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In a nutshell: fast-and-simple-minify is a combined java-port of the JSMin and CSSMin utility with some additional features:

The minification performed by this utility is intended to reduce unneeded chars from javascript and css files such as whitespace and code comments. It is by no means as 'perfect' as YUI Compressor but it is waaaaaay faster and does the job good enough! Without any scientific data I'd say that fast-and-simple-minify takes 20% of the time YUI Compressor does and produces output that is 80% as good.

Using the command-line interface

The command line interface allows to use fast-and-simple-minify as any other command-line tool. You can minify any css and js files by issuing some simple statements from the command-line.

In contrast to the original command-line tools JSMin and CSSMin, fast-and-simple-minify is not only able to minify from stdin to stdout but can also read from a file and write to a file directly.

System Requirement

To use fast-and-simple-minify's command-line interface java version >= 1.6 is required.

Command line usage

java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar [-format FORMAT] [-encoding ENCODING] [-comment COMMENT] [-out OUT_FILE] [IN_FILE]

All options in square brackets are optional and defined as follows:

  • FORMAT is one of auto, css or js (default: auto).
    • auto automatically selects the correct minify-tool based on the filenames to be minifed.
      auto will fail when reading from stdin and writing to stdout due to no available filenames.
    • css uses the cssmin implementation to minify the input
    • js uses the jsmin implementation to minify the input
  • ENCODING is a charset to be used to encode the comment in the output (default: UTF-8)
  • COMMENT is a string that will be added to the beginning of all minified files (default: empty)
  • OUT_FILE is the file to write the minified content to (if this option is not set the output goes to stdout.)
  • IN_FILE is the file to be processed and minified (if this option is not set, the input is expected to be passed from stdin.)


Reading a file and writing the minified result to a file

java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar -out script-min.js script.js

This reads the file script.js and writes the output to script-min.js. fast-and-simple-minify automatically selects the correct minify implementation (jsmin) based on the filename.

Reading a file and write the result to stdout

java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar style.css

This will read the file style.css and outputs the result to stdout. fast-and-simple-minify automatically selects the correct minify implementation (cssmin) based on the filename.

Reading multiple files and writing the result using stdout into one single output file

java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar style1.css > styles.css  
java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar style2.css >> styles.css  
java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar style3.css >> styles.css  

This will

  1. read the file style1.css and write the minified output to stdout (which is redirected to file styles.css)
  2. read the file style2.css and write the minified output to stdout (which is appended to the file styles.css)
  3. read the file style3.css and write the minified output to stdout (which is appended to the file styles.css)

The result is a single file styles.css that holds the minified content of the three files style1.css, style2.css and style3.css.

Reading multiple files from stdin and writing to an output file

cat style*.css | java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar -out allstyles-min.css

This will read all files matching the pattern style*.css (e.g. style1.css, style2.css, ...) and pass them to fast-and-simple-minify. The result will be written to the file allstyles-min.css using the automatically selected cssmin utility.

Reading a file, minify it and add a copyright header to the minified version.

java -jar fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar -encoding ISO-8859-15 -comment "(c) 2013 by simschla" -out style-min.css style.css

This will read the file style.css and minify it to the output file style-min.css. To the beginning of the style-min.css the text "(c) 2013 by simschla" is written using the encoding ISO-8859-15.

Using the Ant-Integration

Using the fast-and-simple-minify's minify ant task, you can enhance your ant build to very quickly minify css and js files in the process. The minify ant task has a very similar interface as ant's very own copy-task.

Integrating the minify-ant-task into your ant build

There are several ways you can integrate the minify ant task into your ant build.

Integration without namespace prefixes

Using taskdef and classpath tasks without explicitly specifying the minify jar file:

<taskdef resource="ch/simschla/minify/ant/antlib.xml">
        <fileset dir="${basedir}/path/to/where/the/jar/file/is" includes="fast-and-simple-minify*.jar"/>

or if you don't mind selecting the minify jar file explicitly this is even simpler:

<taskdef resource="ch/simschla/minify/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="path/to/fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar"/>

In both cases you can then use the minify ant task without any namespacing directly.

Integration with namespace-prefix

If you'd like to have a namespace for the minify task (for whatever reasons) you can do so. Integrate it as follows:

<project xmlns:simschla="antlib:ch.simschla.minify">
    <taskdef uri="antlib:ch.simschla.minify" resource="ch/simschla/minify/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="path/to/fast-and-simple-minify-1.0.jar/>

Including it this way, you have to use the minify task with the simschla-namespace as follows:

<target name="example">
     <simschla:minify todir="outdir" ...>

The namespace to use is up to you, so feel free to use a different one if you don't like mine.

