예제 #1
   * Creates a <code>File</code> and places it into FAT32, the <code>File</code> list.
   * Pre-condition: size must be greater than 0 Post-condition: creates a <code>File</code> with
   * appropriate number of blocks and places it into internal <code>File</code> list (FAT32)
   * @param filename the name of the <code>File</code>
   * @param size bytes in the <code>File</code>
   * @return successful creation message
   * @throws InSufficientDiskSpaceException if there are not enough blocks to create <code>File
   *     </code>
   * @throws DuplicateFileException if a <code>File</code> with given filename already exists
  public String create(String filename, int size)
      throws InsufficientDiskSpaceException, DuplicateFileException {

    Iterator<File> findDuplicates = FAT32.iterator();
    // Go through file list to find duplicates first
    while (findDuplicates.hasNext()) {
      if (findDuplicates.next().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(filename)) {
        throw new DuplicateFileException();
    // Check for available space
    if (size > (freeBlocks.size() * blockSize)) {
      throw new InsufficientDiskSpaceException("Not enough disk space to create new file.\n");
    } else {
      File file = new File(size, blockSize, filename);
      Iterator<Block> itr = freeBlocks.iterator();
      // Iterate through list of available blocks, adding them to the new file as needed
      for (int i = 0; i < bytesBlocks(size); i++) {
        if (itr.hasNext()) {
          // After block is added to file, it's removed from available blocks

      // Add file to file table
      return filename + " created successfully!\n";
예제 #2
   * Extends a <code>File</code> by the given size in bytes. Pre-condition: size must be greater
   * than 0 Post-condition: <code>File</code> with the given filename will be extended by passed in
   * amount of bytes, and additional <code>Blocks</code> will be allocated to it as needed
   * @param filename the name of the <code>File</code>
   * @param size number of bytes to increase the <code>File</code> by
   * @return successful extension message
   * @throws InSufficientDiskSpaceException if there are not enough blocks to extend <code>File
   *     </code>
   * @throws NoSuchFileException if the filename does not match any existing <code>File</code>
  public String extend(String filename, int size)
      throws InsufficientDiskSpaceException, NoSuchFileException {

    Iterator<File> findFile = FAT32.iterator();
    boolean fileFound = false;

    // Check if file exists
    while (findFile.hasNext()) {
      if (findFile.next().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(filename)) {
        fileFound = true;

    // Throw exception if it doesn't
    if (fileFound == false) {
      throw new NoSuchFileException(filename + " does not exist!");

    // Check there is enough space to extend file
    if (size > (freeBlocks.size() * blockSize)) {
      throw new InsufficientDiskSpaceException(
          "Not enough disk space to extend " + filename + " \n");
    } else {

      Iterator<File> itr = FAT32.iterator();
      // Iterate through list of files to find filename
      while (itr.hasNext()) {
        File file = itr.next();
        if (file.getName().equals(filename)) {
          // Calculate the extended size and how many blocks need to be added
          int newSize = file.getBytes() + size;
          int blocksToAdd = bytesBlocks(newSize) - bytesBlocks(file.getBytes());
          // Take blocks from available blocks and add them to the file
          for (int i = 0; i < blocksToAdd; i++) {

      // Throw exception or return appropriate message
      if (fileFound == false) {
        throw new NoSuchFileException(filename + " does not exist!");
      } else {
        return filename + " extended successfully!\n";