コード例 #1
  * Removes all the objects that match the a given optional query. If query is not specified, all
  * objects are removed. However, please notice that this is normally less performant that dropping
  * the collection and creating it and its indices again
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-objects}
  * @param collection the collection whose elements will be removed
  * @param query the optional {@link DBObject} query object. Objects that match it will be removed.
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to remove the object
 public void removeObjects(
     String collection,
     @Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject query,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
   client.removeObjects(collection, query, writeConcern);
コード例 #2
  * Inserts or updates an object based on its object _id.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:save-object}
  * @param collection the collection where to insert the object
  * @param element the mandatory {@link DBObject} object to insert.
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to persist the object
 public void saveObject(
     String collection,
     @Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject element,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
   client.saveObject(collection, from(element), writeConcern);
コード例 #3
  * Removes all the objects that match the a given optional query. If query is not specified, all
  * objects are removed. However, please notice that this is normally less performant that dropping
  * the collection and creating it and its indices again
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-using-query-map}
  * @param collection the collection whose elements will be removed
  * @param queryAttributes the query object. Objects that match it will be removed.
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to remove the object
 public void removeUsingQueryMap(
     String collection,
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") Map<String, Object> queryAttributes,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
   client.removeObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), writeConcern);
コード例 #4
  * Inserts an object in a collection, setting its id if necessary.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:insert-object}
  * @param collection the name of the collection where to insert the given object
  * @param dbObject a {@link DBObject} instance.
  * @param writeConcern the optional write concern of insertion
  * @return the id that was just insterted
 public String insertObject(
     String collection,
     @Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject dbObject,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
   return client.insertObject(collection, dbObject, writeConcern);
コード例 #5
  * Finds the first object that matches a given query. Throws a {@link MongoException} if no one
  * matches the given query
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-object-using-query-map}
  * @param collection the target collection
  * @param queryAttributes the mandatory query object that the returned object matches.
  * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List
  * @return a non-null {@link DBObject} that matches the query.
 public DBObject findOneObjectUsingQueryMap(
     String collection,
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") Map<String, Object> queryAttributes,
     @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional List<String> fields) {
   return client.findOneObject(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), fields);
コード例 #6
  * Inserts or updates an object based on its object _id.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:save-object-from-map}
  * @param collection the collection where to insert the object
  * @param elementAttributes the mandatory object to insert.
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to persist the object
 public void saveObjectFromMap(
     String collection,
     @Placement(group = "Element Attributes") Map<String, Object> elementAttributes,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
   client.saveObject(collection, (DBObject) adapt(elementAttributes), writeConcern);
コード例 #7
  * Finds the first object that matches a given query. Throws a {@link MongoException} if no one
  * matches the given query
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-object}
  * @param collection the target collection
  * @param query the mandatory {@link DBObject} query object that the returned object matches.
  * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List
  * @return a non-null {@link DBObject} that matches the query.
 public DBObject findOneObject(
     String collection,
     @Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject query,
     @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional List<String> fields) {
   return client.findOneObject(collection, query, fields);
コード例 #8
  * Creates a new collection. If the collection already exists, a MongoException will be thrown.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:create-collection}
  * @param collection the name of the collection to create
  * @param capped if the collection will be capped
  * @param maxObjects the maximum number of documents the new collection is able to contain
  * @param size the maximum size of the new collection
 public void createCollection(
     String collection,
     @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean capped,
     @Optional Integer maxObjects,
     @Optional Integer size) {
   client.createCollection(collection, capped, maxObjects, size);
コード例 #9
  * Transforms a collection into a collection of aggregated groups, by applying a supplied
  * element-mapping function to each element, that transforms each one into a key-value pair,
  * grouping the resulting pairs by key, and finally reducing values in each group applying a
  * suppling 'reduce' function.
  * <p>Each supplied function is coded in JavaScript.
  * <p>Note that the correct way of writing those functions may not be obvious; please consult
  * MongoDB documentation for writing them.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:map-reduce-objects}
  * @param collection the name of the collection to map and reduce
  * @param mapFunction a JavaScript encoded mapping function
  * @param reduceFunction a JavaScript encoded reducing function
  * @param outputCollection the name of the output collection to write the results, replacing
  *     previous collection if existed, mandatory when results may be larger than 16MB. If
  *     outputCollection is unspecified, the computation is performed in-memory and not persisted.
