예제 #1
  * Would factoring out this suffix result in elimating the reference source vertex?
  * @param graph the graph
  * @param commonSuffix the common suffix of all toSplits
  * @param toSplits the list of vertices we're are trying to split
  * @return true if toSplit contains the reference source and this ref source has all and only the
  *     bases of commonSuffix
 private boolean wouldEliminateRefSource(
     final SeqGraph graph, final SeqVertex commonSuffix, final Collection<SeqVertex> toSplits) {
   for (final SeqVertex toSplit : toSplits) {
     if (graph.isRefSource(toSplit)) return toSplit.length() == commonSuffix.length();
   return false;
예제 #2
   * Would all vertices that we'd split just result in the common suffix?
   * <p>That is, suppose we have prefix nodes ABC and ABC. After splitting all of the vertices would
   * just be ABC again, and we'd enter into an infinite loop.
   * @param commonSuffix the common suffix of all vertices in toSplits
   * @param toSplits the collection of vertices we want to split
   * @return true if all of the vertices are equal to the common suffix
  private boolean allVerticesAreTheCommonSuffix(
      final SeqVertex commonSuffix, final Collection<SeqVertex> toSplits) {
    for (final SeqVertex toSplit : toSplits) {
      if (toSplit.length() != commonSuffix.length()) return false;

    return true;
예제 #3
   * Simple single-function interface to split and then update a graph
   * @param graph the graph containing the vertices in toMerge
   * @param v The bottom node whose incoming vertices we'd like to split
   * @return true if some useful splitting was done, false otherwise
  public boolean split(final SeqGraph graph, final SeqVertex v) {
    if (graph == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph cannot be null");
    if (v == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("v cannot be null");
    if (!graph.vertexSet().contains(v))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph doesn't contain vertex v " + v);

    final Collection<SeqVertex> toSplit = graph.incomingVerticesOf(v);
    if (toSplit.size() < 2)
      // Can only split at least 2 vertices
      return false;
    else if (!safeToSplit(graph, v, toSplit)) {
      return false;
    } else {
      final SeqVertex suffixVTemplate = commonSuffix(toSplit);
      if (suffixVTemplate.isEmpty()) {
        return false;
      } else if (wouldEliminateRefSource(graph, suffixVTemplate, toSplit)) {
        return false;
      } else if (allVerticesAreTheCommonSuffix(suffixVTemplate, toSplit)) {
        return false;
      } else {
        final List<BaseEdge> edgesToRemove = new LinkedList<BaseEdge>();

        //                graph.printGraph(new File("split.pre_" + v.getSequenceString() + "." +
        // counter + ".dot"), 0);
        for (final SeqVertex mid : toSplit) {
          // create my own copy of the suffix
          final SeqVertex suffixV = new SeqVertex(suffixVTemplate.getSequence());
          final SeqVertex prefixV = mid.withoutSuffix(suffixV.getSequence());
          final BaseEdge out = graph.outgoingEdgeOf(mid);

          final SeqVertex incomingTarget;
          if (prefixV == null) {
            // this node is entirely explained by suffix
            incomingTarget = suffixV;
          } else {
            incomingTarget = prefixV;
            graph.addEdge(prefixV, suffixV, new BaseEdge(out.isRef(), 1));

          graph.addEdge(suffixV, graph.getEdgeTarget(out), out.copy());

          for (final BaseEdge in : graph.incomingEdgesOf(mid)) {
            graph.addEdge(graph.getEdgeSource(in), incomingTarget, in.copy());

        //                graph.printGraph(new File("split.post_" + v.getSequenceString() + "." +
        // counter++ + ".dot"), 0);

        return true;