예제 #1
  public int fromStream(final byte[] content, int offset) {
    final int size = OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(content, offset);
    offset += OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE;

    dirtyPages = new HashSet<ODirtyPage>();

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      long pageIndex = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(content, offset);
      offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

      String fileName = stringSerializer.deserializeNativeObject(content, offset);
      offset += stringSerializer.getObjectSize(fileName);

      long segment = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(content, offset);
      offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

      long position = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(content, offset);
      offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

          new ODirtyPage(fileName, pageIndex, new OLogSequenceNumber(segment, position)));

    return offset;
예제 #2
  public int deserialize(byte[] stream, int offset) {
    final long fileId = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeLiteral(stream, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    final long pageIndex = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeLiteral(stream, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    final int pageOffset = OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeLiteral(stream, offset);
    offset += OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE;

    // Cached bag size. Not used after 1.7.5
    offset += OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE;

    if (fileId == -1) collectionPointer = null;
      collectionPointer =
          new OBonsaiCollectionPointer(fileId, new OBonsaiBucketPointer(pageIndex, pageOffset));

    this.size = -1;

    changes.putAll(ChangeSerializationHelper.INSTANCE.deserializeChanges(stream, offset));

    return offset;
예제 #3
  public int fromStream(byte[] content, int offset) {
    offset = super.fromStream(content, offset);

    pageIndex = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(content, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    fileId = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(content, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    return offset;
예제 #4
  public int toStream(byte[] content, int offset) {
    offset = super.toStream(content, offset);

    OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(pageIndex, content, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(fileId, content, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    return offset;
예제 #5
  public int toStream(final byte[] content, int offset) {
    OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(dirtyPages.size(), content, offset);
    offset += OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE;

    for (ODirtyPage dirtyPage : dirtyPages) {
      OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(dirtyPage.getPageIndex(), content, offset);
      offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

      stringSerializer.serializeNativeObject(dirtyPage.getFileName(), content, offset);
      offset += stringSerializer.getObjectSize(dirtyPage.getFileName());

      OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(dirtyPage.getLsn().getSegment(), content, offset);
      offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

      OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(dirtyPage.getLsn().getPosition(), content, offset);
      offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    return offset;
  public int fromStream(byte[] content, int offset) {
    offset = super.fromStream(content, offset);

    fileName = OStringSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNativeObject(content, offset);
    offset += OStringSerializer.INSTANCE.getObjectSize(fileName);

    fileId = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(content, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    return offset;
  public int toStream(byte[] content, int offset) {
    offset = super.toStream(content, offset);

    OStringSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNativeObject(fileName, content, offset);
    offset += OStringSerializer.INSTANCE.getObjectSize(fileName);

    OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(fileId, content, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    return offset;
예제 #8
  private void flushPage(long fileId, long pageIndex, ODirectMemoryPointer dataPointer)
      throws IOException {
    if (writeAheadLog != null) {
      OLogSequenceNumber lsn = ODurablePage.getLogSequenceNumberFromPage(dataPointer);
      OLogSequenceNumber flushedLSN = writeAheadLog.getFlushedLSN();
      if (flushedLSN == null || flushedLSN.compareTo(lsn) < 0) writeAheadLog.flush();

    final byte[] content = dataPointer.get(0, pageSize);
    OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(MAGIC_NUMBER, content, 0);

    final int crc32 = calculatePageCrc(content);
    OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeNative(crc32, content, OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE);

    final OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId);
    fileClassic.write(pageIndex * pageSize, content);

    if (syncOnPageFlush) fileClassic.synch();
예제 #9
  public int serialize(byte[] stream, int offset, UUID ownerUuid) {
    for (Map.Entry<OIdentifiable, OModifiableInteger> entry : newEntries.entrySet()) {
      OIdentifiable identifiable = entry.getKey();
      assert identifiable instanceof ORecord;
      Change c = changes.get(identifiable);

      final int delta = entry.getValue().intValue();
      if (c == null) changes.put(identifiable, new DiffChange(delta));
      else c.applyDiff(delta);

    final ORecordSerializationContext context;
    boolean remoteMode =
        ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().getStorage() instanceof OStorageProxy;
    if (remoteMode) {
      context = null;
    } else context = ORecordSerializationContext.getContext();