  * @return an iterable that retrieves the resulting collection of {@link DBObject}
 public Iterable<DBObject> mapReduceObjects(
     String collection,
     String mapFunction,
     String reduceFunction,
     @Optional String outputCollection) {
   return client.mapReduceObjects(collection, mapFunction, reduceFunction, outputCollection);
コード例 #10
  * Finds all objects that match a given query. If no query is specified, all objects of the
  * collection are retrieved. If no fields object is specified, all fields are retrieved.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-objects}
  * @param collection the target collection
  * @param query the optional {@link DBObject} query object. If unspecified, all documents are
  *     returned.
  * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List
  * @param numToSkip number of objects skip (offset)
  * @param limit limit of objects to return
  * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject}
 public Iterable<DBObject> findObjects(
     String collection,
     @Optional @Default("") DBObject query,
     @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional List<String> fields,
     @Optional Integer numToSkip,
     @Optional Integer limit) {
   return client.findObjects(collection, query, fields, numToSkip, limit);
コード例 #11
  * Updates objects that matches the given query. If parameter multi is set to false, only the
  * first document matching it will be updated. Otherwise, all the documents matching it will be
  * updated.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects}
  * @param collection the name of the collection to update
  * @param query the {@link DBObject} query object used to detect the element to update.
  * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches
  *     the query.
  * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
  * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
 public void updateObjects(
     String collection,
     DBObject query,
     @Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject element,
     @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
     @Optional @Default("true") boolean multi,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
   client.updateObjects(collection, query, element, upsert, multi, writeConcern);
コード例 #12
  * Finds all objects that match a given query. If no query is specified, all objects of the
  * collection are retrieved. If no fields object is specified, all fields are retrieved.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-objects-using-query-map}
  * @param collection the target collection
  * @param queryAttributes the optional query object. If unspecified, all documents are returned.
  * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List
  * @param numToSkip number of objects skip (offset)
  * @param limit limit of objects to return
  * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject}
 public Iterable<DBObject> findObjectsUsingQueryMap(
     String collection,
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional Map<String, Object> queryAttributes,
     @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional List<String> fields,
     @Optional Integer numToSkip,
     @Optional Integer limit) {
   return client.findObjects(
       collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), fields, numToSkip, limit);
コード例 #13
  * Updates objects that matches the given query. If parameter multi is set to false, only the
  * first document matching it will be updated. Otherwise, all the documents matching it will be
  * updated.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects-using-query-map}
  * @param collection the name of the collection to update
  * @param queryAttributes the query object used to detect the element to update.
  * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches
  *     the query.
  * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
  * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
 public void updateObjectsUsingQueryMap(
     String collection,
     Map<String, Object> queryAttributes,
     DBObject element,
     @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
     @Optional @Default("true") boolean multi,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
       collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), element, upsert, multi, writeConcern);
コード例 #14
   * Update objects using a mongo function
   * <p>
   * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects-by-function}
   * @param collection the name of the collection to update
   * @param function the function used to execute the update
   * @param query the {@link DBObject} query object used to detect the element to update.
   * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches
   *     the query.
   * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
   * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
   * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
  public void updateObjectsByFunction(
      String collection,
      String function,
      DBObject query,
      DBObject element,
      @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
      @Optional @Default(value = "true") boolean multi,
      @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
    DBObject functionDbObject = fromFunction(function, element);

    client.updateObjects(collection, query, functionDbObject, upsert, multi, writeConcern);
コード例 #15
  * Creates a new GridFSFile in the database, saving the given content, filename, contentType, and
  * extraData, and answers it.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:create-file-from-payload}
  * @param payload the mandatory content of the new gridfs file. It may be a java.io.File, a byte[]
  *     or an InputStream.
  * @param filename the mandatory name of new file.
  * @param contentType the optional content type of the new file
  * @param metadata the optional {@link DBObject} metadata of the new content type
  * @return the new GridFSFile {@link DBObject}
  * @throws IOException IOException
 public DBObject createFileFromPayload(
     @Payload Object payload,
     String filename,
     @Optional String contentType,
     @Optional DBObject metadata)
     throws IOException {
   InputStream stream = toStream(payload);
   try {
     return client.createFile(stream, filename, contentType, metadata);
   } finally {
コード例 #16
   * Update objects using a mongo function
   * <p>
   * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample
   * mongo:update-objects-by-function-using-map}
   * @param collection the name of the collection to update
   * @param function the function used to execute the update
   * @param queryAttributes the query object used to detect the element to update.
   * @param elementAttributes the mandatory object that will replace that one which matches the
   *     query.
   * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
   * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
   * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
  public void updateObjectsByFunctionUsingMap(
      String collection,
      String function,
      Map<String, Object> queryAttributes,
      Map<String, Object> elementAttributes,
      @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
      @Optional @Default(value = "true") boolean multi,
      @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
    DBObject functionDbObject = fromFunction(function, (DBObject) adapt(elementAttributes));

        (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes),
コード例 #17
  * Answers an inputstream to the contents of the first file that matches the given query. If no
  * object matches it, a MongoException is thrown.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:get-file-content}
  * @param query the {@link DBObject} mandatory query
  * @return an InputStream to the file contents
 public InputStream getFileContent(@Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject query) {
   return client.getFileContent(from(query));
コード例 #18
  * Answers the first file that matches the given query. If no object matches it, a MongoException
  * is thrown.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-file-using-query-map}
  * @param queryAttributes the mandatory query
  * @return a {@link DBObject}
 public DBObject findOneFileUsingQueryMap(
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) {
   return client.findOneFile((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes));
コード例 #19
  * Answers the first file that matches the given query. If no object matches it, a MongoException
  * is thrown.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-file}
  * @param query the {@link DBObject} mandatory query
  * @return a {@link DBObject}
 public DBObject findOneFile(DBObject query) {
   return client.findOneFile(from(query));
コード例 #20
  * Removes all the files that match the given query. If no query is specified, all files are
  * removed
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-files-using-query-map}
  * @param queryAttributes the optional query
 public void removeFilesUsingQueryMap(
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) {
   client.removeFiles((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes));
コード例 #21
  * Lists all the files that match the given query, sorting them by filename. If no query is
  * specified, all files are listed.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:list-files-using-query-map}
  * @param queryAttributes the optional query
  * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject}
 public Iterable<DBObject> listFilesUsingQueryMap(
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) {
   return client.listFiles((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes));
コード例 #22
  * Counts the number of objects that match the given query. If no query is passed, returns the
  * number of elements in the collection
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:count-objects-using-query-map}
  * @param collection the target collection
  * @param queryAttributes the optional query for counting objects. Only objects matching it will
  *     be counted. If unspecified, all objects are counted.
  * @return the amount of objects that matches the query
 public long countObjectsUsingQueryMap(
     String collection,
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) {
   return client.countObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes));
コード例 #23
  * Counts the number of objects that match the given query. If no query is passed, returns the
  * number of elements in the collection
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:count-objects}
  * @param collection the target collection
  * @param query the optional {@link DBObject} query for counting objects. Only objects matching it
  *     will be counted. If unspecified, all objects are counted.
  * @return the amount of objects that matches the query
 public long countObjects(String collection, @Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject query) {
   return client.countObjects(collection, query);
コード例 #24
  * Answers an inputstream to the contents of the first file that matches the given
  * queryAttributes. If no object matches it, a MongoException is thrown.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:get-file-content-using-query-map}
  * @param queryAttributes the mandatory query attributes
  * @return an InputStream to the file contents
 public InputStream getFileContentUsingQueryMap(
     @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) {
   return client.getFileContent((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes));
コード例 #25
  * Lists all the files that match the given query, sorting them by filename. If no query is
  * specified, all files are listed.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:list-files}
  * @param query the {@link DBObject} optional query
  * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject}
 public Iterable<DBObject> listFiles(@Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject query) {
   return client.listFiles(from(query));
コード例 #26
  * Creates a new index
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:create-index}
  * @param collection the name of the collection where the index will be created
  * @param field the name of the field which will be indexed
  * @param order the indexing order
 public void createIndex(
     String collection, String field, @Optional @Default("ASC") IndexOrder order) {
   client.createIndex(collection, field, order);
コード例 #27
  * Removes all the files that match the given query. If no query is specified, all files are
  * removed
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-files}
  * @param query the {@link DBObject} optional query
 public void removeFiles(@Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject query) {
コード例 #28
  * Drops an existing index
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:drop-index}
  * @param collection the name of the collection where the index is
  * @param index the name of the index to drop
 public void dropIndex(String collection, String index) {
   client.dropIndex(collection, index);
コード例 #29
   * Executes a command on the database
   * <p>
   * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-files}
   * @param commandName The command to execute on the database
   * @param commandValue The value for the command
   * @return The result of the command
  public DBObject executeCommand(String commandName, @Optional String commandValue) {
    DBObject dbObject = fromCommand(commandName, commandValue);

    return client.executeComamnd(dbObject);
コード例 #30
  * List existent indices in a collection
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:list-indices}
  * @param collection the name of the collection
  * @return a collection of {@link DBObject} with indices information
 public Collection<DBObject> listIndices(String collection) {
   return client.listIndices(collection);