/** * Reads the SOAP fault. * * @param reader The reader. * @return SOAP fault details. */ private SoapFaultDetails readSoapFault(EwsXmlReader reader) { SoapFaultDetails soapFaultDetails = null; try { reader.read(); if (reader.getNodeType().getNodeType() == XmlNodeType.START_DOCUMENT) { reader.read(); } if (!reader.isStartElement() || (!reader.getLocalName().equals(XmlElementNames.SOAPEnvelopeElementName))) { return null; } // Get the namespace URI from the envelope element and use it for // the rest of the parsing. // If it's not 1.1 or 1.2, we can't continue. XmlNamespace soapNamespace = EwsUtilities.getNamespaceFromUri(reader.getNamespaceUri()); if (soapNamespace == XmlNamespace.NotSpecified) { return null; } reader.read(); // Skip SOAP header. if (reader.isStartElement(soapNamespace, XmlElementNames.SOAPHeaderElementName)) { do { reader.read(); } while (!reader.isEndElement(soapNamespace, XmlElementNames.SOAPHeaderElementName)); // Queue up the next read reader.read(); } // Parse the fault element contained within the SOAP body. if (reader.isStartElement(soapNamespace, XmlElementNames.SOAPBodyElementName)) { do { reader.read(); // Parse Fault element if (reader.isStartElement(soapNamespace, XmlElementNames.SOAPFaultElementName)) { soapFaultDetails = SoapFaultDetails.parse(reader, soapNamespace); } } while (!reader.isEndElement(soapNamespace, XmlElementNames.SOAPBodyElementName)); } reader.readEndElement(soapNamespace, XmlElementNames.SOAPEnvelopeElementName); } catch (Exception e) { // If response doesn't contain a valid SOAP fault, just ignore // exception and // return null for SOAP fault details. e.printStackTrace(); } return soapFaultDetails; }
/** * Parses the message xml. * * @param reader the reader * @throws Exception the exception * @throws ServiceXmlDeserializationException the service xml deserialization exception */ private void parseMessageXml(EwsXmlReader reader) throws Exception, ServiceXmlDeserializationException, Exception { // E14:172881: E12 and E14 return the MessageXml element in different // namespaces (types namespace for E12, errors namespace in E14). To // avoid this problem, the parser will match the namespace from the // start and end elements. XmlNamespace elementNS = EwsUtilities.getNamespaceFromUri(reader.getNamespaceUri()); if (!reader.isEmptyElement()) { do { reader.read(); if (reader.isStartElement() && !reader.isEmptyElement()) { String localName = reader.getLocalName(); if (localName.equals(XmlElementNames.Value)) { this.errorDetails.put( reader.readAttributeValue(XmlAttributeNames.Name), reader.readElementValue()); } } } while (!reader.isEndElement(elementNS, XmlElementNames.MessageXml)); } else { reader.read(); } }
/** * Executes this instance. * * @return the autodiscover response * @throws ServiceLocalException the service local exception * @throws Exception the exception */ protected AutodiscoverResponse internalExecute() throws ServiceLocalException, Exception { this.validate(); HttpWebRequest request = null; try { request = this.service.prepareHttpWebRequestForUrl(this.url); this.service.traceHttpRequestHeaders(TraceFlags.AutodiscoverRequestHttpHeaders, request); boolean needSignature = this.getService().getCredentials() != null && this.getService().getCredentials().isNeedSignature(); boolean needTrace = this.getService().isTraceEnabledFor(TraceFlags.AutodiscoverRequest); OutputStream urlOutStream = request.getOutputStream(); // OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(request // .getOutputStream()); ByteArrayOutputStream memoryStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); EwsServiceXmlWriter writer = new EwsServiceXmlWriter(this.getService(), memoryStream); writer.setRequireWSSecurityUtilityNamespace(needSignature); this.writeSoapRequest(this.url, writer); if (needSignature) { this.service.getCredentials().sign(memoryStream); } if (needTrace) { memoryStream.flush(); this.service.traceXml(TraceFlags.AutodiscoverRequest, memoryStream); } memoryStream.writeTo(urlOutStream); urlOutStream.flush(); urlOutStream.close(); memoryStream.close(); // out.write(memoryStream.toString()); // out.close(); request.executeRequest(); request.getResponseCode(); if (AutodiscoverRequest.isRedirectionResponse(request)) { AutodiscoverResponse response = this.createRedirectionResponse(request); if (response != null) { return response; } else { throw new ServiceRemoteException("The service returned an invalid redirection response."); } } /* * BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new * InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream())); * * String decodedString; * * while ((decodedString = in.readLine()) != null) { * System.out.println(decodedString); } in.close(); */ memoryStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream serviceResponseStream = request.getInputStream(); while (true) { int data = serviceResponseStream.read(); if (-1 == data) { break; } else { memoryStream.write(data); } } memoryStream.flush(); serviceResponseStream.close(); if (this.service.isTraceEnabled()) { this.service.traceResponse(request, memoryStream); } ByteArrayInputStream memoryStreamIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(memoryStream.toByteArray()); EwsXmlReader ewsXmlReader = new EwsXmlReader(memoryStreamIn); // WCF may not generate an XML declaration. ewsXmlReader.read(); if (ewsXmlReader.getNodeType().getNodeType() == XmlNodeType.START_DOCUMENT) { ewsXmlReader.readStartElement(XmlNamespace.Soap, XmlElementNames.SOAPEnvelopeElementName); } else if ((ewsXmlReader.getNodeType().getNodeType() != XmlNodeType.START_ELEMENT) || (!ewsXmlReader.getLocalName().equals(XmlElementNames.SOAPEnvelopeElementName)) || (!ewsXmlReader .getNamespaceUri() .equals(EwsUtilities.getNamespaceUri(XmlNamespace.Soap)))) { throw new ServiceXmlDeserializationException( "The Autodiscover service response was invalid."); } this.readSoapHeaders(ewsXmlReader); AutodiscoverResponse response = this.readSoapBody(ewsXmlReader); ewsXmlReader.readEndElement(XmlNamespace.Soap, XmlElementNames.SOAPEnvelopeElementName); if (response.getErrorCode() == AutodiscoverErrorCode.NoError) { return response; } else { throw new AutodiscoverResponseException( response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage()); } } catch (XMLStreamException ex) { this.service.traceMessage( TraceFlags.AutodiscoverConfiguration, String.format("XML parsing error: %s", ex.getMessage())); // Wrap exception throw new ServiceRequestException( String.format("The request failed. %s", ex.getMessage()), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { this.service.traceMessage( TraceFlags.AutodiscoverConfiguration, String.format("I/O error: %s", ex.getMessage())); // Wrap exception throw new ServiceRequestException( String.format("The request failed. %s", ex.getMessage()), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { // HttpWebRequest httpWebResponse = (HttpWebRequest)ex; if (null != request && request.getResponseCode() == 7) { if (AutodiscoverRequest.isRedirectionResponse(request)) { this.service.processHttpResponseHeaders( TraceFlags.AutodiscoverResponseHttpHeaders, request); AutodiscoverResponse response = this.createRedirectionResponse(request); if (response != null) { return response; } } else { this.processWebException(ex, request); } } // Wrap exception if the above code block didn't throw throw new ServiceRequestException( String.format("The request failed. %s", ex.getMessage()), ex); } finally { try { if (request != null) { request.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } } }