public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { String amount = request.getParameter("amount"); String amount2 = request.getParameter("amount2"); String amount3 = request.getParameter("amount3"); Integer posotita = Integer.parseInt(amount); Integer posotita2 = Integer.parseInt(amount2); Integer posotita3 = Integer.parseInt(amount3); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (session.isNew()) { request.setAttribute("sessionVal", "this is a new session"); } else { request.setAttribute("sessionVal", "Welcome Back!"); } double total = ((posotita * 18.50) + (posotita2 * 6.95) + (posotita3 * 1.29)); session.setAttribute("totalVal", total); request.setAttribute("currency", total); request.setAttribute("from", amount); request.setAttribute("from2", amount2); request.setAttribute("from3", amount3); RequestDispatcher view = request.getRequestDispatcher("index.jsp"); view.forward(request, response); }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); int i, j; String amount = req.getParameter("amount"); String from = req.getParameter("from"); String to = req.getParameter("to"); String ch = req.getParameter("choice"); String answer, answer1, answer2, answer3; if ("INFO".equals(ch)) { Redirect_info newurl = (Redirect_info) getServletContext().getAttribute("redirect"); res.sendRedirect(newurl.getUrl()); } else { out.println("<html>"); out.println("<title>Currency Converter</title>"); String addr = "" + amount + from + "=?" + to; URL convert = new URL(addr); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(convert.openStream())); answer = in.readLine(); answer = new String(answer.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "ISO-8859-7"); from = new String(from.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "ISO-8859-7"); to = new String(to.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "ISO-8859-7"); amount = new String(amount.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "ISO-8859-7"); in.close(); i = answer.indexOf('"'); answer = answer.substring(i + 1); i = answer.indexOf('"'); answer = answer.substring(i + 1); i = answer.indexOf('"'); answer = answer.substring(i + 1); i = answer.indexOf('"'); answer = answer.substring(0, i); out.println("<p ALIGN=CENTER>" + amount + " " + from + " == " + answer + "(" + to + ")</p>"); out.println("</body>"); out.println("</html>"); } }
// Process the request private String processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String userIDs = (String) session.getAttribute(""); userIDs = (userIDs != null && userIDs.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? userIDs : "0"; long userID = Long.parseLong(userIDs); String command = request.getParameter("command"); String template = request.getParameter("template"); String pageHash = request.getParameter("pagehash"); String pageTitle = request.getParameter("pagetitle"); String pageDescription = request.getParameter("pagedescription"); String outLine = ""; String nextScript = request.getParameter("nextscript"); OutputStream toClient; boolean success = false; // System.out.println("userid=" + userID + ", id=" + id + ", command=" + command); command = (command != null && command.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? command : "form"; nextScript = (nextScript != null && nextScript.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? nextScript : "simple1.jsp"; // inputstring = (inputstring != null && inputstring.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? inputstring : ""; DbConn myConn = null; try { Context initCtx = new InitialContext(); // String csiSchema = (String) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/csi-schema-path"); // String acronym = (String) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/SystemAcronym"); myConn = new DbConn(); String csiSchema = myConn.getSchemaPath(); if (userID != 0) { if (command.equals("add")) { outLine = ""; } else if (command.equals("update")) { outLine = ""; } else if (command.equals("updatepage")) { UHash uPage = new UHash(pageHash, myConn); // System.out.println("Got Here 1"); if (template.equals("simple1")) { TextItem title = new TextItem(uPage.get("title"), myConn); title.setText(pageTitle);; TextItem description = new TextItem(uPage.get("description"), myConn); description.setText(pageDescription);; } else if (template.equals("simple2")) { } } else if (command.equals("test")) { outLine = "test"; } success = true; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { outLine = outLine + "IllegalArgumentException caught: " + e.getMessage(); ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, pageHash + " error: '" + outLine + "'"); // log(outLine); } catch (NullPointerException e) { outLine = outLine + "NullPointerException caught: " + e.getMessage(); ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, pageHash + " error: '" + outLine + "'"); // log(outLine); } // catch (IOException e) { // outLine = outLine + "IOException caught: " + e.getMessage(); // ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, pageHash + " error: '" + outLine + "'"); // //log(outLine); // } catch (Exception e) { outLine = outLine + "Exception caught: " + e.getMessage(); ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, pageHash + " error: '" + outLine + "'"); // log(outLine); } finally { try { generateResponse(outLine, command, nextScript, success, response); } catch (Exception i) { } myConn.release(); // log("Test log message\n"); } return outLine; }
