예제 #1
  public static String getVariable(Connection conn, String name) throws SQLException {
    String method = "getVariable";
    int location = 1000;
    try {
      location = 2000;
      String value = "";

      location = 2100;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
      String strSQL = "SELECT os.fn_get_variable('" + name + "')";

      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Getting Variable: " + strSQL);

      location = 2200;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL);

      while (rs.next()) {
        value = rs.getString(1);

      location = 2300;
      return value;

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #2
  public static String getVersion(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
    String method = "getVersion";
    int location = 1000;
    try {
      location = 2000;
      String value = "";

      location = 2100;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
      String strSQL =
          "SELECT CASE "
              + "WHEN POSITION ('HAWQ 2.0.1' in version) > 0 THEN 'HAWQ_2_0_1' "
              + "WHEN POSITION ('HAWQ 2.0.0' in version) > 0 THEN 'HAWQ_2_0_0' "
              + "WHEN POSITION ('HAWQ 1' in version) > 0 THEN 'HAWQ_1' "
              + "WHEN POSITION ('HAWQ' in version) = 0 AND POSITION ('Greenplum Database' IN version) > 0 THEN 'GPDB' "
              + "ELSE 'OTHER' END "
              + "FROM version()";
      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Getting Variable: " + strSQL);

      location = 2200;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL);

      while (rs.next()) {
        value = rs.getString(1);

      location = 2300;
      return value;

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #3
  public static int insertReplTable(Connection conn, String targetSchema, String targetTable)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "insertReplTable";
    int location = 1000;

    int numRows = 0;
    try {
      location = 2000;
      String replTargetSchema = externalSchema;

      location = 2100;
      String replTargetTable = getStageTableName(targetSchema, targetTable);

      location = 2200;
      String externalTable = getExternalTableName(replTargetSchema, replTargetTable);

      location = 2305;
      // truncate the stage table before loading
      truncateTable(conn, replTargetSchema, replTargetTable);

      location = 2400;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2500;
      String strSQL =
          "INSERT INTO \""
              + replTargetSchema
              + "\".\""
              + replTargetTable
              + "\" \n"
              + "SELECT * FROM \""
              + externalSchema
              + "\".\""
              + externalTable
              + "\"";
      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Executing SQL: " + strSQL);

      location = 2600;
      numRows = stmt.executeUpdate(strSQL);

      location = 2700;
      return numRows;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #4
  public static boolean checkStageTable(Connection conn, String targetSchema, String targetTable)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "checkStageTable";
    int location = 1000;

    try {
      location = 2000;
      boolean found = false;

      String stageTable = getStageTableName(targetSchema, targetTable);

      location = 2100;
      String strSQL =
          "SELECT NULL \n"
              + "WHERE table_schema = '"
              + externalSchema
              + "' \n"
              + "	AND table_name = '"
              + stageTable
              + "'";

      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Executing sql: " + strSQL);

      location = 2200;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2310;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL);

      location = 2400;
      while (rs.next()) {
        found = true;

      location = 2500;
      return found;

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #5
  public static boolean createSchema(Connection conn, String schema) throws SQLException {
    String method = "createSchema";
    int location = 1000;
    try {
      location = 2000;
      boolean found = false;

      String strSQL =
          "SELECT COUNT(*) \n"
              + "WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '"
              + schema
              + "'";

      location = 2100;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2200;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL);

      location = 2306;
      while (rs.next()) {
        if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) found = true;

      location = 2400;
      if (!(found)) {
        location = 2500;
        String schemaDDL = "CREATE SCHEMA \"" + schema + "\"";
        if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Schema DDL: " + schemaDDL);

        location = 2600;

      location = 2700;
      return found;

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      return true;
예제 #6
  public static String getMax(Connection conn, String schema, String table, String columnName)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "getMax";
    int location = 1000;

    try {
      location = 2000;
      String strSQL =
          "SELECT MAX(\""
              + columnName.toLowerCase()
              + "\") \n"
              + "FROM \""
              + schema
              + "\".\""
              + table
              + "\"";

      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Executing sql: " + strSQL);

      String max = "-1";

      location = 2100;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2200;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL);

      while (rs.next()) {
        max = rs.getString(1);

      location = 2313;
      if (max == null) {
        max = "-1";
      return max;

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #7
  public static void truncateTable(Connection conn, String schema, String table)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "truncateTable";
    int location = 1000;
    try {
      location = 2000;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2100;
      String strSQL = "truncate table \"" + schema + "\".\"" + table + "\"";

