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#ZappMerchantLibrary SDK integration documentation

ZappMerchantLibrary is for Android Merchant applications to integrate Pay by Bank app payments.

##Build from source ###Since the debug and release versions of the Zapp Merchant Android Library .aar files are provided with the release, building the library from source is optional Gradle (on Mac):

    - open a Terminal Window
    - change directory to be the root folder of "Sample" (Merchant Demo 2)
        Android Application Project
    - execute command "./gradlew :zapp-merchant-library:assembleRelease"
    - execute command "./gradlew :zapp-core-library:assemble"
    - the release Android Archive of the library (zapp-merchant-library-release.aar)
        is located in the ./zapp-merchant-library/build/outputs/aar folder
    - the jar file (zapp-core-library.jar)
        is located in the ./modules/zapp-core-library/zapp-core-library/build/libs folder

Gradle (on Windows):

    - open a Command Prompt Window
    - change directory to be the root folder of "Sample" (Merchant Demo 2)
        Android Application Project
    - execute command "gradlew :zapp-merchant-library:assembleRelease"
    - execute command "gradlew :zapp-core-library:assemble"
    - the release Android Archive of the library (zapp-merchant-library-release.aar)
        is located in the zapp-merchant-library/build/outputs/aar directory
    - the jar file (zapp-core-library.jar)
        is located in the modules/zapp-core-library/zapp-core-library/build/libs directory

###Import the debug or release version Zapp Merchant Library .aar to the Merchant Application Project. This is the recommended way of using the library Android Studio:

    - select "File" -> "New" -> "New Module"
    - select "Import .JAR or .AAR package"
    - click "Next"
    - browse "zapp-merchant-library-release.aar" file in to the "File name" field
    - enter "zapp-merchant-libarary-2.0.0" in to the "Subproject name" field
    - click "Finish"
    - add dependency "compile project(':zapp-merchant-library-2.0.0')" in gradle file
    - in order to resolve the conflicts replace the "allowBackup" value in application 
      manifest  file as follows:

###Import the Zapp Core Library .jar to the Merchant Application Project. This is the recommended way of using the library Android Studio:

    - select "File" -> "New" -> "New Module"
    - select "Import .JAR or .AAR package"
    - click "Next"
    - browse "zapp-core-library.jar" file in to the "File name" field
    - enter "zapp-core-library" in to the "Subproject name" field
    - click "Finish"
    - add dependency "compile project(':zapp-core-library')" in gradle file

##Add the source ###Adding the source of the Zapp Merchant Library to the Merchant Application Project is not recommended. However, it may be useful to do this during the development phase Android Studio:

    - select "File" -> "New" -> "Import Module"
    - browse "zapp-merchant-library" subfolder of the Sample (Merchant Demo 2) application in to the "Source directory" field
    - observe that the "zapp-core-library" appears in the additional required modules list
    - click "Finish"

The source code structure

  • com.zapp.library.merchant
    • exception - predefined errors
    • model - payment request builder
      • callback - callback listeners for delegate calls
    • service
      • delegate - the delegate interfaces to be implemented by the Merchant Application
      • impl - Zapp merchant service implementation
      • provider - Zapp merchant service interface
    • ui - Pay by Bank app popup activity
      • fragment - Pay by Bank app popup fragments (mcomm, ecomm, error)
    • util - utility classes
    • view - Zapp custom widgets and Pay by Bank app button


###Add Pay by Bank App Button To View Layout Add the following to your layout resource:

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

###Create a Zapp Payment Request There are two types of possible payments (Immediate and Deferred). Pay by Bank app provides the ability for a Merchant to defer the payment until the goods are ready to be fulfilled. This feature is called Pay on Delivery.

Here are examples of how to create Immediate and Deferred payment requests for "Quick Payment", "Paying a bill" or "SMB" journey More examples are present in the Sample (Merchant Demo 2) Application source code.

