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reqirements are

  • java > 1.4.2 (depends on the jruby version, newer verions need java1.6)

  • sqlite3

  • optional: jruby from

the whole readme will use MRI but you can use jruby anytime.

install ruby-maven gem

gem install ruby-maven

now there is a rmvn command available.

from rails point of view you just take the rails/rake commands and prefix them with rmvn and a gwt command.

any rmvn command will place the gems for the application in the directory target/rubygems which is set as GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH by the rmvn command.

setup PATH variable

when the PATH set is set to

export PATH=./target/bin:$PATH

then you can use rails, rake, rspec in the context of the application, i.e. gems are managed by bundler and jars are managed by ruby-maven. when you do not set the PATH then you need to prefix rmvn in front of those commands rmvn rails, rmvn rake, rmvn rspec, etc

NOTE some older versions of jruby has a bug which does not obey relative path-entries in PATH.

setup a fresh system

now we need to run

rmvn bundle install

NOTE running maven the first times takes some time. installing rubygems via maven takes a long time on the first run. so just be patient !

the above installs all gem with platform java - this is needed to run gwt shell. to intall the MRI gems just run

bundle install

again. now you can setup the database

rake db:setup

the root user has no password yet, but with the reset password by email on the login screen you can get a password - in development mode the email gets printed out in the console log.

starting the server

for GWT development you need to use the development shell from GWT. you also can start the application with webrick (or with any other server gem) but for this you need to compile first the GWT part into javascript. finally you can use MRI to run the application.

get a password (for development)

for each user you can reset the password via the login screen and see it inside the email which gets dump into the rails output.

run gwt development shell

no need for compilation just start the server and developement shell with

gwt run

now you can launch a browser directly from that shell. the first time the browser ask to install a gwt-plugin for your browser, after that the application will start up.

run webrick

first you need to compile the GWT application by

gwt compile

then you can start the server

rails server

to start the GUI:


scaffold a resource

as example an account with a name attribute:

rails generate scaffold account name:string --optimistic --modified_by

note: the optimistic option will add optimistic transactions to the controller using the updated_at timestamp of the model. the modified_by option will add a reference to each record to the last user modified the record and the respective controller code.

after added a new resource (model) you need to update the database:

rake db:migrate

and most likely you need to restart the server (at least for GWT part).

gwt run

the GWT url for that new model you get by adding #accounts:new to the url which gets started by GWT development shell (with default port):


all controllers will also generate xml and json views (when there a valid session cookie, i.e. first login in the GWT GUI):



note: to use the new resource with webrick you need to compile it first with gwt compile


each user belongs to none, one or more groups. for each action on the controller you can declare the allowed groups. for the acount from the example above the guard declaration is in:



manage users and their groups and associations of their groups






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