      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Truncating table: " + strSQL);

      location = 2200;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #8
  public static void executeReplication(
      Connection conn, String targetSchema, String targetTable, String appendColumnName)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "executeReplication";
    int location = 1000;
    try {
      location = 2000;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2100;
      String externalTable = getExternalTableName(targetSchema, targetTable);

      location = 2200;
      String stageTable = getStageTableName(targetSchema, targetTable);

      location = 2301;
      String strSQL =
          "SELECT os.fn_replication('"
              + targetSchema
              + "', '"
              + targetTable
              + "', '"
              + externalSchema
              + "', '"
              + stageTable
              + "', '"
              + appendColumnName
              + "');";

      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Executing function: " + strSQL);

      location = 2400;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #9
  public static void dropExternalTable(Connection conn, String targetSchema, String targetTable)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "dropExternalTable";
    int location = 1000;
    try {
      location = 2000;
      String externalTable = getExternalTableName(targetSchema, targetTable);

      location = 2100;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2200;
      String strSQL =
          "DROP EXTERNAL TABLE IF EXISTS \"" + externalSchema + "\".\"" + externalTable + "\"";
      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Dropping External Table (if exists): " + strSQL);

      location = 2303;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #10
  public static void createExternalTable(
      Connection conn,
      String osServer,
      String refreshType,
      String sourceTable,
      String targetSchema,
      String targetTable,
      String maxId,
      int queueId,
      int jobPort)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "createExternalTable";
    int location = 1000;

    try {
      location = 2000;
      String externalTable = getExternalTableName(targetSchema, targetTable);

      location = 2100;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      String createSQL =
          "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE \"" + externalSchema + "\".\"" + externalTable + "\" \n (";

      location = 2309;
      String strSQL =
          "SELECT c.column_name, \n"
              + "       CASE WHEN c.data_type = 'character' THEN c.data_type || '(' || c.character_maximum_length || ')' ELSE c.data_type END AS data_type \n"
              + "WHERE table_schema = '"
              + targetSchema
              + "' \n"
              + "       AND table_name = '"
              + targetTable
              + "' \n"
              + "ORDER BY ordinal_position";

      location = 2400;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL);

      location = 2500;
      while (rs.next()) {
        location = 2600;
        if (rs.getRow() == 1) {
          location = 2700;
          createSQL = createSQL + "\"" + rs.getString(1) + "\" " + rs.getString(2);
        } else {
          location = 2800;
          createSQL = createSQL + ", \n \"" + rs.getString(1) + "\" " + rs.getString(2);

      location = 2900;
      createSQL = createSQL + ") \n";

      // Create location for External Table
      location = 3000;
      // replace space in the maxId because this could now be a date
      maxId = maxId.replace(" ", "SPACE");

      location = 3100;
      String extLocation =
          "LOCATION ('gpfdist://"
              + osServer
              + ":"
              + jobPort
              + "/config.properties+"
              + queueId
              + "+"
              + maxId
              + "+"
              + refreshType
              + "+"
              + sourceTable
              + "#transform=externaldata"
              + "')";
      location = 3400;
      extLocation = extLocation + "\n" + "FORMAT 'TEXT' (delimiter '|' null 'null' escape '\\\\')";

      // Add createSQL with Java Command to exec.
      location = 3500;
      createSQL = createSQL + extLocation;

      // Create new external web table
      location = 4000;
      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Creating External Table: " + createSQL);


    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + e.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #11
  public static boolean createTargetTable(
      Connection conn,
      String targetSchema,
      String targetTable,
      boolean targetAppendOnly,
      boolean targetCompressed,
      boolean targetRowOrientation,
      String sourceType,
      String sourceServer,
      String sourceInstance,
      int sourcePort,
      String sourceDatabase,
      String sourceSchema,
      String sourceTable,
      String sourceUser,
      String sourcePass)
      throws Exception {
    String method = "createTargetTable";
    int location = 1000;

    try {
      location = 2000;
      boolean found = false;

      String strSQL =
          "SELECT COUNT(*) \n"
              + "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '"
              + targetSchema
              + "' \n"
              + "	AND TABLE_NAME = '"
              + targetTable
              + "'";

      location = 2100;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2200;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL);

      location = 2307;
      while (rs.next()) {
        if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) found = true;

      location = 2400;
      if (!(found)) {
        String tableDDL =

        if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Table DDL: " + tableDDL);

        location = 2800;

      location = 3000;
      return found;

