public void processSerialData() { byte[] inBuf = new byte[20]; switch ( { case 'A': // wait for all data arrived while (serial.available() < 16) {} // read all data serial.readBytes(inBuf); Acc_RAW = (inBuf[1] << 8) + (inBuf[0] & 0xFF); Gyro_RAW = (inBuf[3] << 8) + (inBuf[2] & 0xFF); // int intbit = 0; // intbit = (inBuf[7] << 24) | ((inBuf[6] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((inBuf[5] & 0xFF) << 8) | // (inBuf[4] & 0xFF); // Angle = Float.intBitsToFloat(intbit); int AngleInt = (inBuf[5] << 8) + (inBuf[4] & 0xFF); Angle = PApplet.parseFloat(AngleInt) / 10; Acc_Angle = (inBuf[7] << 8) + (inBuf[6] & 0xFF); Gyro_Rate = (inBuf[9] << 8) + (inBuf[8] & 0xff); Drive = (inBuf[11] << 8) + (inBuf[10] & 0xFF); statusFlag = (inBuf[13] << 8) + (inBuf[12] & 0xFF); int BatLevelInt = (inBuf[15] << 8) + (inBuf[14] & 0xFF); Steer = (inBuf[17] << 8) + (inBuf[16] & 0xFF); BatLevel = PApplet.parseFloat(BatLevelInt) / 10; println( "Acc=" + Acc_RAW + " Gyro=" + Gyro_RAW + " Angle=" + Angle + " Acc_Angle=" + Acc_Angle + " Gyro_Rate=" + Gyro_Rate + " Drive=" + Drive + " Status=" + statusFlag); break; case 'E': // wait for all data arrived while (serial.available() < 6) {} // read all data serial.readBytes(inBuf); int P = (inBuf[1] << 8) + (inBuf[0] & 0xFF); int I = (inBuf[3] << 8) + (inBuf[2] & 0xFF); int D = (inBuf[5] << 8) + (inBuf[4] & 0xFF); conf_KP.setValue(P); conf_KI.setValue(I); conf_KD.setValue(D); println("P=" + P + " I=" + I + " D=" + D); break; } serial.clear(); }
public void draw() { lights(); background(255); noStroke(); fill(200); translate(-width / 2, 0); t += 0.001f; int offset = 10; float shapeSize = 5.0f; for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { // ellipse(noise(t+i*offset*0.01)*width, sin(float(frameCount + i*offset)/100)*height/2, // shapeSize*i, shapeSize*i); float x = noise(t + i * offset * 0.01f) * width; float y = sin(PApplet.parseFloat(frameCount + i * offset) / 100) * height / 2; pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); sphere(shapeSize * i); popMatrix(); } }
public void draw() { background(0); // Strings composition textFont(createFont("Arial bold", 24)); fill(c_red); stroke(255); text("OpenWheels GUI V1.0", 20, 30); textSize(16); // textAlign(CENTER); fill(c_azure); text("Acc_RAW: " + Acc_RAW, 150, 65); AccSlider.setValue(Acc_RAW); text("Gyro_RAW: " + Gyro_RAW, 150, 90); GyroSlider.setValue(Gyro_RAW); text("Acc_Angle: " + Acc_Angle + "\u00b0", 150, 115); text("Gyro_Rate: " + Gyro_Rate + "\u00b0/sec", 150, 140); text("Drive: " + Drive, 150, 165); text("Steer: " + Steer, 150, 190); text("BatLevel: " + nf(BatLevel, 1, 1) + "V", 150, 215); text("Status: " + statusFlag, 150, 240); graphGauge(); graphGrid(); // call the function that plot the angular of acc, with few screen settings graphRoll(PApplet.parseFloat(Acc_Angle), VideoBuffer2, c_red); // xPos, YPos, YSpan // call the function that plot the estimate angular, with few screen settings graphRoll(Angle, VideoBuffer1, c_yellow); // xPos, YPos, YSpan // call arduino for data every timePolling [msec] int timePolling = 50; // 50msec=20Hz time1 = millis(); if (init_com == 1) { while (serial.available() > 0) processSerialData(); if ((time1 - time2) > timePolling) { if (requestPID == true) { serial.write('E'); requestPID = false; } else if (writePID == true) { int P = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KP.value()); int I = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KI.value()); int D = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KD.value()); char data[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; data[0] = 'W'; data[1] = PApplet.parseChar(P); data[2] = PApplet.parseChar(I); data[3] = PApplet.parseChar(D); data[4] = ' '; String str = new String(data); serial.write(str); println(str); // println(" P=" + P + " I=" + I + " D=" + D); writePID = false; } // else if (RUN==true ) {serial.write('A');} else { serial.write('A'); } time2 = time1; } } }
public void setup() { minim = new Minim(this); size(winWidth, winHeight, OPENGL); background(bGround); sm = new SceneManager(minim); rulesChecker = new RulesChecker(); controlP5 = new ControlP5(this); // ruleChoiceList = controlP5.addDropdownList("ruleChoiceList",850,100,100,100); // customize(ruleChoiceList); selectedRule = 0; selectedCamera = 0; gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g).gl; picker = new Picker(this); oscP5 = new OscP5(this, port); // TODO(sanjeet): Change the address interfaceAddr = new NetAddress("", port); noStroke(); lines = loadStrings("fileFriedrich.txt"); // Hardcoded input file name String[] tokens = split(lines[0], " "); if (tokens.length != 1) { println("Incorrect file format for number of cameras"); return; } int numOfCams = PApplet.parseInt(tokens[0]); for (int i = 1; i < numOfCams + 1; i++) { tokens = split(lines[i], " "); float[] matrix = new float[16]; for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { matrix[j] = PApplet.parseFloat(tokens[j]); } cameras.add(new Cam(FloatBuffer.wrap(matrix))); // add all the cameras } tokens = split(lines[1 + numOfCams], " "); if (tokens.length != 1) { println("Incorrect file format for number of characters"); return; } int numOfChars = PApplet.parseInt(tokens[0]); for (int i = 2 + numOfCams; i < lines.length; i++) { tokens = split(lines[i], " "); float[] matrix = new float[16]; for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { matrix[j] = PApplet.parseFloat(tokens[j]); } characters.add(new Character(FloatBuffer.wrap(matrix))); // add all the characters } characters.get(0).col = color(255, 255, 0); characters.get(1).col = color(255, 0, 255); timeline = new Timeline(sm); // add initial tick to the begining of the timeline timeline.addTick(cameras.get(0)); debug = new Debug(controlP5); // title, start, end, initVal, xpos, ypos, width, height // controlP5.addSlider("Timeline", 0,120,0,100,winHeight-50,winWidth-200,30); }