public static void main(String[] args) { /* Add shutdown event */ Runtime.getRuntime() .addShutdownHook( new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { exit(); } })); preInit(); /* Try to set Pixel font, if fails, set Arial */ try { InputStream fontstream = OpenLauncher.class.getResourceAsStream("/font/pixel.ttf"); font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, fontstream).deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 14); } catch (Exception e) { font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 14); } /* Set GUI with dimensions 1280x720 */ gui = new GUI(1280, 720); /* Add sidebar Tabs */ gui.addComponent( new ComponentFancyButton( 29 - gui.insets.left, gui.getHeight() - 75 - - 45 - 45 - 45, 150, 40, "News") .setSelected(true)); gui.addTab(new TabNews(gui), 0); gui.addComponent( new ComponentFancyButton( 29 - gui.insets.left, gui.getHeight() - 75 - - 45 - 45, 150, 40, "Modpacks") .setTab(1)); gui.addTab(new TabModpacks(gui), 1); gui.addComponent( new ComponentFancyButton( 29 - gui.insets.left, gui.getHeight() - 75 - - 45, 150, 40, "Console") .setTab(2)); gui.addTab(new TabConsole(gui), 2); gui.addComponent( new ComponentFancyButton( 29 - gui.insets.left, gui.getHeight() - 75 -, 150, 40, "Settings") .setTab(3)); gui.addTab(new TabSettings(gui), 3); gui.setTab(0); init(); /* Center and show the GUI */;; postInit(); }