예제 #1
   * Constructs an instance.
   * @param method non-null; the method being represented by this instance
  public LocalVariableInfo(RopMethod method) {
    if (method == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("method == null");

    BasicBlockList blocks = method.getBlocks();
    int maxLabel = blocks.getMaxLabel();

    this.regCount = blocks.getRegCount();
    this.emptySet = new RegisterSpecSet(regCount);
    this.blockStarts = new RegisterSpecSet[maxLabel];
    this.insnAssignments = new HashMap<Insn, RegisterSpec>(blocks.getInstructionCount());

예제 #2
   * Merges the given register set into the set for the block with the given label. If there was not
   * already an associated set, then this is the same as calling {@link #setStarts}. Otherwise, this
   * will merge the two sets and call {@link #setStarts} on the result of the merge.
   * @param label &gt;= 0; the block label
   * @param specs non-null; the register set to merge into the start set for the block
   * @return <code>true</code> if the merge resulted in an actual change to the associated set
   *     (including storing one for the first time) or <code>false</code> if there was no change
  public boolean mergeStarts(int label, RegisterSpecSet specs) {
    RegisterSpecSet start = getStarts0(label);
    boolean changed = false;

    if (start == null) {
      setStarts(label, specs);
      return true;

    RegisterSpecSet newStart = start.mutableCopy();
    newStart.intersect(specs, true);

    if (start.equals(newStart)) {
      return false;

    setStarts(label, newStart);

    return true;
예제 #3
   * Gets a mutable copy of the register set associated with the start of the block with the given
   * label. This returns a newly-allocated empty {@link RegisterSpecSet} of appropriate max size if
   * there is not yet any set associated with the block.
   * @param label &gt;= 0; the block label
   * @return non-null; the associated register set
  public RegisterSpecSet mutableCopyOfStarts(int label) {
    RegisterSpecSet result = getStarts0(label);

    return (result != null) ? result.mutableCopy() : new RegisterSpecSet(regCount);