예제 #1
   * Produces a graph depicting the old and new and the delta between them. Output is in SVG format.
   * @param catalogName The name to generate as title in the graph. May be <code>null</code>
   * @param oldCatalogSream
   * @param newCatalogStream
   * @param svgStream
   * @param monitor
   * @param root - the root for files listed as source files in the catalog
  public void produceSVGDeltaGraph(
      String catalogName,
      InputStream oldCatalogStream,
      IPath oldRoot,
      InputStream newCatalogStream,
      IPath newRoot,
      OutputStream svgStream,
      IProgressMonitor monitor)
      throws IOException {
    final SubMonitor ticker = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2000);
    CatalogDeltaGraphProducer graphProducer = new CatalogDeltaGraphProducer(hrefProducer, prefix);
    Catalog oldCatalog = CatalogJsonSerializer.load(oldCatalogStream);
    Catalog newCatalog = CatalogJsonSerializer.load(newCatalogStream);

    ICancel cancel =
        new ProgressMonitorCancelIndicator(ticker.newChild(IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN), 1000);

    ByteArrayOutputStream2 out = new ByteArrayOutputStream2();

    graphProducer.produceGraph(cancel, catalogName, oldCatalog, oldRoot, newCatalog, newRoot, out);
            false, //