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Hive UDF's for Text Mining

This project contains Apache Hive User-Defined Wrapper Functions for the Apache Lucene Search Spell API.

This projects provides to main functions

  • distance - which calculates the distance between to strings based on selected algorithm (e.g Levenstein, Jaro Winkler, NGramDistance, etc.).
  • suggestion - based on a text based dictionary.
  • clean - clean text from whitspaces and other characters.
  • urlextractor - extract first url match from text
  • classifier - classify text based on a trainings set (naive bayes classifier)

Hive configuration

First you must build the JAR.

mvn package

Start the Hive CLI and add the hive-udf-textmining-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to the Hive class path.


ADD JAR /home/dwh/projects/hive-udf/target/hive-udf-textmining-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar;
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION distance as 'ch.yax.hive.udf.text.Distance';
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION suggestion as 'ch.yax.hive.udf.text.Suggestion';
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION clean as 'ch.yax.hive.udf.text.Clean';
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION urlextractor as 'ch.yax.hive.udf.text.UrlExtractor';
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION classifier as 'ch.yax.hive.udf.text.TextClassifier';

CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION timestamp as 'ch.yax.hive.udf.number.Timestamp';
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION increment as 'ch.yax.hive.udf.number.AutoIncrement';

create a table dummy and a file dual.txt with value ‘X’. The load the file into the table.



You can now execute the query to calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings.

SELECT distance("L", "my text", "me text") FROM DUAL;

Or for the Jaro–Winkler distance

SELECT distance("J", "my text", "me text") FROM DUAL;

Or the suggestions function which returns the best match for "football" in the file "/tmp/sports.txt" based on the Levenshtein distance.

ADD FILE /data/sport.txt;

SELECT suggestion("L", "i love football", "/data/sport.txt") FROM DUAL;

This query should return FOOTBALL. You can also add the threshold a value from 0.0 to 1.0 and the minimum token length.

SELECT suggestion("L", "i love foot", "/data/sport.txt", 0.5, 4) FROM DUAL;

float : distance (string strategy, string target, string other)


  • strategy: the algorithm which should be used for calculating the distance. L = LEVENSTEIN, J = JAROWINKLER or N2 = BIGRAM
  • target: string to compare
  • other: string to compare

returns: the distance between the target and other as float.

string : suggestion (string strategy, string target, string file)


  • strategy: the algorithm which should be used for calculating the distance. L = LEVENSTEIN, J = JAROWINKLER or N2 = BIGRAM
  • target: string to compare
  • file: a file with suggestions which should be returned when they matched.

returns: the string from the file in upper-case which has the best match with the target string or 'UNKNOW' when not match was found. As default minimum token length is 4 and match must be equal or better than a threshold 0.85.

string : suggestion (string strategy, string target, string file, float threshold, integer minTokenLength)


  • strategy: the algorithm which should be used for calculating the distance. L = LEVENSTEIN, J = JAROWINKLER or N2 = BIGRAM
  • target: string to compare
  • file: a file with suggestions which should be returned when they matched.
  • threshold: the minimum threshold for a match
  • minTokenLength: minimum token length

returns: the string from the file in upper-case which has the best match with the target string or 'UNKNOW' when not match was found.

string : clean (string text)


  • text: original text

returns: cleaned text

string : urlextractor (string text)


  • text: original text with url

returns: returns first url match

string : classifier (string text, string file)


  • text: text to classify
  • file: trainings data for classification

returns: returns classified group from file

Text Mining

select clean(text), suggestion("L", clean(text),"/home/dwh/") from tweets;

ADD FILE /home/dwh/trainings_data.csv;
ADD FILE /home/dwh/;
select classifier(clean(text),'/home/dwh/trainings_data.csv'), clean(text) from tweets;
select classifier(clean(text),'/home/dwh/trainings_data.csv', 0.5), clean(text) from tweets;

select classifier(clean(text),'/home/dwh/trainings_data.csv', 0.5), suggestion('L', clean(text), '/home/dwh/'), clean(text) from tweets;

select increment(), timestamp(), classifier(clean(text),'/home/dwh/trainings_data.csv', 0.5), suggestion('L', clean(text), '/home/dwh/'), clean(text) from tweets;

insert overwrite local directory '/tmp/out' select clean(text) from tweets;

Initialize Eclipse

To initialize eclipse settings run the following maven command.

mvn eclipse:eclipse


Hive User-Defined Functions (UDFs) for Text Mining






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