예제 #1
public class NativeBytesStore<Underlying>
    implements BytesStore<NativeBytesStore<Underlying>, Underlying> {
  private static final long MEMORY_MAPPED_SIZE = 128 << 10;
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NativeBytesStore.class);

  @Nullable private final Cleaner cleaner;
  private final boolean elastic;
  @Nullable private final Underlying underlyingObject;

  private final Throwable createdHere = Jvm.isDebug() ? new Throwable("Created here") : null;
  // on release, set this to null.
  @Nullable protected Memory memory = OS.memory();
  private final ReferenceCounter refCount = ReferenceCounter.onReleased(this::performRelease);
  protected long address;
  long maximumLimit;
  private Error releasedHere;

  private NativeBytesStore(@NotNull ByteBuffer bb, boolean elastic) {
    this.elastic = elastic;
    underlyingObject = (Underlying) bb;
    setAddress(((DirectBuffer) bb).address());
    this.maximumLimit = bb.capacity();
    cleaner = ((DirectBuffer) bb).cleaner();

  public NativeBytesStore(long address, long maximumLimit) {
    this(address, maximumLimit, null, false);

  public NativeBytesStore(
      long address, long maximumLimit, @Nullable Runnable deallocator, boolean elastic) {
    this.maximumLimit = maximumLimit;
    cleaner = deallocator == null ? null : Cleaner.create(this, deallocator);
    underlyingObject = null;
    this.elastic = elastic;

  public static NativeBytesStore<ByteBuffer> wrap(@NotNull ByteBuffer bb) {
    return new NativeBytesStore<>(bb, false);

   * this is an elastic native store
   * @param capacity of the buffer.
  public static NativeBytesStore<Void> nativeStore(long capacity) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    return of(capacity, true, true);

  private static NativeBytesStore<Void> of(long capacity, boolean zeroOut, boolean elastic)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {
    Memory memory = OS.memory();
    long address = memory.allocate(capacity);
    if (zeroOut || capacity < MEMORY_MAPPED_SIZE) {
      memory.setMemory(address, capacity, (byte) 0);
    Deallocator deallocator = new Deallocator(address, capacity);
    return new NativeBytesStore<>(address, capacity, deallocator, elastic);

  public static NativeBytesStore<Void> nativeStoreWithFixedCapacity(long capacity)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {
    return of(capacity, true, false);

  public static NativeBytesStore<Void> lazyNativeBytesStoreWithFixedCapacity(long capacity)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {
    return of(capacity, false, false);

  public static NativeBytesStore<ByteBuffer> elasticByteBuffer() {
    return elasticByteBuffer(OS.pageSize());

  public static NativeBytesStore<ByteBuffer> elasticByteBuffer(int size) {
    return new NativeBytesStore<>(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size), true);

  public BytesStore<NativeBytesStore<Underlying>, Underlying> copy() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (underlyingObject == null) {
      NativeBytesStore<Void> copy = of(realCapacity(), false, true);
      OS.memory().copyMemory(address, copy.address, capacity());
      return (BytesStore) copy;

    } else if (underlyingObject instanceof ByteBuffer) {
      ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(Maths.toInt32(capacity()));
      bb.put((ByteBuffer) underlyingObject);
      return (BytesStore) wrap(bb);

    } else {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public VanillaBytes<Underlying> bytesForWrite() throws IllegalStateException {
    return elastic ? new NativeBytes<>(this) : new VanillaBytes<>(this);

  public long realCapacity() {
    return maximumLimit;

  public long capacity() {
    return maximumLimit;

  public Underlying underlyingObject() {
    return underlyingObject;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> zeroOut(long start, long end)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (start < writePosition() || end > writeLimit())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "position: "
              + writePosition()
              + ", start: "
              + start
              + ", end: "
              + end
              + ", limit: "
              + writeLimit());
    if (start >= end) return this;

    memory.setMemory(address + translate(start), end - start, (byte) 0);
    return this;

  public boolean compareAndSwapInt(long offset, int expected, int value) {
    return memory.compareAndSwapInt(address + translate(offset), expected, value);

  public boolean compareAndSwapLong(long offset, long expected, long value) {
    return memory.compareAndSwapLong(address + translate(offset), expected, value);

  long translate(long offset) {
    long offset2 = offset - start();
    //        assert checkTranslatedBounds(offset2);
    return offset2;

  public long start() {
    return 0L;

