static int getDefaultDyncallCppConvention() { int convention = DC_CALL_C_DEFAULT; if (!Platform.is64Bits() && Platform.isWindows()) { convention = DC_CALL_C_X86_WIN32_THIS_MS; } return convention; }
static { { OpenCLProbeLibrary probe = new OpenCLProbeLibrary(); try { if (!probe.isValid()) { String alt; if (Platform.is64Bits() && BridJ.getNativeLibraryFile(alt = "atiocl64") != null || BridJ.getNativeLibraryFile(alt = "atiocl32") != null || BridJ.getNativeLibraryFile(alt = "atiocl") != null) { log( Level.INFO, "Hacking around ATI's weird driver bugs (using atiocl library instead of OpenCL)", null); BridJ.setNativeLibraryActualName("OpenCL", alt); } } } finally { probe = null; BridJ.unregister(OpenCLProbeLibrary.class); } } if (debug) { String debugArgs = System.getenv(JAVACL_DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS_PROP); if (debugArgs != null) DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS = Arrays.asList(debugArgs.split(" ")); else if (Platform.isMacOSX()) DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS = Arrays.asList("-g"); else DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS = Arrays.asList("-O0", "-g"); int pid = ProcessUtils.getCurrentProcessId(); log( Level.INFO, "Debug mode enabled with compiler flags \"" + StringUtils.implode(DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS, " ") + "\" (can be overridden with env. var. JAVACL_DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS_PROP)"); log( Level.INFO, "You can debug your kernels with GDB using one of the following commands :\n" + "\tsudo gdb --tui --pid=" + pid + "\n" + "\tsudo ddd --debugger \"gdb --pid=" + pid + "\"\n" + "More info here :\n" + "\t"); } CL = new OpenCLLibrary(); }
public TaskbarListDemo() throws ClassNotFoundException { super("TaskbarList Demo (" + (Platform.is64Bits() ? "64 bits" : "32 bits") + ")"); list = COMRuntime.newInstance(ITaskbarList3.class); getContentPane().add("Center", new JLabel("Hello Native Windows 7 World !")); Box box = Box.createVerticalBox(); slider = new JSlider(min, max, val); slider.addChangeListener(this); box.add(slider); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); for (ITaskbarList3.TbpFlag state : ITaskbarList3.TbpFlag.values()) { JRadioButton cb = new JRadioButton(; group.add(cb); cb.putClientProperty(ITaskbarList3.TbpFlag.class, state); cb.setSelected(state == ITaskbarList3.TbpFlag.TBPF_NORMAL); cb.addActionListener(this); box.add(cb); } getContentPane().add("South", box); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { try { { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setVisible(true); long hwndVal = JAWTUtils.getNativePeerHandle(f); // TODO com.sun.jna.Native.getComponentID(this); System.out.println("#\n# hwndVal = " + hwndVal + "\n#"); BridJ.register(); ValuedEnum<ETest> t = testEnum(ETest.eFirst); if (t != ETest.eFirst) throw new RuntimeException(); } testSetGetIntBuffer(10); // if (Platform.isMacOSX()) { // new NSCalendar(); // new NSAutoReleasePool(); // } // NativeLibrary lib = BridJ.getNativeLibrary("OpenCL", new // File("/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/OpenCL")); // NativeLibrary lib = BridJ.getNativeLibrary("OpenCL", new // File("/usr/lib/libobjc.dylib")); // NativeLibrary lib = BridJ.getNativeLibrary("OpenCL", new // File("/Users/ochafik/nativelibs4java/Runtime/BridJ/src/test/cpp/test/build_out/darwin_universal_gcc_debug/libtest.dylib")); // Collection<Symbol> symbols = lib.getSymbols(); BridJ.register(MyCallback.class); BridJ.register(); int ra = testAddDyncall(10, 4); if (ra != 14) throw new RuntimeException("Expected 14, got " + ra); ra = testAddDyncall(10, 4); if (ra != 14) throw new RuntimeException("Expected 14, got " + ra); testNativeTargetCallbacks(); testJavaTargetCallbacks(); if (true) return; long crea = Ctest.createTest(); crea = Pointer.pointerToAddress(crea).getPointer().getPeer(); print("Ctest.createTest()", crea, 10, 0); Ctest test = new Ctest(); // long thisPtr = test.$this.getPeer(); // System.out.println(hex(thisPtr)); print("Ctest.this", Pointer.pointerTo(test, Ctest.class).getPointer().getPeer(), 10, 2); int res = test.testAdd(1, 2); System.out.println("res = " + res); res = test.testVirtualAdd(1, 2); System.out.println("res = " + res); res = test.testVirtualAddStdCall(null, 1, 2); System.out.println("res = " + res); res = test.testAddStdCall(null, 1, 2); System.out.println("res = " + res); TaskbarListDemo.main(null); IShellWindows win = COMRuntime.newInstance(IShellWindows.class); IUnknown iu = win.QueryInterface(IUnknown.class); if (iu == null) throw new RuntimeException("Interface does not handle IUnknown !"); win.Release(); try { new FunctionTest().add(); MyStruct s = new MyStruct(); s.a(10); System.out.println("Created MyStruct and set it to 10"); int a = Pointer.pointerTo(s).getInt(); a = s.a(); Pointer.pointerTo(s).setInt(10); a = Pointer.pointerTo(s).getInt(); a = s.a(); if (s.a() != 10) throw new RuntimeException("invalid value = " + a); s.b(100.0); if (s.b() != 100.0) throw new RuntimeException("invalid value = " + a); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } library = BridJ.getNativeLibrary("test"); // NativeLibrary.load(libraryPath); new VC9Demangler(null, "?sinInt@@YANH@Z").parseSymbol(); new VC9Demangler(null, "?forwardCall@@YAHP6AHHH@ZHH@Z").parseSymbol(); BridJ.register(); // new VC9Demangler(null, "??0Ctest2@@QEAA@XZ").parseSymbol(); for (Demangler.Symbol symbol : library.getSymbols()) { String name = symbol.getName(); long addr = symbol.getAddress(); System.out.println(name + " = \t" + hex(addr)); if (name.startsWith("_ZTV") || name.startsWith("_ZTI") || name.startsWith("??_")) { print("vtable", addr, 10, 1); } else System.out.println("'" + name + "'"); } boolean is64 = Platform.is64Bits(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally {; } /*double dres = PerfLib.testASinB(1, 2); res = PerfLib.testAddJNI(1, 2); System.out.println("Done");*/ }