public int doStartTag() throws JspException { JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); if (Log.isEnabled(this, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.println(this, StringUtil.beanToString(this, null, TagSupport.class, true)); } link = WebAppEnvironmentPlugin.getEnvironment() .getConfigurableResources() .getParameter("helppath"); String onClickMessage = this.onClickMessage; if (onClickMessage == null && onClickMessageKey != null) { onClickMessage = RequestUtils.message(pageContext, null, null, onClickMessageKey); } String title = this.title; if (title == null && titleKey != null) { title = RequestUtils.message(pageContext, null, null, titleKey); } if (link != null && link.length() > 0) { Map parameters = new HashMap(); if (context != null) { parameters.put("context", context); } link = ServletParameterHelper.replaceDynamicParameters(link, parameters); try { out.write( "<a href=\"" + addContextPath(link) + "\" " + (style != null ? "class=\"" + style + "\" " : "") + " " + (target != null ? " target=\"" + target + "\"" : "") + (onClickMessage != null ? " onClick=\"return confirm('" + onClickMessage + "')\"" : "") + (title != null ? " title=\"" + title + "\" " : "") + ">"); return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } catch (IOException e) { link = null; e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } } return SKIP_BODY; }