    // make sure that we really save underlying record.
    if (collectionPointer == null) {
      if (context != null) {
        final int clusterId = getHighLevelDocClusterId();
        assert clusterId > -1;
        collectionPointer =
                .createSBTree(clusterId, ownerUuid);

    OBonsaiCollectionPointer collectionPointer;
    if (this.collectionPointer != null) collectionPointer = this.collectionPointer;
    else {
      collectionPointer = OBonsaiCollectionPointer.INVALID;

    OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeLiteral(collectionPointer.getFileId(), stream, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    OBonsaiBucketPointer rootPointer = collectionPointer.getRootPointer();
    OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeLiteral(rootPointer.getPageIndex(), stream, offset);
    offset += OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE;

    OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeLiteral(rootPointer.getPageOffset(), stream, offset);
    offset += OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE;

    // Keep this section for binary compatibility with versions older then 1.7.5
    OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeLiteral(size, stream, offset);
    offset += OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE;

    if (context == null) {
          changes, OLinkSerializer.INSTANCE, stream, offset);
    } else {
      context.push(new ORidBagUpdateSerializationOperation(changes, collectionPointer));

      // 0-length serialized list of changes
      OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.serializeLiteral(0, stream, offset);
      offset += OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE;

    return offset;
예제 #10
 static {
           secureRandom.generateSeed(OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE), 0));
예제 #11
  public OPageDataVerificationError[] checkStoredPages(
      OCommandOutputListener commandOutputListener) {
    final int notificationTimeOut = 5000;
    final List<OPageDataVerificationError> errors = new ArrayList<OPageDataVerificationError>();

    synchronized (syncObject) {
      for (long fileId : files.keySet()) {

        OFileClassic fileClassic = files.get(fileId);

        boolean fileIsCorrect;
        try {

          if (commandOutputListener != null)
            commandOutputListener.onMessage("Flashing file " + fileClassic.getName() + "... ");


          if (commandOutputListener != null)
                "Start verification of content of " + fileClassic.getName() + "file ...");

          long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

          long filledUpTo = fileClassic.getFilledUpTo();
          fileIsCorrect = true;

          for (long pos = 0; pos < filledUpTo; pos += pageSize) {
            boolean checkSumIncorrect = false;
            boolean magicNumberIncorrect = false;

            byte[] data = new byte[pageSize];

            fileClassic.read(pos, data, data.length);

            long magicNumber = OLongSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(data, 0);

            if (magicNumber != MAGIC_NUMBER) {
              magicNumberIncorrect = true;
              if (commandOutputListener != null)
                    "Error: Magic number for page "
                        + (pos / pageSize)
                        + " in file "
                        + fileClassic.getName()
                        + " does not much !!!");
              fileIsCorrect = false;

            final int storedCRC32 =
                OIntegerSerializer.INSTANCE.deserializeNative(data, OLongSerializer.LONG_SIZE);

            final int calculatedCRC32 = calculatePageCrc(data);
            if (storedCRC32 != calculatedCRC32) {
              checkSumIncorrect = true;
              if (commandOutputListener != null)
                    "Error: Checksum for page "
                        + (pos / pageSize)
                        + " in file "
                        + fileClassic.getName()
                        + " is incorrect !!!");
              fileIsCorrect = false;

            if (magicNumberIncorrect || checkSumIncorrect)
                  new OPageDataVerificationError(
                      pos / pageSize,

            if (commandOutputListener != null
                && System.currentTimeMillis() - time > notificationTimeOut) {
              time = notificationTimeOut;
              commandOutputListener.onMessage((pos / pageSize) + " pages were processed ...");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          if (commandOutputListener != null)
                "Error: Error during processing of file "
                    + fileClassic.getName()
                    + ". "
                    + ioe.getMessage());

          fileIsCorrect = false;

        if (!fileIsCorrect) {
          if (commandOutputListener != null)
                "Verification of file " + fileClassic.getName() + " is finished with errors.");
        } else {
          if (commandOutputListener != null)
                "Verification of file " + fileClassic.getName() + " is successfully finished.");

      return errors.toArray(new OPageDataVerificationError[errors.size()]);