예제 #1
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
  /** @return a list of all getFeatureInfo content types */
  public List<String> getAvailableFeatureInfoFormats() {
    List<String> mimeTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat format :
        WMSExtensions.findFeatureInfoFormats(applicationContext)) {

    return mimeTypes;
예제 #2
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
 /** Returns all allowed map output formats. */
 public Collection<GetMapOutputFormat> getAllowedMapFormats() {
   List<GetMapOutputFormat> result = new ArrayList<GetMapOutputFormat>();
   for (GetMapOutputFormat producer : WMSExtensions.findMapProducers(applicationContext)) {
     if (isAllowedGetMapFormat(producer)) {
   return result;
예제 #3
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
 /** @return a list of all allowed getFeature info content types */
 public List<String> getAllowedFeatureInfoFormats() {
   List<String> mimeTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
   for (GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat format :
       WMSExtensions.findFeatureInfoFormats(applicationContext)) {
     if (isAllowedGetFeatureInfoFormat(format) == false) {
       continue; // skip this format
   return mimeTypes;
예제 #4
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
   * @param requestFormat
   * @return a {@link GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat} that can handle the requested mime type or {@code
   *     null} if none if found
  public GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat getFeatureInfoOutputFormat(String requestFormat) {
    List<GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat> outputFormats;
    outputFormats = WMSExtensions.findFeatureInfoFormats(applicationContext);

    for (GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat format : outputFormats) {
      if (format.canProduce(requestFormat)) {
        return format;
    return null;
예제 #5
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
  public Set<String> getAvailableLegendGraphicsFormats() {

    List<GetLegendGraphicOutputFormat> formats;
    formats = WMSExtensions.findLegendGraphicFormats(applicationContext);

    Set<String> mimeTypes = new HashSet<String>();
    for (GetLegendGraphicOutputFormat format : formats) {
    return mimeTypes;
예제 #6
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
   * Grabs the list of allowed MIME-Types for the GetMap operation from the set of {@link
   * GetMapOutputFormat}s registered in the application context.
   * @param applicationContext The application context where to grab the GetMapOutputFormats from.
   * @see GetMapOutputFormat#getContentType()
  public Set<String> getAvailableMapFormatNames() {

    final Collection<GetMapOutputFormat> producers;
    producers = WMSExtensions.findMapProducers(applicationContext);
    final Set<String> formats = new HashSet<String>();

    for (GetMapOutputFormat producer : producers) {
    return formats;
예제 #7
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
  /** @return all allowed GetMap format names */
  public Set<String> getAllowedMapFormatNames() {

    final Collection<GetMapOutputFormat> producers;
    producers = WMSExtensions.findMapProducers(applicationContext);
    final Set<String> formats = new HashSet<String>();

    for (GetMapOutputFormat producer : producers) {
      if (isAllowedGetMapFormat(producer) == false) {
        continue; // skip this producer, its mime type is not allowed

    return formats;
예제 #8
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
 public Collection<RenderedImageMapResponse> getAvailableMapResponses() {
   return WMSExtensions.findMapResponses(applicationContext);
예제 #9
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
  * @param outputFormat desired output format mime type
  * @return the GetLegendGraphicOutputFormat that can handle {@code mimeType}, or {@code null} if
  *     none is found
 public GetLegendGraphicOutputFormat getLegendGraphicOutputFormat(final String outputFormat) {
   GetLegendGraphicOutputFormat format;
   format = WMSExtensions.findLegendGraphicFormat(outputFormat, applicationContext);
   return format;
예제 #10
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
  * @param mimeType the mime type to look a GetMapOutputFormat for
  * @return the GetMapOutputFormat that can handle {@code mimeType}, or {@code null} if none is
  *     found
 public GetMapOutputFormat getMapOutputFormat(final String mimeType) {
   GetMapOutputFormat outputFormat;
   outputFormat = WMSExtensions.findMapProducer(mimeType, applicationContext);
   return outputFormat;
예제 #11
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
 /** Returns all {@link ExtendedCapabilitiesProvider} extensions. */
 public List<ExtendedCapabilitiesProvider> getAvailableExtendedCapabilitiesProviders() {
   return WMSExtensions.findExtendedCapabilitiesProviders(applicationContext);
예제 #12
파일: WMS.java 프로젝트: roarbra/geoserver
 /** Returns all map output formats. */
 public Collection<GetMapOutputFormat> getAvailableMapFormats() {
   return WMSExtensions.findMapProducers(applicationContext);