  public void reserve() throws IllegalStateException {

  public void release() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (Jvm.isDebug() && refCount.get() == 0) releasedHere = new Error("Released here");

  public long refCount() {
    return refCount.get();

  public byte readByte(long offset) {
    if (Jvm.isDebug()) checkReleased();

    return memory.readByte(address + translate(offset));

  public void checkReleased() {
    if (releasedHere != null)
      throw new InternalError("Accessing a released resource", releasedHere);

  public short readShort(long offset) {
    return memory.readShort(address + translate(offset));

  public int readInt(long offset) {
    return memory.readInt(address + translate(offset));

  public long readLong(long offset) {
    return memory.readLong(address + translate(offset));

  public float readFloat(long offset) {
    return memory.readFloat(address + translate(offset));

  public double readDouble(long offset) {
    return memory.readDouble(address + translate(offset));

  public byte readVolatileByte(long offset) {
    return memory.readVolatileByte(address + translate(offset));

  public short readVolatileShort(long offset) {
    return memory.readVolatileShort(address + translate(offset));

  public int readVolatileInt(long offset) {
    return memory.readVolatileInt(address + translate(offset));

  public long readVolatileLong(long offset) {
    return memory.readVolatileLong(address + translate(offset));

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeByte(long offset, byte i8) {
    memory.writeByte(address + translate(offset), i8);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeShort(long offset, short i16) {
    memory.writeShort(address + translate(offset), i16);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeInt(long offset, int i32) {
    memory.writeInt(address + translate(offset), i32);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeOrderedInt(long offset, int i) {
    memory.writeOrderedInt(address + translate(offset), i);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeLong(long offset, long i64) {
    memory.writeLong(address + translate(offset), i64);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeOrderedLong(long offset, long i) {
    memory.writeOrderedLong(address + translate(offset), i);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeFloat(long offset, float f) {
    memory.writeFloat(address + translate(offset), f);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeDouble(long offset, double d) {
    memory.writeDouble(address + translate(offset), d);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeVolatileByte(long offset, byte i8) {
    memory.writeVolatileByte(address + translate(offset), i8);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeVolatileShort(long offset, short i16) {
    memory.writeVolatileShort(address + translate(offset), i16);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeVolatileInt(long offset, int i32) {
    memory.writeVolatileInt(address + translate(offset), i32);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> writeVolatileLong(long offset, long i64) {
    memory.writeVolatileLong(address + translate(offset), i64);
    return this;

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> write(
      long offsetInRDO, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
    memory.copyMemory(bytes, offset, address + translate(offsetInRDO), length);
    return this;

  public void write(long offsetInRDO, @NotNull ByteBuffer bytes, int offset, int length) {
    if (bytes.isDirect()) {
      memory.copyMemory(((DirectBuffer) bytes).address(), address + translate(offsetInRDO), length);

    } else {
      memory.copyMemory(bytes.array(), offset, address + translate(offsetInRDO), length);

  public NativeBytesStore<Underlying> write(
      long offsetInRDO, @NotNull RandomDataInput bytes, long offset, long length)
      throws BufferOverflowException, BufferUnderflowException, IORuntimeException {
    // TODO optimize, call unsafe.copyMemory when possible, copy 4, 2 bytes at once
    long i = 0;
    for (; i < length - 7; i += 8) {
      writeLong(offsetInRDO + i, bytes.readLong(offset + i));
    for (; i < length; i++) {
      writeByte(offsetInRDO + i, bytes.readByte(offset + i));
    return this;

  public long address(long offset) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
    if (offset < start() || offset >= capacity()) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return address + translate(offset);

  private void performRelease() {
    if (refCount.get() > 0) {
      LOGGER.info("NativeBytesStore discarded without releasing ", createdHere);

    memory = null;
    if (cleaner != null) cleaner.clean();

  public String toString() {
    try {
      return BytesInternal.toString(this);
    } catch (IllegalStateException | IORuntimeException e) {
      return e.toString();

  public void nativeRead(long position, long address, long size) {
    // TODO add bounds checking.
    OS.memory().copyMemory(address(position), address, size);

  public void nativeWrite(long address, long position, long size) {
    // TODO add bounds checking.
    this.memory.copyMemory(address, address(position), size);

  void write8bit(long position, char[] chars, int offset, int length) {
    long addr = address + translate(position);
    Memory memory = this.memory;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) memory.writeByte(addr + i, (byte) chars[offset + i]);

  void read8bit(long position, char[] chars, int length) {
    long addr = address + translate(position);
    Memory memory = OS.memory();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) chars[i] = (char) (memory.readByte(addr + i) & 0xFF);

  public long readIncompleteLong(long offset) {
    int remaining = (int) Math.min(8, readRemaining() - offset);
    long l = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < remaining; i++) {
      byte b = memory.readByte(address + offset + i);
      l |= (long) (b & 0xFF) << (i * 8);
    return l;

