예제 #1
   * Creates a connection pool (2 connections) and execututes queries on each. It then tries to get
   * a third connection.
  public static void testConnectionPooling() {
    ConnectionPool conPool = new ConnectionPool(2, driverName, connURL, username, password);
    String out = "";
    try {
      SQLExecutor sqlExec1 = new SQLExecutor(conPool);
      SQLResults res1 = sqlExec1.runQuery("select dd * from JDBC_TEST where CODE < 'E'");
      out += res1.toString() + "\n\n";

      SQLExecutor sqlExec2 = new SQLExecutor(conPool);
      SQLResults res2 = sqlExec2.runQuery("select * from JDBC_TEST where CODE > 'E'");
      out += res2.toString() + "\n\n";

      // try to get a third connection via getConnection(). there are no available
      // connections so the ConnectionPool will create a new connection, add it the
      // pool, and return the new connection
      SQLExecutor sqlExec3 = new SQLExecutor(conPool);
      SQLResults res3 = sqlExec2.runQuery("select * from JDBC_TEST where CODE > 'E'");
      out += res3.toString();
    } finally {