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #12
  public static void updateStatus(
      Connection conn,
      int queueId,
      String status,
      Timestamp queueDate,
      Timestamp startDate,
      String errorMessage,
      int numRows,
      int id,
      String refreshType,
      String targetSchema,
      String targetTable,
      boolean targetAppendOnly,
      boolean targetCompressed,
      boolean targetRowOrientation,
      String sourceType,
      String sourceServer,
      String sourceInstance,
      int sourcePort,
      String sourceDatabase,
      String sourceSchema,
      String sourceTable,
      String sourceUser,
      String sourcePass,
      String columnName,
      String sqlText,
      boolean snapshot)
      throws SQLException {
    String method = "updateStatus";
    int location = 1000;

    String strQueueId = setSQLString(queueId);
    status = setSQLString(status);
    String strQueueDate = setSQLString(queueDate);
    String strStartDate = setSQLString(startDate);
    errorMessage = setSQLString(errorMessage);
    String strNumRows = setSQLString(numRows);
    String strId = setSQLString(id);
    refreshType = setSQLString(refreshType);
    targetSchema = setSQLString(targetSchema);
    targetTable = setSQLString(targetTable);
    String strTargetAppendOnly = setSQLString(targetAppendOnly);
    String strTargetCompressed = setSQLString(targetCompressed);
    String strTargetRowOrientation = setSQLString(targetRowOrientation);
    sourceType = setSQLString(sourceType);
    sourceServer = setSQLString(sourceServer);
    sourceInstance = setSQLString(sourceInstance);
    String strSourcePort = setSQLString(sourcePort);
    sourceDatabase = setSQLString(sourceDatabase);
    sourceSchema = setSQLString(sourceSchema);
    sourceTable = setSQLString(sourceTable);
    sourceUser = setSQLString(sourceUser);
    sourcePass = setSQLString(sourcePass);
    columnName = setSQLString(columnName);
    sqlText = setSQLString(sqlText);
    String strSnapshot = setSQLString(snapshot);

    try {
      location = 2000;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2400;
      String strSQL =
          "SELECT os.fn_update_status("
              + strQueueId
              + ", "
              + status
              + ", "
              + strQueueDate
              + ", "
              + strStartDate
              + ", ";
      strSQL +=
              + ", "
              + strNumRows
              + ", "
              + strId
              + ", "
              + refreshType
              + ", "
              + targetSchema
              + ", "
              + targetTable
              + ", ";
      strSQL +=
              + ", "
              + strTargetCompressed
              + ", "
              + strTargetRowOrientation
              + ", "
              + sourceType
              + ", ";
      strSQL +=
              + ", "
              + sourceInstance
              + ", "
              + strSourcePort
              + ", "
              + sourceDatabase
              + ", "
              + sourceSchema
              + ", ";
      strSQL +=
              + ", "
              + sourceUser
              + ", "
              + sourcePass
              + ", "
              + columnName
              + ", "
              + sqlText
              + ", "
              + strSnapshot
              + ")";

      if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Updating Status: " + strSQL);

      location = 2500;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");
예제 #13
  public static int executeSQL(Connection conn, String strSQL) throws SQLException {
    String method = "executeSQL";
    int location = 1000;

    if (strSQL == null) strSQL = "";

    try {
      location = 2000;
      int numRows = 0;

      location = 2100;
      String SQL = "";

      location = 2150;
      strSQL = strSQL.trim();

      location = 2200;
      int endPosition = strSQL.indexOf(";");

      location = 2300;
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

      location = 2400;
      if (endPosition > -1) {
        location = 2500;
        while (endPosition > -1) {

          location = 2600;
          SQL = strSQL.substring(0, endPosition);

          if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Executing sql: " + SQL);

          // if select, execute query else execute update
          if ((strSQL.toUpperCase()).startsWith("SELECT")) {
            location = 2700;
          } else {
            location = 2900;
            numRows = numRows + stmt.executeUpdate(SQL);

          location = 3100;
          strSQL = strSQL.substring(endPosition + 1).trim();

          location = 3200;
          endPosition = strSQL.indexOf(";");

      } else if (strSQL.length() > 0) {
        location = 4000;
        if (debug) Logger.printMsg("Executing sql: " + SQL);
        // if select, execute query else execute update
        if ((strSQL.toUpperCase()).startsWith("SELECT")) {
          location = 4200;
          // discard results
        } else {
          location = 4300;
          numRows = stmt.executeUpdate(strSQL);

      location = 5000;
      return numRows;

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "(" + myclass + ":" + method + ":" + location + ":" + ex.getMessage() + ")");