: " + cpu); s_logger.debug("Reserved RAM: " + reservedMem + " , Requested RAM: " + ram); } if (reservedCpu >= cpu && reservedMem >= ram) { capacityCpu.setReservedCapacity(reservedCpu - cpu); capacityMem.setReservedCapacity(reservedMem - ram); } } else { /* alloc from free resource */ if (!((reservedCpu + usedCpu + cpu <= totalCpu) && (reservedMem + usedMem + ram <= totalMem))) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug( "Host doesnt seem to have enough free capacity, but increasing the used capacity anyways, since the VM is already starting on this host "); } } } s_logger.debug( "CPU STATS after allocation: for host: " + hostId + ", old used: " + usedCpu + ", old reserved: " + reservedCpu + ", actual total: " + actualTotalCpu + ", total with overprovisioning: " + totalCpu + "; new used:" + capacityCpu.getUsedCapacity() + ", reserved:" + capacityCpu.getReservedCapacity() + "; requested cpu:" + cpu + ",alloc_from_last:" + fromLastHost); s_logger.debug( "RAM STATS after allocation: for host: " + hostId + ", old used: " + usedMem + ", old reserved: " + reservedMem + ", total: " + totalMem + "; new used: " + capacityMem.getUsedCapacity() + ", reserved: " + capacityMem.getReservedCapacity() + "; requested mem: " + ram + ",alloc_from_last:" + fromLastHost); _capacityDao.update(capacityCpu.getId(), capacityCpu); _capacityDao.update(capacityMem.getId(), capacityMem); txn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { txn.rollback(); return; } }
@DB @Override public boolean releaseVmCapacity( VirtualMachine vm, boolean moveFromReserved, boolean moveToReservered, Long hostId) { ServiceOfferingVO svo = _offeringsDao.findById(vm.getServiceOfferingId()); CapacityVO capacityCpu = _capacityDao.findByHostIdType(hostId, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU); CapacityVO capacityMemory = _capacityDao.findByHostIdType(hostId, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY); Long clusterId = null; if (hostId != null) { HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId); clusterId = host.getClusterId(); } if (capacityCpu == null || capacityMemory == null || svo == null) { return false; } Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); try { txn.start(); capacityCpu = _capacityDao.lockRow(capacityCpu.getId(), true); capacityMemory = _capacityDao.lockRow(capacityMemory.getId(), true); long usedCpu = capacityCpu.getUsedCapacity(); long usedMem = capacityMemory.getUsedCapacity(); long reservedCpu = capacityCpu.getReservedCapacity(); long reservedMem = capacityMemory.getReservedCapacity(); long actualTotalCpu = capacityCpu.getTotalCapacity(); float cpuOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat( _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(clusterId, "cpuOvercommitRatio").getValue()); float memoryOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat( _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(clusterId, "memoryOvercommitRatio").getValue()); int vmCPU = (int) (svo.getCpu() * svo.getSpeed()); long vmMem = (long) (svo.getRamSize() * 1024L * 1024L); long actualTotalMem = capacityMemory.getTotalCapacity(); long totalMem = (long) (actualTotalMem * memoryOvercommitRatio); long totalCpu = (long) (actualTotalCpu * cpuOvercommitRatio); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug( "Hosts's actual total CPU: " + actualTotalCpu + " and CPU after applying overprovisioning: " + totalCpu); s_logger.debug( "Hosts's actual total RAM: " + actualTotalMem + " and RAM after applying overprovisioning: " + totalMem); } if (!moveFromReserved) { /* move resource from used */ if (usedCpu >= vmCPU) { capacityCpu.setUsedCapacity(usedCpu - vmCPU); } if (usedMem >= vmMem) { capacityMemory.setUsedCapacity(usedMem - vmMem); } if (moveToReservered) { if (reservedCpu + vmCPU <= totalCpu) { capacityCpu.setReservedCapacity(reservedCpu + vmCPU); } if (reservedMem + vmMem <= totalMem) { capacityMemory.setReservedCapacity(reservedMem + vmMem); } } } else { if (reservedCpu >= vmCPU) { capacityCpu.setReservedCapacity(reservedCpu - vmCPU); } if (reservedMem >= vmMem) { capacityMemory.setReservedCapacity(reservedMem - vmMem); } } s_logger.debug( "release cpu from host: " + hostId + ", old used: " + usedCpu + ",reserved: " + reservedCpu + ", actual total: " + actualTotalCpu + ", total with overprovisioning: " + totalCpu + "; new used: " + capacityCpu.getUsedCapacity() + ",reserved:" + capacityCpu.getReservedCapacity() + "; movedfromreserved: " + moveFromReserved + ",moveToReservered" + moveToReservered); s_logger.debug( "release mem from host: " + hostId + ", old used: " + usedMem + ",reserved: " + reservedMem + ", total: " + totalMem + "; new used: " + capacityMemory.getUsedCapacity() + ",reserved:" + capacityMemory.getReservedCapacity() + "; movedfromreserved: " + moveFromReserved + ",moveToReservered" + moveToReservered); _capacityDao.update(capacityCpu.getId(), capacityCpu); _capacityDao.update(capacityMemory.getId(), capacityMemory); txn.commit(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.debug("Failed to transit vm's state, due to " + e.getMessage()); txn.rollback(); return false; } }