#####Immediate Payments PayPlus Payment

try {
    final CurrencyAmount amount = new CurrencyAmount(1000l, CurrencyAmount.POUNDS);

    final Address merchantAddress = new Address("200 Queen Victoria Street", /*line2*/ null, /*line3*/ null, /*line4*/ null,
    /*line5*/ null, /*line6*/ null, /* postCode */ null, Address.UK);

    //logoUrl is null because it is set in Zapp Core already
    final Merchant merchant = new Merchant(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_NAME, "", /*phone*/ null, merchantAddress,
            Uri.parse("").toString(), /* logoUrl */ null);

    final Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder();
    final Uri merchantCallbackUri = uriBuilder
            .appendQueryParameter("param1", "value1")

    final PaymentRequestBuilder paymentRequestBuilder = new PaymentRequestBuilder();

    final PaymentRequest paymentRequest =;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set up PayPlus Payment", e);

####Paying a bill

try {
    final CurrencyAmount amount = new CurrencyAmount(1400l, CurrencyAmount.POUNDS);

    final Date periodFrom = DATE_FORMATTER.parse("2015-08-01");
    final Date periodTo = DATE_FORMATTER.parse("2015-08-30");
    final BillDetails billDetails = new BillDetails("8500 222 66138", "Y6557802", periodFrom, periodTo);

    final Address userAddress = new Address("10 Downing Street", /*line2*/ null, /*line3*/ "London", /*line4*/ null,
    /*line5*/ null, /*line6*/ null, /*postCode*/ "SW1A 2AA", Address.UK);
    final User user = new User("John", "Smith", /*middle name*/ null, /*title*/ null, /*email*/ null, /*phone*/ null);
    final Address merchantAddress = new Address("200 Queen Victoria Street", /*line2*/ null, /*line3*/ null, /*line4*/ null,
    /*line5*/ null, /*line6*/ null, /*postCode*/ null, Address.UK);

    //logoUrl is null because it is set in Zapp Core already
    final Merchant merchant = new Merchant(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_NAME, "", /*phone*/ null, merchantAddress,
            Uri.parse("").toString(), /* logoUrl */ null);

    final Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder();
    final Uri merchantCallbackUri = uriBuilder
            .appendQueryParameter("param1", "value1")

    final PaymentRequestBuilder paymentRequestBuilder = new PaymentRequestBuilder();

    final PaymentRequest paymentRequest =;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set up Bill Payment", e);

####SMB Journey

try {
    final CurrencyAmount amount = new CurrencyAmount(1600l, CurrencyAmount.POUNDS);

    final Address merchantAddress = new Address("200 Queen Victoria Street", /*line2*/ null, /*line3*/ null, /*line4*/ null,
    /*line5*/ null, /*line6*/ null, /*postCode*/ null, Address.UK);

    //logoUrl is null because it is set in Zapp Core already
    final Merchant merchant = new Merchant(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_NAME, "", /*phone*/ null, merchantAddress,
            Uri.parse("").toString(), /* logoUrl */ null);

    final PaymentRequestBuilder paymentRequestBuilder = new PaymentRequestBuilder();

    final PaymentRequest paymentRequest =;

    } catch (ZappModelValidationException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set up SMB Payment", e);

#####Deferred Payments ####PayPlus

try {
    final CurrencyAmount defrdRTPAgrmtAmount = new CurrencyAmount(1200l, CurrencyAmount.POUNDS); //£12
    final CurrencyAmount defrdRTPMaxAgrdAmount = null; //N/A

    final Address merchantAddress = new Address("200 Queen Victoria Street", /*line2*/ null, /*line3*/ "London", /*line4*/ null,
    /*line5*/ null, /*line6*/ null, /* postCode */ "EC1 2EC", Address.UK);