// Process the request private String processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String command = request.getParameter("command"); String id = request.getParameter("id"); String description = request.getParameter("description"); String status = request.getParameter("rstatus"); status = (status != null && status.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? status : null; String outLine = ""; // String nextScript = "home.jsp"; String nextScript = request.getParameter("nextscript"); OutputStream toClient; HttpSession session = request.getSession(); boolean success = false; String userIDs = (String) session.getAttribute(""); long userID = Long.parseLong(userIDs); command = (command != null && command.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? command : "form"; nextScript = (nextScript != null && nextScript.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? nextScript : "roles.jsp"; // inputstring = (inputstring != null && inputstring.compareTo(" ") > 0) ? inputstring : ""; DbConn myConn = null; try { Context initCtx = new InitialContext(); // String csiSchema = (String) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/csi-schema-path"); String acronym = (String) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/SystemAcronym"); myConn = new DbConn(); String csiSchema = myConn.getSchemaPath(); if (command.equals("add")) { Role item = new Role(); item.setDescription(description); item.setStatus(status); getPermissions(request, item); getPositions(request, item); item.add(myConn, userID); GlobalMembership.refresh(myConn); success = true; outLine = ""; } else if (command.equals("update")) { Role item = new Role(myConn, Long.parseLong(id)); item.setDescription(description); item.setStatus(status); getPermissions(request, item); getPositions(request, item);, userID); GlobalMembership.refresh(myConn); success = true; outLine = ""; } else if (command.equals("drop")) { Role item = new Role(myConn, Long.parseLong(id)); item.drop(myConn, userID); success = true; outLine = "Role " + item.getDescription() + " Removed"; } else if (command.equals("test")) { outLine = "test"; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { outLine = outLine + "IllegalArgumentException caught: " + e.getMessage(); ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, "Role error: '" + outLine + "'"); // log(outLine); } catch (NullPointerException e) { outLine = outLine + "NullPointerException caught: " + e.getMessage(); ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, "Role error: '" + outLine + "'"); // log(outLine); } // catch (IOException e) { // outLine = outLine + "IOException caught: " + e.getMessage(); // ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, "Role error: '" + outLine + "'"); // //log(outLine); // } catch (Exception e) { outLine = outLine + "Exception caught: " + e.getMessage(); ALog.logActivity(userID, "csi", 0, "Role error: '" + outLine + "'"); // log(outLine); } finally { try { generateResponse(outLine, command, nextScript, success, response); } catch (Exception i) { } myConn.release(); // log("Test log message\n"); } return outLine; }
public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); Connection con = null; String bnm[] = req.getParameterValues("Comics"); String qty[] = new String[bnm.length]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < bnm.length; i++) { qty[i] = req.getParameter(bnm[i]); al1.add(bnm[i]); al2.add(qty[i]); } HttpSession HSession = req.getSession(true); ArrayList alo1 = (ArrayList) HSession.getValue("bNames"); ArrayList alo2 = (ArrayList) HSession.getValue("bQty"); al1.addAll(alo1); al2.addAll(alo2); HSession.putValue("bNames", al1); HSession.putValue("bQty", al2); out.println("<html>"); out.println("<title>Categories..</title>"); out.println("<body bgcolor=gold >"); out.println("<b><font face=\"Papyrus\" size=36 color= #806F7E><center>"); out.println("<big>Category</big></center>"); out.println("<ul type=disc>"); out.println("<font face=\"Maiandra GD\" color=black size=4>"); out.println("<li type=square>Choose your category.."); out.println("</li></font><br>"); out.println( "<A href=\"FictionClick\"><font face=\"Mistral\" size=8 color=#208234><b>Fiction</b></A><br>"); out.println( "<A href=\"NonFictionClick\"><font face=\"Mistral\" size=8 color=#208234><b>Non-Fiction</b></A><br>"); out.println( "<A href=\"AutobiographyClick\"><font face=\"Mistral\" size=8 color=#208234><b>Autobiography</b></A><br>"); out.println( "<A href=\"HistoryClick\"><font face=\"Mistral\" size=8 color=#208234><b>History</b></A><br>"); out.println( "<A href=\"ComicsClick\"><font face=\"Mistral\" size=8 color=#208234><b>Comics</b></A></font><br><br>"); out.println("<center><form action=\"http://localhost:8080/servlet/FinalList\">"); out.println("<input type=submit value=\" Finalize List >>\"></form>"); out.println("<font face=\"Maiandra GD\" color=black size=4>"); out.println("Moves to final List..</center>"); out.println("</font></body>"); out.println("</html>"); } // service
