private void setSizeAndDimensions( @NotNull JTable table, @NotNull JBPopup popup, @NotNull RelativePoint popupPosition, @NotNull List<UsageNode> data) { JComponent content = popup.getContent(); Window window = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(content); Dimension d = window.getSize(); int width = calcMaxWidth(table); width = (int) Math.max(d.getWidth(), width); Dimension headerSize = ((AbstractPopup) popup).getHeaderPreferredSize(); width = Math.max((int) headerSize.getWidth(), width); width = Math.max(myWidth, width); if (myWidth == -1) myWidth = width; int newWidth = Math.max(width, d.width + width - myWidth); myWidth = newWidth; int rowsToShow = Math.min(30, data.size()); Dimension dimension = new Dimension(newWidth, table.getRowHeight() * rowsToShow); Rectangle rectangle = fitToScreen(dimension, popupPosition, table); dimension = rectangle.getSize(); Point location = window.getLocation(); if (!location.equals(rectangle.getLocation())) { window.setLocation(rectangle.getLocation()); } if (!data.isEmpty()) { TableScrollingUtil.ensureSelectionExists(table); } table.setSize(dimension); // table.setPreferredSize(dimension); // table.setMaximumSize(dimension); // table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(dimension); Dimension footerSize = ((AbstractPopup) popup).getFooterPreferredSize(); int newHeight = (int) (dimension.height + headerSize.getHeight() + footerSize.getHeight()) + 4 /* invisible borders, margins etc*/; Dimension newDim = new Dimension(dimension.width, newHeight); window.setSize(newDim); window.setMinimumSize(newDim); window.setMaximumSize(newDim); window.validate(); window.repaint(); table.revalidate(); table.repaint(); }
@Override public void layoutContainer(final Container parent) { final int componentCount = parent.getComponentCount(); if (componentCount == 0) return; final EditorEx history = myHistoryViewer; final EditorEx editor = componentCount == 2 ? myConsoleEditor : null; if (editor == null) { parent.getComponent(0).setBounds(parent.getBounds()); return; } final Dimension panelSize = parent.getSize(); if (panelSize.getHeight() <= 0) return; final Dimension historySize = history.getContentSize(); final Dimension editorSize = editor.getContentSize(); final Dimension newEditorSize = new Dimension(); // deal with width final int width = Math.max(editorSize.width, historySize.width); newEditorSize.width = width + editor.getScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar().getHeight(); history.getSoftWrapModel().forceAdditionalColumnsUsage(); editor .getSettings() .setAdditionalColumnsCount( 2 + (width - editorSize.width) / EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, editor)); history .getSettings() .setAdditionalColumnsCount( 2 + (width - historySize.width) / EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, history)); // deal with height if (historySize.width == 0) historySize.height = 0; final int minHistorySize = historySize.height > 0 ? 2 * history.getLineHeight() + (myShowSeparatorLine ? SEPARATOR_THICKNESS : 0) : 0; final int minEditorSize = editor.isViewer() ? 0 : editor.getLineHeight(); final int editorPreferred = editor.isViewer() ? 0 : Math.max(minEditorSize, editorSize.height); final int historyPreferred = Math.max(minHistorySize, historySize.height); if (panelSize.height < minEditorSize) { newEditorSize.height = panelSize.height; } else if (panelSize.height < editorPreferred) { newEditorSize.height = panelSize.height - minHistorySize; } else if (panelSize.height < editorPreferred + historyPreferred) { newEditorSize.height = editorPreferred; } else { newEditorSize.height = editorPreferred == 0 ? 0 : panelSize.height - historyPreferred; } final Dimension newHistorySize = new Dimension(width, panelSize.height - newEditorSize.height); // apply editor .getComponent() .setBounds(0, newHistorySize.height, panelSize.width, newEditorSize.height); myForceScrollToEnd.compareAndSet(false, shouldScrollHistoryToEnd()); history.getComponent().setBounds(0, 0, panelSize.width, newHistorySize.height); }
public void setImage(BufferedImage image, String format) { ImageDocument document = imageComponent.getDocument(); BufferedImage previousImage = document.getValue(); document.setValue(image); if (image == null) return; document.setFormat(format); ImageZoomModel zoomModel = getZoomModel(); if (previousImage == null || !zoomModel.isZoomLevelChanged()) { // Set smart zooming behaviour on open Options options = OptionsManager.getInstance().getOptions(); ZoomOptions zoomOptions = options.getEditorOptions().getZoomOptions(); // Open as actual size zoomModel.setZoomFactor(1.0d); if (zoomOptions.isSmartZooming()) { Dimension prefferedSize = zoomOptions.getPrefferedSize(); if (prefferedSize.width > image.getWidth() && prefferedSize.height > image.getHeight()) { // Resize to preffered size // Calculate zoom factor double factor = (prefferedSize.getWidth() / (double) image.getWidth() + prefferedSize.getHeight() / (double) image.getHeight()) / 2.0d; zoomModel.setZoomFactor(Math.ceil(factor)); } } } }
private static Rectangle fitToScreen( @NotNull Dimension newDim, @NotNull RelativePoint popupPosition, JTable table) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(popupPosition.getScreenPoint(), newDim); ScreenUtil.fitToScreen(rectangle); if (rectangle.getHeight() != newDim.getHeight()) { int newHeight = (int) rectangle.getHeight(); int roundedHeight = newHeight - newHeight % table.getRowHeight(); rectangle.setSize((int) rectangle.getWidth(), Math.max(roundedHeight, table.getRowHeight())); } return rectangle; }
public boolean shouldScrollHistoryToEnd() { final Rectangle visibleArea = myHistoryViewer.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea(); final Dimension contentSize = myHistoryViewer.getContentSize(); return contentSize.getHeight() - visibleArea.getMaxY() < 2 * myHistoryViewer.getLineHeight(); }