    //logoUrl is null because it is set in Zapp Core already
    final Merchant merchant = new Merchant(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_NAME, "", /*phone*/ null, merchantAddress,
            Uri.parse("").toString(), /* logoUrl */ null);

    final AmountDetail serviceAmountDetail = new AmountDetail(AmountType.FEES, "Service fee", "10.00", /* rate */ null); //£10 service
    final AmountDetail vatAmountDetail = new AmountDetail(AmountType.VATX, "VAT", "20.00", "2.00"); //£2 VAT
    final AmountDetail[] amountDetails = {serviceAmountDetail, vatAmountDetail};

    final Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder();
    final Uri merchantCallbackUri = uriBuilder
            .appendQueryParameter("param1", "value1")

    final PaymentRequestBuilder paymentRequestBuilder = new PaymentRequestBuilder();
            .withAcrType(ACRType.FUNDS_CHECK) //do funds checking but no funds guarantee.
            .withDefrdRTPAgrmtAmount(defrdRTPAgrmtAmount) //£12.00
            .withDefrdRTPMaxAgrdAmount(defrdRTPMaxAgrdAmount) //N/A

    final PaymentRequest paymentRequest =;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set up PayPlus deferred payment", e);

####Standard Payment

try {
    final CurrencyAmount defrdRTPAgrmtAmount = new CurrencyAmount(1200l, CurrencyAmount.POUNDS); //£12
    final CurrencyAmount defrdRTPMaxAgrdAmount = null; //N/A

    final Address userAddress = new Address("125 Old Broad St", /*line2*/ null, /*line3*/ "London", /*line4*/ null, /*line5*/ null,
    /*line6*/ null, /*postCode*/ "ECN 1AR", Address.UK);

    final User user = new User("John", "Smith", /*middle name*/ null, /*title*/ null, /*email*/ "", 
    /*phone*/ null);

    final Address merchantStoreAddress = new Address("Zapp Super Store", "2 Puddle Dock", "London", /*line4*/ null, /*line5*/ null,
    /*line6*/ null, /*postCode*/ "EC4V 3DB", Address.UK);

    final Address merchantAddress = new Address("200 Queen Victoria Street", /*line2*/ null, /*line3*/ "London", /*line4*/ null,
    /*line5*/ null, /*line6*/ null, /*postCode*/ "EC1 2EC", Address.UK);

    //logoUrl is null because it is set in Zapp Core already
    final Merchant merchant = new Merchant(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_NAME, "", /*phone*/ null, merchantAddress,
                    Uri.parse("").toString(), /* logoUrl */ null);

    final Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder();
    final Uri merchantCallbackUri = uriBuilder
            .appendQueryParameter("param1", "value1")

    final PaymentRequestBuilder paymentRequestBuilder = new PaymentRequestBuilder();
            .withAcrType(ACRType.FUNDS_CHECK) //do funds checking but no funds guarantee.
            .withDefrdRTPAgrmtAmount(defrdRTPAgrmtAmount) //£12.00
            .withDefrdRTPMaxAgrdAmount(defrdRTPMaxAgrdAmount); //N/A

    final PaymentRequest paymentRequest =;

    } catch (ZappModelValidationException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set up Standard deferred payment", e);

###Initialize Zapp Merchant Service

Initialize the delegates:

    final IMerchantNetworkServiceDelegate serviceDelegate = new MerchantNetworkServiceDelegateImpl(context);
    final ZappMerchantUIDelegate uiDelegate = new MerchantUIDelegateImpl(context);

Pass the delegates to the Zapp Merchant Service

    final IMerchantService merchantService = ZappMerchantServiceFactory.createMerchantService(serviceDelegate, uiDelegate);

Implement the IMerchantNetworkServiceDelegate and ZappMerchantUIDelegate in order to communicate with the Merchant in-house system to enable the user to see the payment status in the Merchant application.

####Delegates Implementation The Merchant application should implement IMerchantNetworkServiceDelegate and extend the ZappMerchantUIDelegate which are used by the Zapp Merchant Library in order to communicate with the user and the backend.


