예제 #1
   * creates a svg element by specifiying its parameters
   * @param handle the current svg handle
   * @param text the text for the new element
   * @return the created svg element
  public Element createElement(SVGHandle handle, String text) {

    // the edited document
    Document doc = handle.getScrollPane().getSVGCanvas().getDocument();

    // creating the text element
    final Element element =
        doc.createElementNS(doc.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI(), handledElementTagName);

    // getting the last color that has been used by the user
    String colorString = Editor.getColorChooser().getColorString(ColorManager.getCurrentColor());
    element.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "fill:" + colorString + ";stroke:none;");
    element.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "font-size:12pt;fill:" + colorString + ";");

    EditorToolkit.setAttributeValue(element, xAtt, drawingPoint.getX());
    EditorToolkit.setAttributeValue(element, yAtt, drawingPoint.getY());

    // creating the text node
    Text textValue = doc.createTextNode(text);

    // inserting the element in the document and handling the undo/redo
    // support
    insertShapeElement(handle, element);
    handle.getSelection().handleSelection(element, false, false);

    return element;
예제 #2
  public void notifyDrawingAction(SVGHandle handle, Point2D point, int modifier, int type) {

    // according to the type of the event for the drawing action
    switch (type) {

        // scaling the two points to fit a 1.1 zoom factor
        Point2D scaledPoint = handle.getTransformsManager().getScaledPoint(point, true);
        this.drawingPoint = scaledPoint;
        textDialog.showDialog(handle.getSVGFrame(), handle);
예제 #3
  public Set<SelectionItem> getSelectionItems(SVGHandle handle, Set<Element> elements, int level) {

    // clearing the stored values
    rotationSkewCenterPoint = null;

    // getting the first element of this set
    Element element = elements.iterator().next();

    // the set of the items that will be returned
    Set<SelectionItem> items = new HashSet<SelectionItem>();

    // getting the bounds of the element
    Rectangle2D bounds = getTransformedShape(handle, element, false).getBounds2D();

    // scaling the bounds in the canvas space
    Rectangle2D scaledWholeBounds = handle.getTransformsManager().getScaledRectangle(bounds, false);

    // getting the selection items according to the level type
    switch (level) {
      case Selection.SELECTION_LEVEL_DRAWING:
      case Selection.SELECTION_LEVEL_1:
        items.addAll(getResizeSelectionItems(handle, elements, scaledWholeBounds));

      case Selection.SELECTION_LEVEL_2:
        items.addAll(getRotateSelectionItems(handle, elements, scaledWholeBounds));

    return items;
예제 #4
   * inserts the given shape element in a svg document
   * @param handle the current svg handle
   * @param shapeElement the shape element to be inserted in the document
  protected void insertShapeElement(final SVGHandle handle, final Element shapeElement) {

    if (shapeElement != null) {

      // getting the current parent element of all the edited nodes
      final Element parentElement = handle.getSelection().getParentElement();

      // the execute runnable
      Runnable executeRunnable =
          new Runnable() {

            public void run() {

              handle.getSelection().handleSelection(shapeElement, false, false);

      // the undo runnable
      Runnable undoRunnable =
          new Runnable() {

            public void run() {


      // executing the action and creating the undo/redo action
      HashSet<Element> elements = new HashSet<Element>();
      UndoRedoAction undoRedoAction =
          ShapeToolkit.getUndoRedoAction(undoRedoLabel, executeRunnable, undoRunnable, elements);

      UndoRedoActionList actionlist = new UndoRedoActionList(undoRedoLabel, false);
      handle.getUndoRedo().addActionList(actionlist, false);
예제 #5
  public CanvasPainter showTranslateAction(
      SVGHandle handle, Set<Element> elementSet, Point2D firstPoint, Point2D currentPoint) {

    CanvasPainter canvasPainter = null;

    // getting the element that will undergo the action
    Element element = elementSet.iterator().next();

    // getting the initial line
    Shape shape = getTransformedShape(handle, element, true);

    if (shape != null) {

      Point2D translationCoefficients =
          new Point2D.Double(
              currentPoint.getX() - firstPoint.getX(), currentPoint.getY() - firstPoint.getY());

      AffineTransform transform =
              translationCoefficients.getX(), translationCoefficients.getY());

      // computing the screen scaled shape
      final Shape fshape = handle.getTransformsManager().getScaledShape(shape, false, transform);

      // creating the set of the clips
      final Set<Rectangle2D> fclips = new HashSet<Rectangle2D>();

      canvasPainter =
          new CanvasPainter() {

            public void paintToBeDone(Graphics2D g) {

              g = (Graphics2D) g.create();
                  RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

            public Set<Rectangle2D> getClip() {

              return fclips;

    return canvasPainter;
예제 #6
  public Shape getShape(SVGHandle handle, Element element, boolean isOutline) {

