public EntityAgeable createChild(EntityAgeable p_90011_1_) { EntityHorse entityhorse = (EntityHorse) p_90011_1_; EntityHorse entityhorse1 = new EntityHorse(this.worldObj); int i = this.getHorseType(); int j = entityhorse.getHorseType(); int k = 0; if (i == j) { k = i; } else if (i == 0 && j == 1 || i == 1 && j == 0) { k = 2; } if (k == 0) { int i1 = this.rand.nextInt(9); int l; if (i1 < 4) { l = this.getHorseVariant() & 255; } else if (i1 < 8) { l = entityhorse.getHorseVariant() & 255; } else { l = this.rand.nextInt(7); } int j1 = this.rand.nextInt(5); if (j1 < 2) { l |= this.getHorseVariant() & 65280; } else if (j1 < 4) { l |= entityhorse.getHorseVariant() & 65280; } else { l |= this.rand.nextInt(5) << 8 & 65280; } entityhorse1.setHorseVariant(l); } entityhorse1.setHorseType(k); double d1 = this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).getBaseValue() + p_90011_1_.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).getBaseValue() + (double) this.func_110267_cL(); entityhorse1.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).setBaseValue(d1 / 3.0D); double d2 = this.getEntityAttribute(horseJumpStrength).getBaseValue() + p_90011_1_.getEntityAttribute(horseJumpStrength).getBaseValue() + this.func_110245_cM(); entityhorse1.getEntityAttribute(horseJumpStrength).setBaseValue(d2 / 3.0D); double d0 = this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).getBaseValue() + p_90011_1_.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).getBaseValue() + this.func_110203_cN(); entityhorse1.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).setBaseValue(d0 / 3.0D); return entityhorse1; }
private ResourceLocation func_110848_b(EntityHorse par1EntityHorse) { String s = par1EntityHorse.getHorseTexture(); ResourceLocation resourcelocation = (ResourceLocation) field_110852_a.get(s); if (resourcelocation == null) { resourcelocation = new ResourceLocation(s); Minecraft.getMinecraft() .getTextureManager() .loadTexture( resourcelocation, new LayeredTexture(par1EntityHorse.getVariantTexturePaths())); field_110852_a.put(s, resourcelocation); } return resourcelocation; }
/** Returns true if the mob is currently able to mate with the specified mob. */ public boolean canMateWith(EntityAnimal p_70878_1_) { if (p_70878_1_ == this) { return false; } else if (p_70878_1_.getClass() != this.getClass()) { return false; } else { EntityHorse entityhorse = (EntityHorse) p_70878_1_; if (this.canMate() && entityhorse.canMate()) { int i = this.getHorseType(); int j = entityhorse.getHorseType(); return i == j || i == 0 && j == 1 || i == 1 && j == 0; } else { return false; } } }
protected ResourceLocation func_110849_a(EntityHorse par1EntityHorse) { if (!par1EntityHorse.func_110239_cn()) { switch (par1EntityHorse.getHorseType()) { case 0: default: return whiteHorseTextures; case 1: return donkeyTextures; case 2: return muleTextures; case 3: return zombieHorseTextures; case 4: return skeletonHorseTextures; } } else { return this.func_110848_b(par1EntityHorse); } }
protected void func_110847_a(EntityHorse par1EntityHorse, float par2) { float f1 = 1.0F; int i = par1EntityHorse.getHorseType(); if (i == 1) { f1 *= 0.87F; } else if (i == 2) { f1 *= 0.92F; } GL11.glScalef(f1, f1, f1); super.preRenderCallback(par1EntityHorse, par2); }
protected void func_110846_a( EntityHorse par1EntityHorse, float par2, float par3, float par4, float par5, float par6, float par7) { if (par1EntityHorse.isInvisible()) { this.mainModel.setRotationAngles(par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7, par1EntityHorse); } else { this.bindEntityTexture(par1EntityHorse); this.mainModel.render(par1EntityHorse, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7); } }
public void displayGUIHorse(EntityHorse p_110298_1_, IInventory p_110298_2_) { if (this.openContainer != this.inventoryContainer) { this.closeScreen(); } this.getNextWindowId(); this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket( new S2DPacketOpenWindow( this.currentWindowId, 11, p_110298_2_.getInventoryName(), p_110298_2_.getSizeInventory(), p_110298_2_.isCustomInventoryName(), p_110298_1_.getEntityId())); this.openContainer = new ContainerHorseInventory(this.inventory, p_110298_2_, p_110298_1_); this.openContainer.windowId = this.currentWindowId; this.openContainer.onCraftGuiOpened(this); }