예제 #1
  * Find the appropriate filter for the given up/down compbination.
  * @param upFactor up sampling factor
  * @param downFactor down sampling factor
  * @return filter
 private static Filters.FIRFilter createFilter(final int upFactor, final int downFactor) {
   final int gcd = greatestCommonDivisor(upFactor, downFactor);
   return Filters.createFir1_16thOrderLowpass(Math.max(upFactor / gcd, downFactor / gcd));
예제 #2
  * Creates a decimator using a simple fir1 16th order low pass filter.
  * @param factor nth frame to keep (factor)
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the decimation factor is not supported
  * @see Filters#createFir1_16thOrderLowpass(int)
 public Decimator(final int factor) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   this.factor = factor;
예제 #3
  * Creates an interpolator using a simple fir1 16th order low pass filter.
  * @param factor upsample factor
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the upsample factor is not supported
  * @see Filters#createFir1_16thOrderLowpass(int)
 public Interpolator(final int factor) {
   this(Filters.createFir1_16thOrderLowpass(factor).getCoefficients(), factor);