 * Initiates a payment using the provided {@link com.zapp.core.Transaction} details
 * which describes all the details about a payment, like {@link com.zapp.core.PaymentType PaymentType}
 * or {@link com.zapp.core.BillDetails BillDetails}.
 * <br>
 * Implementers are completely responsible for handling network or DB calls. <br>
 * Implementation can execute blocking calls (network/DB calls) in current Thread or have an
 * asynchronous execution in place.
 * <br>
 * This method is invoked only after a successful validation of payment details and a new RTP(request-to-pay)
 * is to be created.
 * <br>
 * Caller should be notified through {@link com.zapp.library.merchant.model.callback.OnResponseListener responseListener}
 * in case of success or failure.
 * @param paymentRequest      All details required to initiate a merchant payment journey, like
 *                           {@link com.zapp.core.PaymentType PaymentType}
 *                           or {@link com.zapp.core.BillDetails BillDetails}.
 *                           You can use {@link com.zapp.library.merchant.model.PaymentRequestBuilder} to
 *                           build a {@link PaymentRequest} object you need.
 * @param onResponseListener {@link OnResponseListener OnResponseListener}
 *                           providing callbacks for success and error scenarios while initiating
 *                           an RTP using the provided {@link com.zapp.core.Transaction} details or any
 *                           network-related {@link com.zapp.library.merchant.exception.Error error}.
void initiatePayment(PaymentRequest paymentRequest, OnResponseListener<Transaction> onResponseListener);

 * Checks a payment status using the provided {@link com.zapp.core.Transaction} details
 * which should contain, at least, a non-null {@link com.zapp.core.TransactionId transactionId}
 * containing an <code>aptrId</code> which uniquely identifies a {@link com.zapp.core.Transaction}.
 * <br>
 * Implementers are completely responsible for handling network or DB calls. <br>
 * Implementation can execute blocking calls (network/DB calls) in current Thread or have an
 * asynchronous execution in place.
 * <br>
 * Caller should be notified through {@link com.zapp.library.merchant.model.callback.OnResponseListener responseListener}
 * in case of success or failure.
 * @param transaction        Payment details containing a non-null {@link com.zapp.core.TransactionId transactionId}
 *                           containing an <code>aptrID</code> which uniquely identifies a
 *                           pending {@link com.zapp.core.Transaction}.
 *                           <br>
 * @param onResponseListener {@link OnResponseListener OnResponseListener}
 *                           providing callbacks for success and error scenarios while checking
 *                           payment status using the provided <code>aptrID</code> or any
 *                           network-related {@link com.zapp.library.merchant.exception.Error error}.
 *                           If an error with errorCode
 *                           {@link com.zapp.library.merchant.exception.ErrorType#PAYMENT_NOT_CONFIRMED ErrorType#PAYMENT_NOT_CONFIRMED}
 *                           is received on failure, then merchant library automatically send
 *                           another call for checking the payment status using the current method.
void notifyMerchantPayment(Transaction transaction, OnResponseListener<Transaction> onResponseListener);

 * Retrieves the current settlement status in Zapp using the merchantId and settlementRetrievalId.
 * <br>
 * <br>
 * Caller should be notified through {@link OnResponseListener responseListener} in case of success or failure.
 * @param merchantId            The merchant's id.
 * @param settlementRetrievalId The settlement retrieval id.
 * @param responseListener      {@link OnResponseListener OnResponseListener} providing callbacks for success and error scenarios.
void getSettlementStatus(String merchantId, String settlementRetrievalId, OnResponseListener<SettlementStatus> responseListener);


 * Shows a payment confirmation screen to the user with the status whether it has been successful or rejected.
 * Also it allows the merchant app to display the payment details to the user.
 * @param transaction Transaction details to be displayed.
 * @param error       The error message in case that payment has failed.
void showPaymentConfirmationScreen(Transaction transaction, com.zapp.library.merchant.exception.Error error);

 * Shows the screen with the Pay by Bank app code to the user for Small-Micro Business (SMB) transactions.
 * @param transaction The SMB payment transaction details.
void showSMBScreen(Transaction transaction);

###Sample implementations

  1. "Merchant Demo" implementation which gives and example of how to use the SDK is at
  2. Sample implementation of the IMerchantNetworkServiceDelegate is at /
  3. Sample implementation of the ZappMerchantUIDelegate is at /


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