The examples below use the minify task without a namespaces. If you decide to include the minify task with a namespace, they will work the same way, simply use the minify task with the namespace.

Definition/API of the minify ant task


Minifies css and js files. The task itself is very similar to ant's copy and has a very similar paremeter set.

By default, files are only minified if the destination file does not exist. However, you can explicitly overwrite files with the overwrite attribute.

Resource Collections are used to select a group of files to minify. To use a resource collection, the todir attribute must be set. Note that some resources (for example the file resource) return absolute paths as names and the result of using them without using a nested mapper (or the flatten attribute) may not be what you expect.


Attribute Description Required
file The file to minify. Yes, unless a nested resource collection element is used.
tofile The file to write the minifed result to. With the file attribute, either tofile or todir can be used.
With nested resource collection elements, if the number of included resources is greater than 1, or if only the dirattribute is specified in the <fileset>, or if the file attribute is also specified, then only todiris allowed.
Prior to Apache Ant 1.8.2 the tofile attribute only supports filesystem resources to copy from.
todir The directory to copy to.
overwrite Overwrite existing files. No; defaults to false.
flatten Ignore the directory structure of the source files, and write all minified files into the directory specified by the todir attribute. Note that you can achieve the same effect by using a flatten mapper. No; defaults to false.
failonerror If false, log a warning message, but do not stop the build, when the file to minify does not exist or one of the nested filesets points to a directory that doesn't exist or an error occurs while minifying. No; defaults to true.
encoding The encoding to use when adding a custom header when minifying the files.
This property has no effect when header is empty.
No - defaults to UTF-8.
enablemultiplemappings If true the task will process to all the mappings for a given source path. If false the task will only process the first file or directory. This attribute is only relevant if there is a mapper subelement. since Ant 1.6 . No - defaults to false.
header A string to be written to the beginning of every minified file. A typical usecase is to write a copyright header here, since comments in the source files are removed by the minifying process. No - defaults to no header.

Parameters specified as nested elements

fileset or any other resource collection

Resource Collections are used to select groups of files to copy. To use a resource collection, the todir attribute must be set.

Prior to Ant 1.7 only has been supported as a nested element.


You can define filename transformations by using a nested mapper element. The default mapper used by <minify> is the identity mapper.

Since Ant 1.6.3, one can use a filenamemapper type in place of the mapper element.

Note that the source name handed to the mapper depends on the resource collection you use. If you use <fileset> or any other collection that provides a base directory, the name passed to the mapper will be a relative filename, relative to the base directory. In any other case the absolute filename of the source will be used.

Usage examples of the minify ant task

These are usage examples of the minify task. The complete specification can be seen below.

Example 1: Minify one file to another file

<minify file="sample/sample1.css"
        tofile="output/sample1-min.css" />

This will minify the file sample1.css to the output file sample1-min.css by automatically selecting the minifier cssmin based on the filenames.

Example 2: Minify one file to another and add a copyright header

<minify header="(c) 2013 by simschla"
        tofile="output/sample1-min.css" />

This will minify the file sample1.css to the output file sample1-min.css by automatically selecting the minifier cssmin based on the filenames. The output file sample1-min.css will start with the copyright header "(c) 2013 by simschla".

Example 3: Minify a set of files to another folder

<minify type="auto" todir="output/minified">
    <fileset dir="path/to/resources" includes="**/*.css, **/*.js" />

This will minify all css and js files located in the folder path/to/resources to the folder output/minified. The minifier is automatically selected based on the name of the files, that are minified.

Example 4: Minify a set of files and rename them in the process

<minify type="css"
        <fileset dir="input/resources/styles" includes="*.css" />
        <regexpmapper from="^(.*)\.(.*)$" to="\1-min.\2" />

This will minify all css files located in the input/resources/styles folder using cssmin. The output files are written to output/resources/styles. All files are renamed based on a regex that renames every filexyz.css to filexyz-min.css.

Using fast-and-simple-minify in your project


To include fast-and-simple-minify into your maven project use the snippet:



To include it via Gradle add maven central repo and the dependency, e.g. like below

compile 'ch.simschla:fast-and-simple-minify:1.0'

Apache Ivy

To add a dependency via Apache Ivy use the following snippet

<dependency org="ch.simschla" name="fast-and-simple-minify" rev="1.0"/>


To add fast-and-simple-minify manually download the required jars from github release. fast-and-simple-minify has no transitive dependencies, so just pick the jar file and off you go.


A simple java implementation of jsmin and cssmin







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