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    try {
      return obj instanceof BytesStore && BytesInternal.contentEqual(this, (BytesStore) obj);
    } catch (IORuntimeException e) {
      throw new AssertionError(e);

  public void setAddress(long address) {
    if ((address & ~0x3FFF) == 0)
      throw new AssertionError("Invalid address " + Long.toHexString(address));
    this.address = address;

  public long appendUTF(long pos, char[] chars, int offset, int length) {
    long address = this.address + translate(0);
    Memory memory = this.memory;
    int i;
      for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        char c = chars[offset + i];
        if (c > 0x007F) break ascii;
        memory.writeByte(address + pos++, (byte) c);

      return pos;
    return appendUTF0(pos, chars, offset, length, i);

  private long appendUTF0(long pos, char[] chars, int offset, int length, int i) {
    for (; i < length; i++) {
      char c = chars[offset + i];
      if (c <= 0x007F) {
        writeByte(pos++, (byte) c);

      } else if (c <= 0x07FF) {
        writeByte(pos++, (byte) (0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)));
        writeByte(pos++, (byte) (0x80 | c & 0x3F));

      } else {
        writeByte(pos++, (byte) (0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)));
        writeByte(pos++, (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)));
        writeByte(pos++, (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3F)));
    return pos;

  static class Deallocator implements Runnable {
    private volatile long address, size;

    Deallocator(long address, long size) {
      assert address != 0;
      this.address = address;
      this.size = size;

    public void run() {
      if (address == 0) return;
      address = 0;
      OS.memory().freeMemory(address, size);
/** Fast unchecked version of AbstractBytes */
public class UncheckedNativeBytes<Underlying> implements Bytes<Underlying> {
  protected final long capacity;
  @Nullable protected NativeBytesStore<Underlying> bytesStore;
  private final ReferenceCounter refCount = ReferenceCounter.onReleased(this::performRelease);
  protected long readPosition;
  protected long writePosition;
  protected long writeLimit;
  private int lastDecimalPlaces = 0;

  public UncheckedNativeBytes(@NotNull Bytes<Underlying> underlyingBytes)
      throws IllegalStateException {
    this.bytesStore = (NativeBytesStore<Underlying>) underlyingBytes.bytesStore();
    assert bytesStore.start() == 0;
    writePosition = underlyingBytes.writePosition();
    writeLimit = underlyingBytes.writeLimit();
    readPosition = underlyingBytes.readPosition();
    capacity = bytesStore.capacity();

  public Bytes<Underlying> unchecked(boolean unchecked) {
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> readPosition(long position) {
    readPosition = position;
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> readLimit(long limit) {
    writePosition = limit;
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writePosition(long position) {
    writePosition = position;
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> readSkip(long bytesToSkip) {
    readPosition += bytesToSkip;
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeSkip(long bytesToSkip) {
    writePosition += bytesToSkip;
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeLimit(long limit) {
    writeLimit = limit;
    return this;

  public BytesStore<Bytes<Underlying>, Underlying> copy() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("todo");

  public boolean isElastic() {
    return false;

  protected long readOffsetPositionMoved(long adding) {
    long offset = readPosition;
    readPosition += adding;
    return offset;

  protected long writeOffsetPositionMoved(long adding) {
    long oldPosition = writePosition;
    writePosition += adding;
    return oldPosition;

  protected long prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(long substracting) {
    return readPosition -= substracting;

  public Bytes<Underlying> write(@NotNull BytesStore bytes, long offset, long length)
      throws IORuntimeException, BufferUnderflowException, BufferOverflowException {
    if (length == 8) {

    } else if (bytes.bytesStore() instanceof NativeBytesStore && length >= 16) {
      rawCopy(bytes, offset, length);