@Override public DomainRouterVO deployRouter( final RouterDeploymentDefinition routerDeploymentDefinition, final boolean startRouter) throws InsufficientAddressCapacityException, InsufficientServerCapacityException, InsufficientCapacityException, StorageUnavailableException, ResourceUnavailableException { final ServiceOfferingVO routerOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(routerDeploymentDefinition.getServiceOfferingId()); final Account owner = routerDeploymentDefinition.getOwner(); // Router is the network element, we don't know the hypervisor type yet. // Try to allocate the domR twice using diff hypervisors, and when // failed both times, throw the exception up final List<HypervisorType> hypervisors = getHypervisors(routerDeploymentDefinition); int allocateRetry = 0; int startRetry = 0; DomainRouterVO router = null; for (final Iterator<HypervisorType> iter = hypervisors.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final HypervisorType hType = iter.next(); try { final long id = _routerDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id"); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug( String.format( "Allocating the VR with id=%s in datacenter %s with the hypervisor type %s", id, routerDeploymentDefinition.getDest().getDataCenter(), hType)); } final String templateName = retrieveTemplateName( hType, routerDeploymentDefinition.getDest().getDataCenter().getId()); final VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao.findRoutingTemplate(hType, templateName); if (template == null) { s_logger.debug(hType + " won't support system vm, skip it"); continue; } final boolean offerHA = routerOffering.getOfferHA(); // routerDeploymentDefinition.getVpc().getId() ==> do not use // VPC because it is not a VPC offering. final Long vpcId = routerDeploymentDefinition.getVpc() != null ? routerDeploymentDefinition.getVpc().getId() : null; long userId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId(); if (CallContext.current().getCallingAccount().getId() != owner.getId()) { final List<UserVO> userVOs = _userDao.listByAccount(owner.getAccountId()); if (!userVOs.isEmpty()) { userId = userVOs.get(0).getId(); } } router = new DomainRouterVO( id, routerOffering.getId(), routerDeploymentDefinition.getVirtualProvider().getId(), VirtualMachineName.getRouterName(id, s_vmInstanceName), template.getId(), template.getHypervisorType(), template.getGuestOSId(), owner.getDomainId(), owner.getId(), userId, routerDeploymentDefinition.isRedundant(), RedundantState.UNKNOWN, offerHA, false, vpcId); router.setDynamicallyScalable(template.isDynamicallyScalable()); router.setRole(Role.VIRTUAL_ROUTER); router = _routerDao.persist(router); reallocateRouterNetworks(routerDeploymentDefinition, router, template, null); router = _routerDao.findById(router.getId()); } catch (final InsufficientCapacityException ex) { if (allocateRetry < 2 && iter.hasNext()) { s_logger.debug( "Failed to allocate the VR with hypervisor type " + hType + ", retrying one more time"); continue; } else { throw ex; } } finally { allocateRetry++; } if (startRouter) { try { router = startVirtualRouter( router, _accountMgr.getSystemUser(), _accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), routerDeploymentDefinition.getParams()); break; } catch (final InsufficientCapacityException ex) { if (startRetry < 2 && iter.hasNext()) { s_logger.debug( "Failed to start the VR " + router + " with hypervisor type " + hType + ", " + "destroying it and recreating one more time"); // destroy the router destroyRouter( router.getId(), _accountMgr.getAccount(Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM), User.UID_SYSTEM); continue; } else { throw ex; } } finally { startRetry++; } } else { // return stopped router return router; } } return router; }