/** * This is the main controller logic for item selection servlet. This determines whether to show a * list of items for a WorkOrder, add a item, edit a item's detail information, or delete a item. * The product_action parameter is past to this servlet to determine what action to perform. The * product_action parameter is a button defined by JSPs related to product presentation screens. * * <p>The default action is to show all product related to a parent WorkOrder. * * @param req HttpServlet request * @param resp HttpServlet response */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { WorkOrderDetailRemote workorderdetEJBean = null; securityChecks(req, resp); // Get the current session HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if (session == null) return; String sTmp = ""; // Get a new business logic EJB (custInfoEJBean) USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("getting buslogic EJB", this, null); try { workorderdetEJBean = workorderdetHome.create(); USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("EJBean Created", this, null); } catch (CreateException e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } catch (RemoteException e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB connect", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception no EJB created"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } try { // Button user pressed in the itemselection.jsp String sJSPAction = req.getParameter("product_action"); USFEnv.getLog().writeWarn("product_action from JSP: " + sJSPAction, this, null); short year = Short.valueOf((String) session.getValue("Iyear")).shortValue(); long customerId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rcustId")).longValue(); long applicationId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rappid")).longValue(); long workorderId = 0; long bkId = 0; long billkeyId = 0; long bsId = 0; long wodId = 0; String editflag = ""; String bsNm = ""; java.sql.Date strtDate = null; java.sql.Date endDate = null; String prodError = ""; // Check to make sure session does have an WorkOrder ID if (session.getValue("WorkOrderId") != null) { // If Yes get the parent WorkOrder ID from session workorderId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId")).longValue(); } // Button Action from JSP is empty then show the Default page of the // Product Listing. if (USFUtil.isBlank(sJSPAction)) { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Display product list for FRN.", this, null); // list items for parent Work Order Number Vector billingsystems = null; WrkOrdrDets workorderdets = new WrkOrdrDets(); billingsystems = workorderdets.getBillingSystems(); req.setAttribute("BillingSystems", billingsystems); for (int s = 0; s < billingsystems.size(); s++) USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("INSIDE BILLING SYSTEMS " + billingsystems.elementAt(s), this, null); listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Add a new Item else if (sJSPAction.equals("add")) { // Remove the Product Object from session session.removeValue("prodObj"); editflag = "addnew"; req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag); // Read the Item and the Billing System for adding the New // Item. String formProdBsId = (String) req.getParameter("formProdId"); String formProdId = formProdBsId.substring(0, formProdBsId.indexOf("|")); String formProdName = formProdBsId.substring(formProdBsId.indexOf("|") + 1); long rscId = (new Long(formProdId).longValue()); // bsId = (new Long( formBsId ).longValue()) ; String billSystem = formProdName.substring(0, formProdName.indexOf("-")); String itemName = formProdName.substring(formProdName.indexOf("-") + 1); BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys(); bsId = blgSys.getBsId(billSystem); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // Get the WorkOrder Object. WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId); // Get the list of Billing Keys for the Billing System. String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId); // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // If no Billing Keys for the Billing System selected then redirect // to the List Items screen and show the error Message. if (blgKeys == null) { BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys(); Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys(); // Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems(); // Set the JSP error message req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "No BTNs for Billing System " + billSystem); // list products for parent WorkOrder Number listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N"); req.setAttribute("bsystem", String.valueOf(bsId)); req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys); req.setAttribute("prodId", formProdId); String wid = String.valueOf(workorderId); session.putValue("workorderId", wid); req.setAttribute("billingsystem", billSystem); req.setAttribute("itemname", itemName); // Include the JSP to Edit Product includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem"); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Edit a Product else if (sJSPAction.equals("edit")) { String bsysid = req.getParameter("bsId"); session.putValue("bysysidforedit", bsysid); wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue(); // bkId = (new Long( (String) req.getParameter("bkId"))).longValue() ; session.putValue("workorderdetid", String.valueOf(wodId)); bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bsId"))).longValue(); BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys(); bsNm = blgSys.getBsName(bsId); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId); // Get the WorkOrder Number Object WrkOrdrDets wodets_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(); wodets_obj = workorderdetEJBean.getProductInfo(wodId); // Get the List of Billing Keys for the Billing System. String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId); // Check if the Item has any Credits. If any credits then Billing // Key is not Editable else Editable. if (workorderdetEJBean.hasCredits(wodId)) { req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "Y"); } else { req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N"); } // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // If Item Object is not null (which generally is the case) then // set the Attributes for the JSP. if (wodets_obj != null) { // Put the Item Object in session editflag = "edit"; session.putValue("wodets", wodets_obj); req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag); // Set the attributes for the Billing System, Billing Key List, req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys); req.setAttribute("bsname", bsNm); // Include the JSP to Edit the Item. includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem"); return; } // If Item Object is null (which generally should not Occur) show // the Default page of Item List for the WorkOrder Number else { // Set the JSP error message req.setAttribute( "errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Information not available in the Data Base"); // list items for parent WorkOrder Number listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } } // Button action from JSP is to Delete an Item else if (sJSPAction.equals("delete")) { String formWodId = req.getParameter("wodId"); wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue(); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // Delete the Item if (workorderdetEJBean.deleteProduct(wodId)) { req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Deleted"); } else { req.setAttribute( "errorMsg", "Deletion Failed. Product Key - " + wodId + " is associated with amounts."); } // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // Show the Item List screen listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Save a Product. This includes Insertion // of New Product or Updation of an Existing Product. else if (sJSPAction.equals("save")) { boolean save = false; boolean newProd = false; // long qty=0; // Read the Billing System Id String formBsId = (String) req.getParameter("bs_id"); String bsysid = (String) req.getParameter("bsysid"); /* String trans_type = (String) req.getParameter("trans_type"); //String quantity = (String) req.getParameter("qty"); String quantity=""; if (!(req.getParameter("qty").equals(""))) { quantity=(String) req.getParameter("qty"); qty = (new Long(quantity).longValue()); } */ String prod_stat = (String) req.getParameter("prod_stat"); double nrcg_dscnt = (new Double((String) req.getParameter("NonRecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue(); double rcg_dscnt = (new Double((String) req.getParameter("RecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue(); String start_month = (String) req.getParameter("strt_month"); String start_day = (String) req.getParameter("strt_day"); String start_year = (String) req.getParameter("strt_year"); String end_month = (String) req.getParameter("end_month"); String end_day = (String) req.getParameter("end_day"); String end_year = (String) req.getParameter("end_year"); String start_date = start_month + "-" + start_day + "-" + start_year; String end_date = end_month + "-" + end_day + "-" + end_year; long wrkordrid = (new Long((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId"))).longValue(); String for_editing = req.getParameter("for_editing"); String for_new = req.getParameter("for_new"); String formBkId = (String) req.getParameter("bk_id"); String formBKId = formBkId.substring(0, formBkId.indexOf("|")); String formBTN = formBkId.substring(formBkId.indexOf("|") + 1); billkeyId = (new Long(formBKId)).longValue(); try { bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bs_id"))).longValue(); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Exception is " + e, this, null); } RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys = new RHCCBlgKeys(); if (for_editing.equals("editing")) { blgkeys.setRbkId(billkeyId); blgkeys.setRbkKeys(formBTN); blgkeys.setBsId(new Long(bsysid).longValue()); } if (for_new.equals("new")) { blgkeys.setRbkId(billkeyId); blgkeys.setRbkKeys(formBTN); blgkeys.setBsId(bsId); } int index = 0; WrkOrdrDets wod_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(); // wod_obj.setTxTyp(trans_type); // wod_obj.setQty(qty); wod_obj.setNonRcrgDscnt(nrcg_dscnt); wod_obj.setRcrgDscnt(rcg_dscnt); wod_obj.setRBKID(billkeyId); wod_obj.setWodStat(prod_stat); wod_obj.setWOID(wrkordrid); if (!(start_date.equals(""))) { strtDate = new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(start_date).getTime()); wod_obj.setStrtDat(strtDate); } // Else if the Start Date is null update the Item Object Date to // null else { wod_obj.setStrtDat(null); } // If Item Service End Date is not null read the date and update // the Item Object with the date if (!(end_date.equals(""))) { endDate = new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(end_date).getTime()); wod_obj.setEndDat(endDate); } // Else if the End Date is null update the Item Object Date to null else { wod_obj.setEndDat(null); } // Check if the Start Date is after the End Date or equals End Date if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.after(endDate))) { prodError = "Product Service Start Date is after Product Service End Date. \n"; index = 1; } else if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.equals(endDate))) { prodError = "Product Service Start Date equals Product Service End Date. \n"; } workorderdetEJBean.connect(); if (for_editing.equals("editing")) { long workorderdetID = (new Long((String) session.getValue("workorderdetid"))).longValue(); wod_obj.setWODID(workorderdetID); if (index == 0) { save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj); } if (save) { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information updated"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } else { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to update Product Information"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } } if (for_new.equals("new")) { if (index == 0) { int prodId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("prod_Id")); wod_obj.setProd_id(prodId); save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj); } if (save) { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information Saved"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } else { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to Save Product Information"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } } workorderdetEJBean.release(); listProducts(wrkordrid, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); } } // End of try block catch (Exception e) { if (workorderdetEJBean != null) { // calling bean release method try { workorderdetEJBean.release(); } catch (Exception ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(" Exception in calling release() method ", this, e); } } String errorMsg = "Processing Exception in Items Servlet: "; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg, this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); } // End of catch block } // end of doPost()
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException { PageContext pageContext = null; HttpSession session = null; ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; JspWriter _jspx_out = null; PageContext _jspx_page_context = null; try { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); _jspx_page_context = pageContext; application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; _jspx_resourceInjector = (org.glassfish.jsp.api.ResourceInjector) application.getAttribute("com.sun.appserv.jsp.resource.injector"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("<!DOCTYPE html>\n"); out.write("<html>\n"); out.write(" <head>\n"); out.write( " <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n"); out.write(" <title>Fine</title>\n"); out.write(" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style.css\"> \n"); out.write("\n"); out.write(" </head>\n"); out.write(" <body style = \"background-image: url(lib2.jpg)\"> \n"); out.write(" <center>\n"); out.write(" <h1>Update Fines information</h1>\n"); out.write(" <form name=\"Update\" action=\"Fines_upd.jsp\">\n"); out.write(" <table border=\"0\" width=\"3\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n"); out.write(" <thead>\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write(" <th>Update