    } else {
      BytesInternal.write(bytes, offset, length, this);
    return this;

  public void rawCopy(@NotNull BytesStore bytes, long offset, long length)
      throws BufferOverflowException, BufferUnderflowException {
    long len = Math.min(writeRemaining(), Math.min(bytes.readRemaining(), length));
    if (len > 0) {
      writeCheckOffset(writePosition(), len);
      OS.memory().copyMemory(bytes.address(offset), address(writePosition()), len);

  public Bytes<Underlying> clear() {
    readPosition = writePosition = start();
    writeLimit = capacity();
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> clearAndPad(long length) throws BufferOverflowException {
    if (start() + length > capacity()) throw new BufferOverflowException();
    readPosition = writePosition = start() + length;
    writeLimit = capacity();
    return this;

  public long readLimit() {
    return writePosition;

  public long writeLimit() {
    return writeLimit;

  public long realCapacity() {
    return capacity();

  public long capacity() {
    return capacity;

  public Underlying underlyingObject() {
    return bytesStore.underlyingObject();

  public long readPosition() {
    return readPosition;

  public long writePosition() {
    return writePosition;

  public boolean compareAndSwapInt(long offset, int expected, int value)
      throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
    return bytesStore.compareAndSwapInt(offset, expected, value);

  public boolean compareAndSwapLong(long offset, long expected, long value)
      throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
    return bytesStore.compareAndSwapLong(offset, expected, value);

  void performRelease() {
    this.bytesStore = null;

  public int readUnsignedByte() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(1);
    return bytesStore.memory.readByte(bytesStore.address + offset);

  public byte readByte() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(1);
    return bytesStore.memory.readByte(bytesStore.address + offset);

  public int peekUnsignedByte() {
    try {
      return readRemaining() > 0 ? bytesStore.readUnsignedByte(readPosition) : -1;

    } catch (BufferUnderflowException | IORuntimeException e) {
      return -1;

  public short readShort() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(2);
    return bytesStore.readShort(offset);

  public int readInt() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(4);
    return bytesStore.readInt(offset);

  public long readLong() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(8);
    return bytesStore.readLong(offset);

  public float readFloat() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(4);
    return bytesStore.readFloat(offset);

  public double readDouble() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(8);
    return bytesStore.readDouble(offset);

  public int readVolatileInt() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(4);
    return bytesStore.readVolatileInt(offset);

  public long readVolatileLong() {
    long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(8);
    return bytesStore.readVolatileLong(offset);

  public void reserve() throws IllegalStateException {

  public void release() throws IllegalStateException {

  public long refCount() {
    return refCount.get();

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeByte(long offset, byte i) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 1);
    bytesStore.writeByte(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeShort(long offset, short i) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 2);
    bytesStore.writeShort(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeInt(long offset, int i) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
    bytesStore.writeInt(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeOrderedInt(long offset, int i) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
    bytesStore.writeOrderedInt(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeLong(long offset, long i) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
    bytesStore.writeLong(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeOrderedLong(long offset, long i) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
    bytesStore.writeOrderedLong(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeFloat(long offset, float d) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
    bytesStore.writeFloat(offset, d);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeDouble(long offset, double d) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
    bytesStore.writeDouble(offset, d);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeVolatileByte(long offset, byte i8) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 1);
    bytesStore.writeVolatileByte(offset, i8);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeVolatileShort(long offset, short i16)
      throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 2);
    bytesStore.writeVolatileShort(offset, i16);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeVolatileInt(long offset, int i32) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
    bytesStore.writeVolatileInt(offset, i32);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeVolatileLong(long offset, long i64) throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
    bytesStore.writeVolatileLong(offset, i64);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> write(long offsetInRDO, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
      throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offsetInRDO, length);
    bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes, offset, length);
    return this;

  public void write(long offsetInRDO, ByteBuffer bytes, int offset, int length)
      throws BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offsetInRDO, length);
    bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes, offset, length);

  public Bytes<Underlying> write(long offsetInRDO, RandomDataInput bytes, long offset, long length)
      throws IORuntimeException, BufferUnderflowException, BufferOverflowException {
    writeCheckOffset(offsetInRDO, length);
    bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes, offset, length);
    return this;

  void writeCheckOffset(long offset, long adding) throws BufferOverflowException {
    assert writeCheckOffset0(offset, adding);

  private boolean writeCheckOffset0(long offset, long adding) throws BufferOverflowException {
    if (offset < start()) throw new BufferOverflowException();
    if (offset + adding > writeLimit()) {
      assert offset + adding <= writeLimit()
          : "cant add bytes past the limit : limit="
              + writeLimit()
              + ",offset="
              + offset
              + ",adding="
              + adding;
      throw new BufferOverflowException();
    return true;

  public byte readByte(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.readByte(offset);

  public int readUnsignedByte(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.memory.readByte(bytesStore.address + offset) & 0xFF;

  public short readShort(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.readShort(offset);

  public int readInt(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.readInt(offset);

  public long readLong(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.readLong(offset);

  public float readFloat(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.readFloat(offset);

  public double readDouble(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.readDouble(offset);