    Shape shape = handle.getSvgElementsManager().getGeometryOutline(element);

    if (shape == null || shape.getBounds().getWidth() == 0 || shape.getBounds().getHeight() == 0) {

      // getting the location of the text
      double x = EditorToolkit.getAttributeValue(element, xAtt);
      double y = EditorToolkit.getAttributeValue(element, yAtt);

      shape = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, 1, 1);

    return shape;
예제 #7
  public Shape getTransformedShape(SVGHandle handle, Element element, boolean isOutline) {

    Shape shape = getShape(handle, element, isOutline);

    if (shape != null) {

      // getting the transformed points
      AffineTransform af = handle.getSvgElementsManager().getTransform(element);

      if (af != null && !af.isIdentity()) {

        shape = af.createTransformedShape(shape);

    return shape;
예제 #8
   * returns the transformed shape corresponding to this element
   * @param handle a svg handle
   * @param element an element
   * @param isOutline whether the returned shape should only be used for showing the action
   * @return the transformed shape corresponding to this element
  public Shape getTransformedShape(SVGHandle handle, Element element, boolean isOutline) {

    Shape shape = getShape(handle, element, isOutline);

    if (shape != null) {

      // getting the transformation of this element
      AffineTransform af = handle.getSvgElementsManager().getTransform(element);

      // transforming this shape
      if (!af.isIdentity()) {

        shape = af.createTransformedShape(shape);

    return shape;
예제 #9
   * computes the new coordinates of the element according to the transform a returns an undo/redo
   * action
   * @param handle a svg handle
   * @param element the element that will be transformed
   * @param transform the transform to apply
   * @param actionUndoRedoLabel the action undo/redo label
   * @return an undo/redo action
  protected UndoRedoAction applyTransform(
      final SVGHandle handle,
      final Element element,
      AffineTransform transform,
      String actionUndoRedoLabel) {

    // getting the initial transform
    final AffineTransform initialTransform = handle.getSvgElementsManager().getTransform(element);

    // getting the new transform
    final AffineTransform newTransform = new AffineTransform(initialTransform);

    // setting the new x and y attributes for the elements
    Runnable executeRunnable =
        new Runnable() {

          public void run() {

            handle.getSvgElementsManager().setTransform(element, newTransform);

    // the undo runnable
    Runnable undoRunnable =
        new Runnable() {

          public void run() {

            handle.getSvgElementsManager().setTransform(element, initialTransform);

    // executing the action and creating the undo/redo action
    HashSet<Element> elements = new HashSet<Element>();
    UndoRedoAction undoRedoAction =
            actionUndoRedoLabel, executeRunnable, undoRunnable, elements);

    return undoRedoAction;
예제 #10
  public CanvasPainter showAction(
      SVGHandle handle,
      int level,
      Set<Element> elementSet,
      SelectionItem item,
      Point2D firstPoint,
      Point2D currentPoint) {

    // getting the element that will undergo the action
    Element element = elementSet.iterator().next();

    // the canvas painter that should be returned
    CanvasPainter painter = null;

    // whether the shape should be painted
    boolean canPaintShape = true;

    // the shape that will be painted
    Shape shape = null;

    // getting the action transform
    AffineTransform actionTransform = null;

    switch (level) {
      case 0:

        // getting the resize transform
        actionTransform = getResizeTransform(handle, element, item, firstPoint, currentPoint);

      case 1:
        if (item.getType() == SelectionItem.CENTER) {

          // storing the center point for the rotate action
          rotationSkewSelectionItemCenterPoint = currentPoint;
          canPaintShape = false;

        } else if (item.getType() == SelectionItem.NORTH_WEST
            || item.getType() == SelectionItem.NORTH_EAST
            || item.getType() == SelectionItem.SOUTH_EAST
            || item.getType() == SelectionItem.SOUTH_WEST) {

          // getting the rotation transform
          actionTransform = getRotationTransform(handle, element, firstPoint, currentPoint);

        } else {

          // getting the skew transform
          actionTransform = getSkewTransform(handle, element, firstPoint, currentPoint, item);


    if (actionTransform != null) {

      // getting the initial shape
      shape = getShape(handle, element, true);

      // getting the element's transform
      AffineTransform transform = handle.getSvgElementsManager().getTransform(element);

      // concatenating the action transform to the element's transform

      // computing the screen scaled shape
      shape = handle.getTransformsManager().getScaledShape(shape, false, transform);

    if (canPaintShape && shape != null) {

      final Shape fshape = shape;

      // creating the set of the clips
      final HashSet<Rectangle2D> fclips = new HashSet<Rectangle2D>();

      painter =
          new CanvasPainter() {

            public void paintToBeDone(Graphics2D g) {

              g = (Graphics2D) g.create();
                  RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

            public Set<Rectangle2D> getClip() {

              return fclips;

    return painter;