Fines</th>\n"); out.write(" <th></th>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" </thead>\n"); out.write(" <tbody>\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write(" <td>Update Fine table with todays Data</td>\n"); out.write( " <td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update / View Fines\" name=\"SUBMIT\"/></td>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" </tbody>\n"); out.write(" </table> \n"); out.write(" </form>\n"); out.write(" <h1>Check your Fines Here</h1>\n"); out.write(" <form name=\"Fines\" action=\"Fines.jsp\">\n"); out.write(" <table border=\"0\" width=\"3\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n"); out.write(" <thead>\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write(" <th>Get Fine Details</th>\n"); out.write(" <th></th>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" </thead>\n"); out.write(" <tbody>\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write(" <td>Card No</td>\n"); out.write( " <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"Card_no\" value=\"\"/></td>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write(" <td></td>\n"); out.write( " <td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Get Fines\" name=\"SUBMIT\" /></td>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" </tbody>\n"); out.write(" </table> \n"); out.write(" "); Connection con = null; String[] selected_Checkboxes = request.getParameterValues("chk"); PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet result = null; ResultSet resUpd = null; con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/lbms_db?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull", "root", "admin12"); String Card_no = request.getParameter("Card_no"); String button = null; Date dt = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); String current_date = sdf.format(dt); if (Card_no != null && selected_Checkboxes == null) { String selSql = "SELECT l.card_no, SUM(f.fine_amt) AS total_fine, f.paid " + "FROM book_loans l, fines f " + "WHERE l.loan_id = f.loan_id AND " + "l.card_no = " + Card_no + " " + "GROUP BY l.card_no"; pst = con.prepareStatement(selSql); result = pst.executeQuery(); String box = null; String paid; String pay; Boolean chk = false; out.println("<table>"); pay = "<form action='Fines.jsp'>"; out.println(pay); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<th>Card No</th>"); out.println("<th>Fine_Amt</th>"); out.println("<th>Paid OR Not</th>"); out.println("</tr>"); while ( { chk = true; paid = "No"; if (result.getBoolean("f.paid")) { paid = "Yes"; } out.println("<tr>"); out.println( "<td>" + result.getInt("l.card_no") + "</td><td>" + result.getString("total_fine") + "</td><td>" + paid + "</td>"); out.print("<td>"); box = "<input name='chk' value=" + result.getInt("l.card_no") + " type='checkbox'>"; out.print(box); out.print("</td>"); out.print("</tr>"); } if (chk == true) { out.println("<tr>"); out.print("<td>"); button = "<input type='submit' value='Pay Fine' name='Pay'>"; out.print(button); out.print("</td>"); out.println("</tr>"); } else { out.write( "<dialog open> <font color = 'green'>No Fine information. You owe nothing! Thank You</font> </dialog>"); } out.println("</form>"); out.println("</table>"); } else if (selected_Checkboxes != null) { String sqlLoan = null; ResultSet resultLoan = null; String sqlUpdFine = null; PreparedStatement pstUpd = null; String sqlBook = null; ResultSet rsltBook = null; char chkouts = 'N'; int length_chk = selected_Checkboxes.length; for (int i = 0; i < length_chk; i++) { // Check whether the Book is returned before paying the fine. sqlBook = "SELECT COUNT(loan_id) AS no_chkouts FROM book_loans WHERE card_no = " + selected_Checkboxes[i] + " AND date_in = '0000-00-00' AND due_date < " + current_date + ""; pst = con.prepareStatement(sqlBook); rsltBook = pst.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rsltBook.getInt("no_chkouts") > 0) { chkouts = 'Y'; } } if (chkouts == 'Y') { out.write( "<dialog open> <font color = 'red'>You have outstanding due checkouts!. Please return the books and then Pay the fine</font> </dialog>"); } // Get the corresponding loan_Ids for each customer from Fines table sqlLoan = "SELECT loan_id FROM book_loans WHERE card_no = " + selected_Checkboxes[i] + " AND date_in IS NOT NULL AND due_date < date_in"; pst = con.prepareStatement(sqlLoan); resultLoan = pst.executeQuery(); while ( { sqlUpdFine = "UPDATE fines SET paid = true WHERE loan_id = " + resultLoan.getInt("loan_id") + ""; pstUpd = con.prepareStatement(sqlUpdFine); pstUpd.executeUpdate(); out.println("Payment Updated Successfully"); } } } out.write("\n"); out.write(" </form> \n"); out.write(" </center>\n"); out.write("</body>\n"); out.write("</html>\n"); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof SkipPageException)) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) out.clearBuffer(); if (_jspx_page_context != null) _jspx_page_context.handlePageException(t); else throw new ServletException(t); } } finally { _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(_jspx_page_context); } }