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OOAD Project for Spring 2016


In order to run the website locally...

  1. Download the gwt sdk ( After you have downloaded it, unzip the file and place unzipped contents in WebApp. Make sure the directory that you have unzipped is named "gwt".

  2. Navigate to the WebApp directory and type the following command. ''' ant devmode '''

  3. A pop up should come up with the status of GWT app. Select the option to launch in browser.

Set up database

Follow the steps bellow in order to set up a database for use.

  1. Make sure you have MySQL installed and working correctly.

  2. Navigate to WebApp/util. If you have not already created a database, open MySQL and execute the following command:

  1. Execute the command:
./constructDB dbname username full_path_to_util_dir


./constructDB CodingCareers root /home/user/4448/CodingCareers/WebApp/util

Do not include a / at the end of the util path. If the table in the database contains null entries for task instructinos and test code, follow the steps in constructDB to resolve permission errors.