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeByte(byte i8) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(1);
    bytesStore.memory.writeByte(bytesStore.address + offset, i8);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> prewriteByte(byte i8) {
    long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(1);
    bytesStore.memory.writeByte(bytesStore.address + offset, i8);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeShort(short i16) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(2);
    bytesStore.writeShort(offset, i16);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> prewriteShort(short i16) {
    long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(2);
    bytesStore.writeShort(offset, i16);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeInt(int i) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(4);
    bytesStore.writeInt(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> prewriteInt(int i) {
    long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(4);
    bytesStore.writeInt(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeLong(long i64) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(8);
    bytesStore.writeLong(offset, i64);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> prewriteLong(long i64) {
    long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(8);
    bytesStore.writeLong(offset, i64);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeFloat(float f) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(4);
    bytesStore.writeFloat(offset, f);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeDouble(double d) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(8);
    bytesStore.writeDouble(offset, d);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
    long offsetInRDO = writeOffsetPositionMoved(length);
    bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes, offset, length);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> prewrite(byte[] bytes) {
    long offsetInRDO = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(bytes.length);
    bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> write(@NotNull ByteBuffer buffer) {
    bytesStore.write(writePosition, buffer, buffer.position(), buffer.limit());
    writePosition += buffer.remaining();
    assert writePosition <= writeLimit();
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeOrderedInt(int i) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(4);
    bytesStore.writeOrderedInt(offset, i);
    return this;

  public Bytes<Underlying> writeOrderedLong(long i) {
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(8);
    bytesStore.writeOrderedLong(offset, i);
    return this;

  public long address(long offset) {
    return bytesStore.address(offset);

  public int hashCode() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("todo");

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof Bytes)) return false;
    Bytes b2 = (Bytes) obj;
    long remaining = readRemaining();
    return b2.readRemaining() == remaining && equalsBytes(b2, remaining);

  public boolean equalsBytes(@NotNull Bytes b2, long remaining) {
    long i = 0;
    try {
      for (; i < remaining - 7; i++)
        if (readLong(readPosition() + i) != b2.readLong(b2.readPosition() + i)) return false;
      for (; i < remaining; i++)
        if (readByte(readPosition() + i) != b2.readByte(b2.readPosition() + i)) return false;
    } catch (BufferUnderflowException | IORuntimeException e) {
      throw Jvm.rethrow(e);
    return true;

  public String toString() {
    return BytesInternal.toString(this);

  public void nativeRead(long address, long size) {
    bytesStore.nativeRead(readPosition(), address, size);

  public void nativeWrite(long address, long size) {
    bytesStore.nativeWrite(address, writePosition(), size);

  public void nativeRead(long position, long address, long size) {
    bytesStore.nativeRead(position, address, size);

  public void nativeWrite(long address, long position, long size) {
    bytesStore.nativeWrite(address, position, size);

  public BytesStore bytesStore() {
    return bytesStore;

  public int byteCheckSum() throws IORuntimeException {
    if (readLimit() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE || start() != 0) throw new AssertionError();
    byte b = 0;
    NativeBytesStore bytesStore = (NativeBytesStore) bytesStore();
    Memory memory = bytesStore.memory;
    assert memory != null;
    for (int i = (int) readPosition(), lim = (int) readLimit(); i < lim; i++) {
      b += memory.readByte(bytesStore.address + i);
    return b & 0xFF;

  public Bytes<Underlying> append8bit(@NotNull CharSequence cs)
      throws BufferOverflowException, BufferUnderflowException, IORuntimeException {
    if (cs instanceof BytesStore) {
      return write((BytesStore) cs);
    int length = cs.length();
    long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(length);
    long address = bytesStore.address(offset);
    Memory memory = bytesStore.memory;
    assert memory != null;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      char c = cs.charAt(i);
      if (c > 255) c = '?';
      memory.writeByte(address + i, (byte) c);

    return this;

  public int lastDecimalPlaces() {
    return lastDecimalPlaces;

  public void lastDecimalPlaces(int lastDecimalPlaces) {
    this.lastDecimalPlaces = Math.max(0, lastDecimalPlaces);