public static boolean equalResources(Resource t, Resource that) throws ModelException { return t.getURI().equals(that.getURI()); /* boolean b = false; String tns = t.getNamespace(); String tn = t.getLocalName(); String thatns = that.getNamespace(); String thatn = that.getLocalName(); // System.err.print("Comparing " + t + " vs " + that + ": "); if(thatns == null) { if(tns == null) { // (null, null) // System.err.println("true"); return thatn.equals(tn); } else // (null, not null) maybe "that" did not detect names b = thatn.equals(t.getURI()); } else { if(tns != null) // (not null, not null) b = thatn.equals(tn) && thatns.equals(tns); else // (not null, null) maybe "this" did not detect names b = that.getURI().equals(tn); } if(b) return true; // else we need to check whether different namespace splitting is used if((tns != null ? tns.length() : 0) + (tn != null ? tn.length() : 0) == (thatns != null ? thatns.length() : 0) + (thatn != null ? thatn.length() : 0)) { b = t.getURI().equals(that.getURI()); } // System.err.println("" + b); return b; */ }
private Resource createMetadata(final boolean isListEndpoint, Integer totalResults) throws URISyntaxException { Model objectModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); MergedModels mergedModels = new MergedModels(objectModel); // Model meta = mergedModels.getMetaModel(); // Resource thisMetaPage = meta.createResource("eh:/thisMetaPage"); Resource SEP = meta.createResource("eh:/sparqlEndpoint"); thisMetaPage.addProperty(API.sparqlEndpoint, SEP); Bindings bindings = new Bindings(); URI ru = new URI(thisMetaPage.getURI()); Resource uriForDefinition = objectModel.createResource(thisMetaPage.getURI()); boolean suppressIPTO = true; int page = 1, perPage = 10; boolean hasMorePages = true; Context context = new Context(); CompleteContext cc = new CompleteContext(Mode.PreferLocalnames, context, objectModel); // SetsMetadata setsMeta = new SetsMetadata() { @Override public void setMetadata(String type, Model meta) {} }; WantsMetadata wantsMeta = new WantsMetadata() { @Override public boolean wantsMetadata(String name) { return true; } }; // Map<String, View> views = new HashMap<String, View>(); Set<FormatNameAndType> formats = new HashSet<FormatNameAndType>(); // EndpointDetails details = new EndpointDetails() { @Override public boolean isListEndpoint() { return isListEndpoint; } @Override public boolean hasParameterBasedContentNegotiation() { return false; } }; // EndpointMetadata.addAllMetadata( mergedModels, ru, uriForDefinition, bindings, cc, suppressIPTO, thisMetaPage, page, perPage, totalResults, hasMorePages, CollectionUtils.list(objectModel.createResource("eh:/item/_1")), setsMeta, wantsMeta, "SELECT", "VIEW", new TestCaches.FakeSource("Nemos"), views, formats, details); return thisMetaPage; }
/** Extracts the namespace prefix out of a URI. */ public static String getNamespace(Resource r) throws ModelException { String ns = r.getNamespace(); return ns != null ? ns : guessNamespace(r.getURI()); }
/** Tests if the resource belongs to the RDF syntax/model namespace. */ public static boolean isRDF(Resource r) throws ModelException { return isRDF(r.getURI()); }
/** Delivers the name out of the URI (without the namespace prefix). */ public static String getLocalName(Resource r) throws ModelException { if (r.getNamespace() == null) return guessName(r.getURI()); else return r.getLocalName(); }